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Weapon suggestions.

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The weaponry in the game seems quite odd for a post Soviet state, what with the availability of American AR-15 platform assault rifles and a lack of Russian made weapons, what with the only things being three? variants of the AK-74 and one of the AKM. .

I haven't spent much time on the forums so please be merciful on me as I ask these questions.

Why on earth is there such a huge variety of American made weapons in a post Soviet state? I understand the Spetsnaz would have access to these weapons so at the barracks this would make sense, I know (From the Dayzdb) that AK rifles are more common, but 9/10 players I see have American made weapons because of the lack of variety and versatility.

AKM, powerful weapon, thumbs up!

No underbarrel/scope attachments.


Why is the only choice of weapons here weaponry with poor iron sights and scopes?

The AK-107 has a default weapon (Fine)

PSO-1 scope (good for medium range)

Kobra (A step up, at least)

GP-25 grenade launcher (FANTABULOUS!)

Hell, even for fun you could add in the AKM that's gold plated as a super-rare item.

For a comparison of the variants, you've got...

AK-74/SU/Kobra 3 variants + AKM =4 weapons.

Comparison. M16A2, M16A2/M203, M4A1, M4A1 CCO, M4A1 CCO SD, M4A3, M16A4 ACOG, M4A1 Holo


Plus, M14, DMR, M107, Beretta M9/SD, M1014, Remington 870 and I'm missing a few. Apologies for that.

But, 8 assault rifles plus two medium range weapons, one long range weapon, two shotguns and an M9, (I'm going to count that as American made as it's in American service and so on)

So is this a post soviet state bordering on the United States?

No, I'm not ragging on Rocket or anyone else, but I'm genuinely curious to why we have so many American/british made weapons in this game whereas we have such a lack of variation in our actual Soviet weaponry.

I brought up the AK-107, I mean, I know it's like an AK-74, but with a lot more customisation.

On that, we have the British AS50 and the American M107, where is the Russian KSVK 12.7x108mm sniper rifle? It's unusual, a bullpup design

Hell, a Vintorez VSS might be beautiful in this game, purely for how shockingly effective it is.

American made Mark 48, Belgium made M240 and the M249, where's a PKM? AN RPK-74 would be fantastic too, just for how it could capitalise on ammunition for the AK-74/107.

We have helicopter crash sites of American make, why not put in some Hind crash sites where you could find a Vintorez or KSVK?

To add a bit more variety at least, we've added in the G17, (Glock 17) so why don't we bring in some more weapons used by the Bundwehsr? If everyone's so against the use of Russian guns, why not bring in some G36 variants ?

Soviet made handguns, we've got the Makarov! and uh... The Makarov! Why don't we add in the Skorpion, or even the Makarov SD? From what I've seen this game was originally created so you could spawn in with a makarov, clearly because it was so terrible. Why not add in a machine pistol?

Hell, even if you're not so approving of my AK choices, why not bring in some of the Czech made guns? the VZ-58 seems fairly customised.

On Czech made weaponry, the CZ-75 is considered to be a fantastic weapon!

I may be wrong, but because the L85 TWS is in the game we can add in weapons from expansions, so again, forgive me if I'm wrong but why don't we add in some new pistols so the M9 or Glock 17 isn't the "No, duh" weapon?

Shotguns don't seem particularly popular, but I'm seeing the M1014 and the Remington 870. Where's the Saiga 12?

In making this post, I'm not saying "ZOMG ADD IN WEAPONS RAOREWREARAE"

What I'm trying to ask is why we don't have that many actual Soviet/Russian made weapons in a POST SOVIET STATE and I'm suggesting potential weapons. Hell, adding in the VZ variants would be good because they are part of the Communist bloc and more than likely a few of them might dribble down to another Communist state. Forgive me if this has already been explained, but this genuinely confuses me.

The handwave excuse "Those weapons were snapped up!" doesn't work.

What about the fact that people die ALL the time? what about the frequency of AMERICAN weapons being... everywhere? I'm calling bullshit on the lack of Soviet weapons.

I offer to find ten players at the Airfield, what are they going to be most likely armed with?

American made weapons and Austrian/Italian (M9) made pistols.

Most of these don't even need to be built from the ground up as the weapons I've spoken of are already in the base game. Sincerely I am not speaking as a troll or anything of the sort, I am genuinely curious and actually extremely confused at the lack of Soviet weapons in a Soviet state...

Edit: I know I'm not mentioning civilian made weapons as I'm simplydiscussing weapons ALREADY in the base game. If you'd like to bring in a revolver sniper rifle, I'd love to see that too. (Yes, it does exist) or any other Russian made weapons that are seen in farms or wherever else, that's not what I'm asking about.

