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Everything posted by apache25

  1. wow such a good idea im just going to keep this on the front page by writing comments
  2. apache25

    Churches & Repentance

    why not just let people select a certain religion when they spawn nstead of those dumb fucktard christians takin da credit
  3. apache25

    Loot in the DayZ Standalone

    i already suggested the idea of loot spawning in cabinets and shelves i dont know about anyone else though
  4. apache25

    Gas Masks and Tear Gas

    i already suggested this so have 100 but nice idea
  5. yesterday i was playing dayz on a lingor island server and i came across a bandit camp the owners werent there so i decided to plant a few satchel charges and wait for the bandits to come back. 2 hours later i saw 2 jeeps driving towards the camp and i got ready to detonate the charges when they left their jeeps. few minutes later bandits are sitting at campfire then.......boom i had my hands on serious loot and 1 jeep (the other had been destroyed
  6. apache25

    Churches & Repentance

    i already got loads of trophies.........................................THE SHIT I STEAL FROM THE DEAD
  7. apache25

    Churches & Repentance

    who says i was trying to be a troll? im serious this guy needs to get away from churches they are seriously affecting his mental health. if someone wants to pray they can do it anyway by just saying prayers over their mic
  8. apache25

    Churches & Repentance

    go and pray stupid idiot not everybody would beileve in god you know and anyway the priest is a zombie............................. maybe you should try being an atheist its fun you need to take a break from fire brimestone and eternal damnation brother [user warned. -Max]
  9. i was making my way to the NW airfield as a new spawn death was not a loss for me. i passed through a barn on my way and found a lee enfield and 4 magazines for it. delighted i headed to where i thought the NW airfield was. after walking for miles i came across the airfield i crawled across the grass by the wall and spotted 6 possible bandits with starter gear like myself a few of them only had makarov pistols the rest had hatchets. i took aim with my rifle at the closest one i could see bang! 1 murder 2 more shots 1 murder only 4 guys left. i popped the last pistol wielding bandit in the head with one shot. the guys with the hatchets and crowbars started climbing down the ladder and running towards the closest town. after about 10 minutes i got up and looted the dead gunmen i found a makarov pistol and 8 full clips for it to go with my lee enfield i had also found 4 tins of pasta and 2 tins of beans and a water bottle plus an alice pack. i even found a map. thats it
  10. apache25

    So I did a bad thing last night

    wow nice story good job bro good job that you killed those guys but i bet they were the type who kill for kicks
  11. apache25

    dayz location ideas

    idea 1: container ships run aground. idea 2: underground military bunkers with military zombies and high military grade loot. idea 3: container ships at sea with infected crew these ships would have flare guns a medical cabinet and a kitchen with a few tins of food and if the player is on deck during a storm he may get thrown off the ship. idea 4: mental aslyums with kitchens and medical bays and more dangerous zombies. idea 5: oil rigs with infected crew and 2 to 4 fuel tanks for car or boat fuel and a medical room and a kitchen (possibilty of oil rig falling apart or exploding) idea 6: heavily barricaded buildings with only 1 way of getting in these buildings could have pistols and food. idea 7: more detailed countrysides add bogs waterfalls and different types of shrubbery. idea 8: common sniper spots should have zombie hords that spawn whenever a player tries to come near. thats all to all you american people hoping to post suggestions about gun shops in countries like russia civilians have a very limited access to firearms mainly hunting rifles and shotguns are the weapons civilians can buy in russia.
  12. apache25

    dayz location ideas

    really i couldnt find diddly shit
  13. apache25

    Punishment on death suggestion

    if you decrease the amount of food and bullets thats just encouraging pvp to get food and bullets
  14. apache25

    Manned airbases and military areas

    no NPC'S this idea has beenn suggested 20 million times if you want human AI go play warz its a new super easy zombie game
  15. apache25

    dayz location ideas

    i used to use the search function but i stopped because i couldnt find diddly shit
  16. apache25

    dayz location ideas

    it would help if you stated which idea is not mine insteadof just saying use the search function
  17. apache25

    dayz location ideas

    james ashwood which idea is not mine? i apologise if it is not original i shall remove it when you say so
  18. apache25

    Zombie decomposition

    rocket has said that the zombies are not dead they are infected i suppose you want the boring non creepy romero zombies
  19. fairly good idea overall but i dont like the idea of losing mental health by killing players in self defense or losing mental health by looting dead bodies. the campfire idea is a big no no it would punish lone wolves and people who didnt have friends that played dayz and its very hard to find a player who isnt a bandit or pointless killer
  20. apache25

    epic bandit camp destroyed

  21. apache25

    Add Lingor Island in the South

    and GB or great britain i presume you mean is not russia russia has no palm trees and GB most likely has artificial palm trees
  22. apache25

    Add Lingor Island in the South

    lingor is tropical so it would not make sense and it would require too much work
  23. apache25

    epic bandit camp destroyed

    i dont have a youtube acount nor the right tools for making videos so you can either beileve me or not beileve me so feel free to call my story bullshit.