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Bernardo (DayZ)

New US Private Hive Server With Password

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Due to all of the hacking we have experienced on DAYZ, a few guys have put money towards a server that we are running and we'd like you to join!

We currently have a player base of around 15 players but are looking for around 50.

The server is password protected as this is our attempt to stop hackers from joining the server and only allow genuine players who wish to play the game in a hack free environment, it also allows new players access to vehicles.

The server is currently full of vehicles and plenty are very accesible.

The server is hosted by DayZ.ST and always has a very good ping, the actual server is located in Washington.

The server is now running Bliss v4 and Dayz v1.7.3.

The server is currently not password protected so if you fancy having a look the server IP is:


PVP is allowed everywhere on the server.

No hacking





3rd person=on

Cross hair=off

Name plate=off

Death message=on


Password protected=no

What we are about

We purchased a PVT HIVE server to allow us to play the game without the hacking.

This server is for DayZ players with a survivalist mentality.

The server is password protected as this is our attempt to stop hackers from joining the server and only allow genuine players who wish to play the game in a hack free environment, it also allows new players access to vehicles.


Send an application in email to [email protected]

Please state your player name and any other people who you play with

We will try to respond to your email within 12 hours.

Edited by bsmaff
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No PVP, but this might change.

Also we ask that respect other players property and don't destroy tents or vehicles

That sounds really boring and pointless, not to mention it makes even less sense on a private hive.

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Well maybe we could start having PVP but having certain areas where you can't do PVP kills.

As I got really sick and tired and dicks in Electro snipering you, cos that makes the game really fun too......

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Well maybe we could start having PVP but having certain areas where you can't do PVP kills.

As I got really sick and tired and dicks in Electro snipering you, cos that makes the game really fun too......

The game loses all its charm when there's nothing on the line. I agree excessive banditry is a bit annoying at times, but excessive friendliness is just as silly. It's quite simple - if you don't want to get shot in Elektro, don't go to Elektro. Or, even better: round up a bunch of buddies and kill the bandits.

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Just submitted an application for me and two others! Just got hacked for first time and really want a hack free server bad. And if you change to pvp that's cool too. I like the idea of a safe zone, maybe Cherno? then rest of map pvp?

Anyhow, hop we get approved and thanks for creating this server.

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Was gonna submit an app..

And saw.. No PVP?

I echo basically what FROP said.


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Will now allow PVP as this seems to be something people want, so this will now happen.

I do agree with a safe zone though so maybe no killing players in Elektro, but this can be discussed with all players on the server, so that we can come to an arrangment and a compromise that suits everyone.

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The server is currently being upgraded to Bliss 3.5 so when this is complete I will give out the server details and password on a first come first serve basis until I get 40 users.

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I sent a request, I really hope I get in. Hacking is ruinging everything about this game, and most servers, even priavte hives cant keep the turds out. Hopefully this one will be different, Im exited to see what happens on and with the server.

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Everyone who has submitted a request so far will get in.

I will email everyone today when the server is working 100% and will give people options on where the safe zones should be.

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I would just as long as people cant get attack choppers and tanks. I think more gun mods would be great aswell, on top of the vechile, there is a very limited amount of weapons on the vanilla DayZ. Also, is the server up 24/7 or just sometimes?

Edited by MrDroopid

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Still have plenty of room on the server.

If you play with a group of friends come and join the server.

I would ideally love to have 5-6 teams of players who play the game.

Edited by bsmaff

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The server has now been upgraded to Bliss v3.6 and RMOD has been removed as we feel it slightly ruined the game with the stupid additional vehicles.

The server is available 24/7 and now since I found an American admin it should always be daytime, also to date we have not had a single hacking incident and the server is backed up every 12 hours so if anything bad does happen the server can be very quickly restored.

The server is building a nice little community now and PVP should start getting fun in the next few days.

There are 100+ vehicles in the game now so people shouldn't have too much of an issue finding any.

As normal if you would like to join please email: [email protected]

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Server has now been upgraded to Bliss v3.7 and all the previous issues seem to have disappeared.

If you would like to join a decent well run server then just get in contact.

The server is US 1082 Chernarus, if anyone would like to join you are more than welcome.

Just email [email protected] we are also going to open the server at the weekend so more people can feel free to join and have a test of the server.

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Aw lame the server has a password now. My friend and I joined this server yesterday and it was so much fun to actually have a vehicle. A heli no less!

Eventually we came across this stash https://dl.dropbox.c...03-22-38-77.png and decided to wreck it. We took some guns, blew up the vehicles, stole one heli, damaged the other helis (they wouldn't blow up :\) and saved the wrecks. I hate when so many vehicles get hoarded like that. 4 helis there too. Ugh. So we hoped to knock 'these guys' down a peg, had our fun and logged off. We try to come back today but the server has a password now.

Is banditry not allowed here? We just saw this server in dayz commander and hoped for the best. No idea if it had rules. We would like to play there again. If it's a carebear server we would still like to play there and observe the rules. I've tried the friendly routine plenty of times. Usually stop when people keep killing me though.

We too are sick of hacks, dupes, and weak admins. We never seem to have fun on a server for more than a couple of days or weeks without every vehicle in the world disappearing, or finding a crate full of hacked weapons, or finding a camp loaded with stuff that respawns every time the server restarts.

We simply want to play somewhere fair. I hope you can let us in. Sorry if we ruined your fun, but the thought of actually making a difference made us happy. We thought for sure it would be another load of crap; that we would log in and all that stuff would reappear as though we never did anything. Instead we come back to a passworded server.

BTW, did we make a difference? Or did everything just get reinstated as though we were never there? So many times we robbed and wrecked a camp, thinking it was making a difference, only to come back the next day and find it just as it was, like we were never there.

It's me and Dr Pepper. We have a couple of other friends that might be interested in playing as well.

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The server was password protected as it normally always is. I let the server open on certain points to allow new players to join the server so we hopefully get some new recruits.

The joining instructions are listed on the server that you have to email me for the password.

The server will be open again this weekend without a password.

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If anyone is looking for this server it has been changed from US 1082 Chern to US based Chern.

If you message me I will send you the new IP address.

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The server is now running Bliss v4 and Dayz v.1.7.3.

The safe zones have now been removed.

The server is hosted by DayZ.ST and always has a very good ping, the actual server is located in Washington.

The server is now running Bliss v4 and Dayz v1.7.3.

The server is currently not password protected so if you fancy having a look the server IP is:


PVP is allowed everywhere on the server.

No hacking





3rd person=on

Cross hair=off

Name plate=off

Death message=on


Password protected=no

Edited by Bernardo

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