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About SneekyPete3

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  1. SneekyPete3

    Need food and drink bad, at NWAF

  2. SneekyPete3

    Cookies Gun Store ( No we don't sell cookies! )

    I've got 3 tents, 3 ghillies, antibiotics and a coyote backpack I'd like to trade for AS50, NVG, and rangefinders.
  3. First thing I should mention, is don't even talk to me if even one person from your group/ clan is a hacker. Not interested. I'm looking for a group of players that are skilled, mature and (mostly) over 18. I'm 22 years old, been playing this game for about 8 months and have immense knowledge of it. I'm very skilled and able to cooperate well with leaders. Also i'm very low-drama. At the moment I am very well equipped. Let me know if interested! =)
  4. SneekyPete3

    My gun store, need camping tents + m24s and ammo

    I've got enough tents for an AS50 and NVG. Let me know if interested.
  5. SneekyPete3

    Robin-andres shop

    il give you a coyote backpack and a ghillie suit for an as50 and NVG's
  6. Title pretty much sums it up. I have a few m107 rounds and i want an as50 to go with them =). Not to mention rangefinders for obvious reasons. EDIT: I am also willing to trade some of these things for an m24 + rangefinders What I am willing to part with: 3x Ghillie suit 3x Tent 1x m4a1 CCO SD 7X Stanag SD rounds 1x Entrenching tool (i always find this but who the hell needs one) 1x Millitary flashlight (same as the entrenching tool) 1x Toolbox 1x M9 SD - no mags =( I will be able to trade tomorrow between the hours of 3:30 to 6:00 EST You can make offers here or PM me
  7. SneekyPete3

    Banned from all Vilayer.com servers

    This simply is not true. I have never hacked or cheated, yet i am banned. any admin can report you to the cbl by falsifying the logs. they are submitted as a syntax report and can therefore be easily edited. I have been removed form the cbl since i was added to it, but i have no idea where i am supposed to contact vilayer.com to see what ban list they are using or how i may dispute my ban.
  8. SneekyPete3

    Banned from all Vilayer.com servers

    Maybe if i was lucky like you, i wouldn't believe it either. Unfortunately so many people hack this game its hard to keep track. People end up banning anyone who was present during the hack, which seems to have happened to me. I know this because I do not know how to hack, nor would if i could, and the only association i have with hacking is that people have used it against me. (Hacking makes the game unfun, where is the rush if there is no risk of losing gear?). I wish there was something I could do to prove this to people, but there is not. So now im just labeled as another hacker.
  9. I have no idea why. I was falsely put on the dayz community ban (http://code.google.com/p/dayz-community-banlist/) list a couple weeks ago and had that issue resolved. My GUID has been removed from that list. I need someone to show me some proof that i actually cheated, because i didnt. I would love to play the new takistan map i can't because they are all hosted by vilayer.com. Someone please tell me where i can go or who i can contact to get this issue resolved. And before anyone asks, no. I have never, nor ever shall i, use hacks.
  10. SneekyPete3

    Community Banlist

    UPDATE I have officially been removed from this list. Still have to wait for every server that uses this list to update to the new ban list. So in the end, the admin who falsely reported me to this list won. He won because any grief I may have caused him does not hold a candle to how annoyed and frustrated I have been since my banning (almost 2 weeks + however much longer i have to wait for servers to update the list). Thanks for looking into my issue, community ban list team. However, there NEEDS to be punishment for people who submit false logs.
  11. SneekyPete3

    Community Banlist

    It has been at least a week since my ban, and 3 days since i submitted my log. I have received no response. I would agree with you considering the greater good if the team managing this list was trained and efficient; however, they are not. I am in no way able to contact anyone responsible for managing this list other than submitting a log, which shows little promise of getting any response at all. You say that there is no need for more evidence other than syntax, i challenge you to say that again after you've been in my shoes. This is incredibly frustrating and unfair. There either needs to be a requirement for more evidence or there needs to be (as suggested) a grey list in addition to the public list. Once a GUID has received multiple ban requests, THEN they are banned. If all it takes is ONE a**hole who knows how to copy+paste, there is a serious problem. If there are many submissions of a single GUID, it would be much more likely that the accused is ACTUALLY a hacker. Also, 99% success rate? You have absolutely no way of knowing this. It may be closer to 95%, or even 90% for all you know. It may appear to be 99% accurate because it takes ungodly long to remove innocent GUIDs. That said, it MAY be 99% accurate, it may not be. The point is that YOU don't know that, so don't act like you do.
  12. SneekyPete3

    Community banned.

    I (and many future victims im sure) really appreciate your efforts here. hopefully this stupid ass system will get revamped to be more fair. as of right now im just posting in that topic and appealing my ban on the community list crap, but it seems i will be playing on outdated servers for quite awhile, if not forever. I have very little faith in the staff of this list removing my guid.
  13. SneekyPete3

    Community Banlist

    It's not cynicism, Its really happening. I myself am a victim of this at the moment. The problem is that if someone really does get angry about losing their gear or something, there is absolutely no repercussion to submitting a false claim. Did I do anything wrong? Absolutely not. Am I banned from most servers? Yes. Am i going to be unbanned? Hopefully, I don't know. I'm just a member of the community, I have no power over this. Did the person who banned me achieve his goal with little effort? Yes. Whether or not I am unbanned isn't even the core issue. The issue is that some butt-hurt admin can prevent me from playing my favorite game based on pure conjecture. So what little grief I caused him by killing him or looting his gear pales in comparison to what I am experiencing, simply because this "community ban list" is poorly moderated and unprofessional. Even if the gods do looketh down upon me with mercy and i do get unbanned, nothing will happen to this A**hole who got me banned in the first place. If this was a real service, something professional like Xbox live, I could make phone calls or send emails and get an immediate response. With this crap, im sitting here for days, filing through the outdated servers trying to find a place to play. Thanks a lot, community.
  14. SneekyPete3

    Community banned.

    So then im just f*cked? what am i supposed to do? il make phonecalls, i'll do whatever it takes except pay another 30 bucks. I bought arma2 to play dayz, i haven't even loaded arma2 by itself yet. Its unbelievable that some random ass players are in charge of my ban appeal. This should be something the dev team or battleye should be in charge of. this community ban list needs actual dayz staff operating it, not some F*cking randoms.