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How do you check the gear from inside vehicle?

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Having some trouble finding the spot on some from outside.

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if you can find the option outside the vehicle then simply jump into the vehicle, open your map. goto inventory then click "Gear" and you will have access to the vehicles storage menu

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Is it the bus? For the bus you have to get in it, then get in the back seat. I think all the others are accessible from the outside.

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you can access gear at anytime by pressing M to open the map, going to the "units" menu and pressing on "gear"

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As others have said, open map -> units -> you -> gear.

As well as accessing the gear inside, this also allows you to do things such as eat and drink without having to exit the vehicle.

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You can also access the gear inside every vehicle by jumping first in the drivers seat and then into the backseat. Then it shows up in the scroll menu. I find that easier than doing the map thing.

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