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Everything posted by apache25

  1. the first person in red orchestra 2:heroes of stalingrad was smooth and easier to aim it also felt good and wasnt too much like call of duty
  2. apache25

    melee weapon ideas

    they would not play baseball in chernorussia
  3. ZOMBIE MECHANICS: ordinary zombies should sleep at night walking by them noisily could wake them up and make them more vicious then normal. ZOMBIE: there could be nocturnal zombies that only sleep in daytime but are stronger faster in nighttime. ZOMBIE: there could be packs of zombies that are deadlier faster and roam in the wilderness i know this has been suggested before but i liked the idea so i posted it here (give credit to the original makers of the idea). GANG WARS: players could create gangs as in the takistan life simulator mode this would encourage players to team up and control certain areas to deal weapons food and drugs weapon mags and livestock. SLEEPING: players should need to sleep to gain energy and stay alive as everyone knows you die if you dont sleep. EFFECT OF FLASHING HUNGER BAR: if the players hunger bar is flashing red he should not die for awhile but he should start to become weak and lose blood faster and start blinking and becoming skinny. SEASONS AND PASSING YEARS: if a singleplayer campaign is added this could change the landscape example. the roads and pavements could get grass growing through them and buildings would decay and food would become rarer. TRAWLERS: there could be trawlers that could catch large amounts of fish to eat. BASIC SHELTER BUILDING: if anyone has seen a bear grylls show they will know what i mean. players could get wood and branches to create a shelter to sleep in and keep warm. STORMS: there should be heavy rain storms which would force players to keep warm and hide in shelters (see above suggestion) it would also make swimming and sailing unsafe in the stormy sea. SINGLEPLAYER: if dayz is ported to console make a singleplayer campaign for those without internet connection this would alo make base building easier. DAYZ ON DISC: if dayz is on console make it on a disc instead of a download title so people without access to xbox live or playstation network can play too.
  4. apache25

    NEW! dayz poll please vote

    6 posts in a row? wtf go get fucked
  5. apache25

    Large suggestion list to improve DayZ

    all good ideas here have a can of heinz beans fresh out of the shop
  6. apache25

    melee weapon ideas

    not every chair in russia is solid oh god you must be thick if you think every chair in russia is unbreakable there ae loads of weak homemade chairs too
  7. apache25

    NEW! dayz poll please vote

    im not spamming im posting my ideas mister ashwood you dont mind spamming the forums with LOL repeatedly
  8. apache25

    melee weapon ideas

    i dont give a flying piss about dutch miller and i hate the guts out of wrestling mister ashwood
  9. apache25

    melee weapon ideas

    my qeapons in a zombie apoc would be a machete a mini hatchet and a crossbow
  10. apache25

    NEW! dayz poll please vote

    post updated
  11. apache25

    1 suggestion/request for the stand alone.

    james ashwood i think what he means is being able to unholster weapons while moving which is easy to do
  12. apache25

    1 suggestion/request for the stand alone.

    good point you have its annoying to have to stop when being chased to unholster your weapon you should also be able to shoot pistols while running heres an example. *man running from zombies* *man has to wait 3 seconds as unholstering animation plays out* *man has already lost 500k blood in unholstering animation* *man dies of blood loss because he got swiped while unholstering his pistol which takes 8 bullets to kill zeds*
  13. all of the ideas are good the only bad idea was the countryside of the united kingdom it would be almost exactly the same as chernarus or ireland chernobyl would be a good setting
  14. apache25

    NEW! dayz poll please vote

    this topic is now a poll
  15. apache25

    Lethal area

    love this idea bro
  16. apache25

    NEW! dayz poll please vote

    dutch miller dont post on my ideas again because you have nothing better to do then use sarcasm and piss on these ideas
  17. the dayz will not come to the WIIU maybe xbox and playstation 3 but not WIIU
  18. apache25

    NEW! dayz poll please vote

    dutch miller zombies do sleep depending on your point of viewo f them my point of view on zombies is that they need to sleep they need to eat they need to drink and they can feel pain and they are not the undead they are crazed
  19. apache25

    NEW! dayz poll please vote

    wow people just love pissing on my ideas
  20. apache25

    NEW! dayz poll please vote

    removed sniper combating idea because of noobs who love pointless killing
  21. apache25

    Self-gutting animals. {Standalone maybe}

    i think this idea is quit good shame about the negative comments
  22. apache25

    NEW! dayz poll please vote

    its just an idea for removing sniper rifles from peoples inventorys plus the shelter idea is for basic wood shelters not underground shelters jesus christ i know what rocket has said