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Someone knows the story..i'm not allowed to give it away..it could be the tale of the dayZ forum so far..i don't think even Rocket knew the potential depth his little mod could of had ;)

Edited by Hetstaine
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Swans? I don't know. Your not referring to the the riddle of how a guy can spend 18 months uploading a vid of him shooting down a heli with a makarov are you?

Edited by Fraggle
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possibly 18 years of dayZ load timez...actually a quantity of zero swanz in the story sobr. Sausages is asleep atm . grabbin' 2 hours of zed time before work..he is a dedicated chernarus survivor with a hatchet of retribution and no remorse for the kos untrustee paranoid types. I have hope he will spot the post and bring forth the answer to the riddle's of mockumentary.

It really is quite the tale..stay tuned for the up post :) unredditted version ;) ... Rocket is totally sometimez in the wrong zone...

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i'm crap at following illogical logic that stems from the logic of a mockumentarily illogical subsystem of an even greater anti-logic.

please save us all

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ohhhhhhhhhhh boy here goes the story and riddle gentleman brace yourselves moral of the story is as follows if your smart enough to solve my riddles make sure you are worthy of the prize. I was enjoying a nice day on our server when I noticed something very wrong while looking over ingame players and logs. 2 hackers creating a home base north east of Zelengorsk I thought wow they are pretty well equipped for being in game for approx 2mins i.e. ridiculous gear. I watched and waited sure enough they teleport two helicopters and a uaz and fully repair them in seconds welll bam ban/ban.

Now the story gets really interesting I think to myself they are ingame vehic's how do i resolve this.. so I drive out in my pos green car to the location and the Riddle Raffle Ultimate Prize Off is born. Announcment made over side channel what you will win if you solve the riddle, first auction a fully repaired UH-H1 for you and your buddies enter ts to recieve the location of your prize.. First riddle is out the door what goes around the world but always remains in one corner? WESKY: ooooo stamp!!!!!

winner winner. I give grid and await Wesky at the location as he arrives to retain his prize after some time he arrives short of breath and walks up to the helicopter and does the new survivor look, hands at side staring blank as if it will move itself. I say to the young man your free to take your prize at anytime...response how do you fly a helicopter? I shake my head as he pulls all of his crew in ts and of the 4 one says yea I flew a helicopter one time.... shake my head tell him get in I'll take you to your buddy he gives grid i fly out to him and tell him I will drop myself back off at the location and they go on their marry way.. happy cheers yea yea yea thanks bro. I land back at the location with the two guys and tell them to beat cheeks they eventually take off after 2 mins of looking over auto hover.

By this time there is confirmation of the Riddle Raffle's actuality and the server is going nuts over side channel chomping at the bit. Before I can begin the next riddle I see on side channel "who is the ass hat nose diving a helicopter into the electro streets" 4 names pop up dead. Clearly it wasnt going to last but i encourage fun so i continue after a chuckle the next Raffle Riddle 5 men are on their way into church when it begins to rain 4 run and get wet while one stays still and does not? Young survivor answers ones dead ones dead. winner winner move him in ts and give him the grid once again the hands at side staring at the helicopter " dude sweet I've never seen one of these in game before." once again shakes head.. are you kidding me? he says i got this i got this so i begin the final raffle for the uaz.. As i'm preparing everyone with a 2 min warning to next Riddle people are going ape shit then i hear an explosion in the trees ahead of me Young survivor was killed....

I pretend not to see that on the screen and state the last riddle: brothers and sisters i have none but his mans father is my fathers son? ATT- my son he's my son... winner winner move him in ts grid him and wait. after 40 mins of waiting i ask what the f>>> is the hold up. Response I have no idead where i am.... shakes head finally get him up there and the Raffle is complete. He says thank you you guys are the best and drives off towards zelengorsk after i show him how to use his map. I take off south to kamenka 20 mins later i recieve a poke on ts, help me:ATT pull him in whats up mate?

Dude my tire popped and the truck is spinning in circles. i inquire his location he gives me a grid ref 40 meters from our original location in an open field he managed to hit a hay bail in an open field and destroy the truck.. My mind is blown so i respond how did you mange to hit something in an open field...Bro you have no idea i was going like 20 and my mouse pulled me into it.... I tell him i am to drunk to drive to his location but he can ask others on side channel. He posts his location, Bandits roll on him and the truck is theirs...

Until the next Riddle Raffle Ultimate Prize Off.

Edited by Steak and Potatoes
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Swans? I don't know. Your not referring to the the riddle of how a guy can spend 18 months uploading a vid of him shooting down a heli with a makarov are you?

Hey, surely the person will deliver, have some faith.

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the story is posted above of the riddle raffle enjoy i didn't want to spam two of the same topic and start a new thread gents see you tonight

Edited by Steak and Potatoes

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I think there may be some serious drug use in these forums.

The Drunken Brigade emerges again

Edited by Steak and Potatoes

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Fucking brilliant :D. I can't believe i did not enter until after the riddle raffle was finished.


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Fucking brilliant :D. I can't believe i did not enter until after the riddle raffle was finished.


Ha you were like 5 mins late and by the time you got in the server the world was turned upside down from poor judgement

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I think i've stumbled onto the Twilight Zone.

And not the one where vampires suck cock, not necks.

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I think i've stumbled onto the Twilight Zone.

And not the one where vampires suck cock, not necks.

Het and I wonder the wasteland with a few purposes, get drunk, kill zeds except tranny hooker zeds at petrol stations, acquire wheels and hunt for the slenderman... everything that occurs inbetween usually ends up posted.

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