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getting "you were kicked from the game" since playing lingor

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i was playing fine on chenarus all day, i got bored and decided to play some lingor. since i played on lingor i just get "you were kicked from the game" on every chernarus server i join. i hav etried the previous fix for this and it didnt work

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you cant play vanilla dayz if another mod is running/enabled.. whatever the word is im looking for... so how are you launching? what other fix have you tried?

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im using dayz commander to launch, i tried the fix where you verify the game caches on both arma 2 and OA.

Edited by crames

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ok so i just installed to see if i still get kicked, didnt get kicked, going to reinstall and see if its fixed :)

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I had the same problem. (I tried verifying and all the other stuff) but I eventully fixed it by uninstalling the game, deleting all my registry stuff for Arma 2 operation arrowhead and then it worked.

Here's a tutorial, but be very careful you can do some serious damage to your operating system if you mess up.


Edited by oceanie

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