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Battleye: Unknown game version

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I get kicked every single time...

What can I do? I try to join, get to the lobby, and kicked. I won't take try different servers as an answer, tried almost all.

My current versions are:

Arma2: 1.62.98046


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Roll back ArmA to the previous version, the latest update isn't backwards compatible with servers running older versions.

Edited by smasht_AU

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I saw a few of these in my logs this afternoon.

My only logical explanation is that the newest beta exe isn't backwards compatible with whatever version the servers you're trying to join are running.

Some (or most) hosts are slightly behind the curve when it comes to having the latest beta avail whereas DayZ commander is hit or miss with updates.

Right now, DayZ Commander has 98046 avail but my host only has 97678.

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