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Daniel_H (DayZ)

Need food and drink bad, at NWAF

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Hey, if you want a really god gun from a crash site you come trade with me on the NWAF

Come alone cuz I don't want to get killed by ur stupid ass snipers Im coming alone just put the food on the ground turn around and I come drop the weapond and pick the food up.

If you think im gonna give some stupid ass coast gun you are wrong.

If you think Im gonna kill you, well then you can piss off I guess, cuz Im trying to get hero ''rank''

Send me a message on skype if you want to trade or send me a message on the forum (it will take more time if you send on the forum)

Skype: daniel.hidle

:beans: :beans: :beans: :beans:

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Which gun will you trade?

Where would you want to meet at NWAF?

Be explicit, this is a very suspicious post because no specific details are mentioned at all.

Edited by The1337Hunter

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Which gun will you trade?

Where would you want to meet at NWAF?

Be explicit, this is a very suspicious post because no specific details are mentioned at all.


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