For a full list of guns in the game already, http://www.imfdb.org/wiki/ArmA_II

Edited by Rozjackal
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The Vz-58 is a much better rifle than the AK series and really deserves to be in Dayz.

You list off a few great firearms, I would really like to see the STG44 though and perhaps the Browning High Power.

Edit: I almost forgot about the G3!

Edited by NavyCuda

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Thanks for the support, Navy.

I agree with what you've said, but the difference between the FN FAL and the HK G3 is pretty minor.

Inb4 AK/VZ people commenting.

Yeah, they look similar but the Czech made gun is made with a different piston system (I think) to the AK, but I know they're two very different weapons.

Edit: I put gun suggestions in that are already in the base game and wouldn't take as much effort as creating a new gun.

What would be cool though, would be the SAS Black kit as a skin. More for the terror value and for use at night.

Link for Black Kit.


Edited by Rozjackal

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Thanks for the support, Navy.

I agree with what you've said, but the difference between the FN FAL and the HK G3 is pretty minor.

Well I wouldn't agree with that! The CETME/HKG3 series of rifles are based off of a Nazi Germany designed assault rifle that was to replace the STG44. The G3 utilizes roller delayed blowback and has nothing else on the barrel. This makes the rifle incredibly accurate but also has more stout felt recoil. The FN FAL utilizes a short piston with tilting bolt. Short piston essentially means that the piston does not travel the full distance that the bolt carrier does. When the cartridge is discharged the projectile travels a certain distance down the barrel, a hole in the barrel allows a portion of the expanding gas to provide energy to the piston, which in turn contacts the bolt carrier and provides it with enough energy to cycle the action completely. The piston is separate from the bolt carrier and begins its return to normal position before the bolt carrier has completed its cycle. Both the CETME and the FN FAL were originally prototyped in the same cartridge that the STG44 used, the 7.92x33kurz.

The G3 however, uses the cartridge case as the piston, much like handguns do. When the cartridge is discharged the casing begins to move backwards, but the rollers have mechanical advantage on their side, effectively increasing the amount of energy needed to unlock the bolt and operate the action. The rollers delay the movement long enough to ensure that the projectile has left the barrel, so that it is safe for the bolt to be unlocked. I really shouldn't say unlocked, because in roller delayed the bolt is never truly locked but it is a suitable way to explain how the action operates.

The G3 also has the best iron sights ever put onto a rifle. The MP5 in game uses the same sight concept, called diopter. These are basically two concentric circles that are easy for the human eye to line up, however in game rendering never does diopters justice. In real life, they are just down right awesome. The Sig Arms rifles also use diopters, which is another rifle I'd love to see in game.

Inb4 AK/VZ people commenting.

Yeah, they look similar but the Czech made gun is made with a different piston system (I think) to the AK, but I know they're two very different weapons.

Edit: I put gun suggestions in that are already in the base game and wouldn't take as much effort as creating a new gun.

The VZ58 is striker fired with a short stroke piston and tilting bolt, where the AK is hammer fired using a long stroke piston and rotating bolt. Long stroke pistons are attached directly to the bolt carrier and travel the complete distance with the bolt carrier.

The Vz58 uses a different magazine from the AKM, and also has a bolt hold open device, where the AKM does not. I wish I hadn't sold my CZ858, which is a semi-automatic only variant of the Vz58 for civilian sale. The Vz58 also has a stripper clip guide, making it very easy to reload magazines with ammunition.

browning high power is very good gun it has stopping power

It has almost identical stopping power to any other 9x19parabellum chambered handgun with the same barrel length. I find it very interesting though, that the 9mm and the .45ACP have very close muzzle energy. My plinking ammunition of both 9mm and .45ACP are both around 300 ft.lbs. My hot loaded 9mm is about 325ft.lbs and my hottest .45 ACP is 400ft.lbs. I have not done enough load development with the 9mm yet, but I'm fairly confident I can get it up to 400 ft.lbs.

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There have been many that have come before you, Rozjackal, including me. I always tried to use this to illustrate to people that there are indeed, more universe-fitting weapons.

I give you the East Weapons Pack. It actually contains a lot of shit, which I posted back in a thread a looooooooong ass time ago.

The pack: East Weapons Pack

The long-ass time ago thread that included what the pack includes. Here

It's not a super-huge pack, but it does include some real nice weapons if the DayZ team ever decides to implement them.

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@ Navy, thanks for giving me some information on weaponry I wasn't well knowledgeable of.

@ zombie, again I was just bringing up the guns already in the base game.

But for those guns in that pack, the Yargyin PYA would be awesome, plus if the devs wanted they could add in overpressurised ammo

It's disappointing to see such a lack of Soviet weaponry in a Soviet/former soviet state.

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