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Anyone get this working for a Mac?

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Hey just saw this game on youtube. Must say it looks extremely good. The realism just pulls me in, but I'm just curious is anyone has been able to successfully get this working on a Mac?

Anyone do it using Wine? Or any other software?

I can't imagine it being possible. But if someone knows please share I'd love to get into this game.


OR if anyone knows where I can find out where to get it operating would be great. Thanks again.

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You're not going to get this running through WINE. Your best bet is to dual boot with Windows. There are many online guides on how to do this. I believe the Mac utility for this is called Boot Camp.

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Yeah I know of Bootcamp and that may be my only way. This game just looks phenomenal. I wonder if I can recycle my windows from my old computer and put it to use on bootcamp. Hopefully I can get this to work.


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Yuck.... I can't believe people still buy Macs. Waste of money IMO.

I have a high end desktop PC, but I loooove my macbook pro just as much, but hey..haters gonna hate! :rolleyes:

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Ah Its more suitable for my field of work that's why I use one. PCs and I never got along. Haha

Plus I don't really play any video games via computer. More of a console player.

Plus can't see whats wrong with a Mac, considering it can run both OS's.

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You'll need bootcamp and a copy of Windows Somethingdecent.

You MAY be able to get it running on a desktop Mac or a top grade MacBook Pro, otherwise not a hope. Simply the graphics chips are utter piss in the laptops. A MacBook Pro may just about run it on very low settings.

Also the PC v Mac argument is a moot point, its generally a wallet/preference/design choice and thats it. Although personally, even though i do own both machines, i think Mac time is over, these days you can get high end PCs that'll do the art/design work that you used to NEED a Mac for.

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Ah Its more suitable for my field of work that's why I use one. PCs and I never got along. Haha

Plus I don't really play any video games via computer. More of a console player.

Plus can't see whats wrong with a Mac' date=' considering it can run both OS's.


That first bit with the line of work made me chuckle. That second line with running multiple OS'es made me chuckler even louder. (Since that goes both ways)

But I digress - Your best bet is indeed to get Bootcamp up and running. Don't expect wonders though, ARMA is a horribly poorly optimized game as it is on Windows, and running it from a Mac using Apple drivers is not going to improve things. But it should run. :D

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Well my specs are 2.7GHz Quad Core + Intel i5 with 4GB memory + ATI Radeon HD 4850. So I think I could run it. Plus its not Macbook pro I got the 27" Imac.

I found my old Windows XP and the serial code so I think It should run fine once its setup in Bootcamp.

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Well my specs are 2.7GHz Quad Core + Intel i5 with 4GB memory + ATI Radeon HD 4850. So I think I could run it. Plus its not Macbook pro I got the 27" Imac.

I found my old Windows XP and the serial code so I think It should run fine once its setup in Bootcamp.

Sounds like you could be in luck then. Let us know how you get on.

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Also the PC v Mac argument is a moot point' date=' its generally a wallet/preference/design choice and thats it. Although personally, even though i do own both machines, i think Mac time is over, these days you can get high end PCs that'll do the art/design work that you used to NEED a Mac for.


Ah yea see I started off really learning through my education of art on a Mac so it's just a comfort thing really.

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Windows 7

Good graphics card.

i5 or i7 processor

You may be lucky....

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god please dont start a PC vs. Mac discussion ... ppl who buy macs have their reasons, why some people have to comment on that is just beyond me. if i want to pay 30% more for a desktop or notebook, its my choice. why do you care? it doesnt affect you!

but be that as it may, back to topic.

@BARONVONBULLSHIT like others have stated before you will need bootcamp to run arma2/dayz. but let me say this, be sure what you're getting yourself into when you buy arma2 to play dayz! dont get me wrong i love this game! and i enjoy playing it more than i enjoyed playing any other AAA title in the last couple of years. but its a very particular type of game and its not for everyone. arma 2 by itself is a rather hard to learn game with all its controls and behavior. and dayz is without a doubt the most unforgiving game i have played since ultima online ;). you dont get a second chance or a do over. if you're dead, you're dead. all progress from the last 2 hours - 4 days is just gone in a heartbeat. you get shot from 600m away by a sniper, without even having a chance to defend yourself. its just part of the game.

but like i said, i Fing love it! :D

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god please dont start a PC vs. Mac discussion ...

Err, Nobody was dude....

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Just tried it in my i5 macbook pro. Runs like shit! :D

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Oh no I'm totally into this type of game. It feels a bit like Eve-Online (played for about 5 years)...AKA massive sandbox and no rules pretty much and when you die you lose everything you had on hand. I love that aspect of these games. It really gets the adrenaline pumping unlike any other game.

Its runs really bad eh? Hmm wonder if still there would be any difference between your Pro and my Imac. Maybe dust off the old PC and see how it goes hahah. Man I don't even remember the specs on that system.

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Hey just saw this game on youtube. Must say it looks extremely good. The realism just pulls me in' date=' but I'm just curious is anyone has been able to successfully get this working on a Mac?

Anyone do it using Wine? Or any other software?

I can't imagine it being possible. But if someone knows please share I'd love to get into this game.


OR if anyone knows where I can find out where to get it operating would be great. Thanks again.


For a glorified TDM?

That's a lot of work. Just download TF2. Same fuckin' thing only the enemy is RIGHT THERE. Two feet away!

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For a glorified TDM?

That's a lot of work. Just download TF2. Same fuckin' thing only the enemy is RIGHT THERE. Two feet away!

What are you talking about?

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Yeah lets drop 1000+ for a gaming rig for one game :)

That black guy actually looks like hes having a great time! He must know how to set up Arma 2 on a Mac. Do you know him personally by any chance?

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I think we've reached a consensus on the ACTUAL thread purpose - the 4850 isn't a powerhouse these days but I remember mine as a good friend in times past.

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Yep bootcamp is the way forward - i have been running arma 2 combined ops for two and a half years now.

Mac Pro

Intel Xeon E5462 @2.8 GHz x2

20GB DDR2 800MHz RAM

ATI Radeon HD 5890 1GB

Can run on High-V.High depending on the scene complexity

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