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First time setting up camp.

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So, I've got my hands on a camping tent and I've decided to set up somewhere. I don't really have a specific location in mind too. This is my first time, so any tips, suggestions, etc. please! Thanks!

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*Keep a notepad/word doc so you can write down grid references of tents you make/come across. I use a notepad irl so i don't alt tab out of the game.

* Keep a spare tent in your tent, don't pitch them all. When you die you will be unable to move placed tents. Having a spare lets you shift camp.

*Location. If you don't have clan supprt you might not want to store it on the far north map. As a soloist i've stored a lot of tents west south-west of Pustoshka. As i run north i pass Zelengorsk (supermarket) Pustoshka to the east (supermarket). If i want Vybor is north(supermakert) and there is the NWA. Lots of good loot close, safe side of the map, not to far from Cherno/Kememka/Balota spawns. This allows me to get into some action instead of hiding in the wilderness.

*Place a few tents on oppoiste sides of the map. Black Lake for east coast spawns . Always a quick run there.

*Try to balance how well hidden it is, how long it takes to get there. If you hide your tent somewhere remote remember you have to run both ways back! Very boring.

*Don't leave satchel charges/cars near you camp! Don't know how big you're planning on going but you'll be plently embarssed when someone from the clan or wherever loads up your stuff/destroys and drives away!

Edited by Trizzo
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Thanks Trizzo, lots of good suggestions. I'll definitely be using your advice, I just wish I had more beans to give you. ahaha.

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Sorry to almost double post but this is the most important thing.

Make sure the server you play on is legit. You don't want to invest hours setting it up to find out no admins regularly ban hackers, at peak times hackers come to troll everyone or the admins themsevles are a cabal of nasty hackers. Many admins will have hacks to deal with other hackers! So spend time finding a good a server that you can invest time in if you want to set up a camp for a few weeks or so. I strongly suggest a privte hive from your region or get yourself onto a whitelist for a private hive.

Finding a decent server also means that vehicles are regularlly respawned so even if hackers teleport them all you will have a decent chance to have some fun driving.

Edited by Trizzo
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Also, never get attached to your gear. My buddies and I had a 5-tent camp full of everything you could imagine... And the owner of the server shut it down, it hasn't been up for days. I also made a 2-tent camp which mysteriously lost everything in 20 minutes after I filled it. Yes, I saved them, no server didn't restart.

At this point I debate the point of even having a tent. I can carry more ammo and supplies than could possibly ever use, and investing hours into building a very fragile surplus is looking less and less useful.

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Also, don't go place your tents where you think people would look for them. Don't plant them up north in a tree.

I personally go north with the intention to find crashed helis and player tents. They are so easy to predict where people leave them.

I have a tent but it's placed where no one would look or even think to look. Also, the server is very important to put your trust in, My tent is stored at a server which is down 30% of the time.

Also, if it's far away from spawn point. Set up a "survival kit" in the tent, containing a backpack, cooked meat and water bottles. Also, make sure you allways have at least 1 weapon with ammo in it.

Edited by filas02
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Dont store 4 mtn dews, 2 satchel charges and an AKM in the middle of cherno.

haha why? me and mates have a whole camp there hahaha (everything u ever need)

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Thanks for the info guys, this'll help out alot. I really appreciate it! :D

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If you have friends using the same tents, communicate together when someone takes something out of the tents, so if something is missing you know someone knows your location and you should move to a new location.

Edited by StupidMachine

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