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So everyone is just shoot in sight now?

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Been playing DayZ for a long time now

Seems like in the past few weeks everyone just shoots on sight.

I some guy runs into the supermarket I talk him first over the mic like "hey man lets get the sniper on the roof shooting at us"

I walk to the area he is at peek out he does not fire so I assume he is friendly.

Turn 45 degress away and..

He just starts shooting for no reason.

He even had a hero clothes on...

All I had was very basic starting gear.

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I've getting really pissed off lately (Hackers,Bandits,DUM servers/people, etc.). I heard someone make a really good point. He said that DayZ was better before it went mainstream (even though thats how i heard about DayZ) and i would guess its totally true. All i can find now is hackers and lying ass players.

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As the saying goes "Don't trust anyone" DayZ you're more then likely to get shot, allllllll the time. You've gotta get over it and keep moving on even if it's crappy. Or it just makes your game play experince worse and makes you not want to play

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Naa, all you need to do, is find some one nice!

It seems hard, but there are people out there who are nice. Meybe arrange to meet up with someone on here, theres plenty of people to lay with :)

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The last 5 people I meet were friendly. The last one even bandaged me. (I had no bandages and I was with 4k blood already.)

I meet him in a hangar, and asked him to bandage me, because I was about to die, and he had an AKM and I had better gear....

So yes, be friendly, because there's lots of people friendly.

Edited by Mitor
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Come with numbers and suddenly alot of people are friendly or scared. We raid with a group of 6 killing bandits and helping lone survivors. As for the hacker and trollers, they eventually go and hack or troll another game because hacking and trolling spoils the game and then the game gets boring. I've seen this with many other games after a while the real dedicated fans are left over to make the game fun again.

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If you have really played DayZ for a long time now, then you should fully understand that it is, and always has been, a pvp orientated game. Meeting someone you dont know, 7/10 will result in one of you shooting each other because you dont trust them. Why would you trust a stranger ?. There are friendlys out there dont get me wrong. But dayz isnt about making friends. Its about survival. Rushing around shouting "friendly" isnt going to help you survive. If you want to team up with people id suggest making a post here and doing it that way.

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Monopolise the servers Heli surplus and everyone is surprisingly friendly towards you, or hostile, in fact it works both ways!

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Your mistakes:

  1. Assuming that you could trust someone
  2. Turning your back on somebody you assumed that you could trust

I find that it's much easier to trust people when I have them at gunpoint. ;) And I only reward trust if they earn it.

They could make the game better by adding servers that require you have to be active in the DayZ community (or sumtin like that)

Good idea, and many servers now demand more active involvement to let people in; stuff like signing up on webpages, and so on. However, please not that this forum (part of the community) has an active bandit board. Don't expect community members to be anymore trustworthy than anybody else.

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i ran into four guys last night and we've been getting along just fun, you gotta be careful and give it some time. Not everyone in this game is a psychopathic murderer with no regards for human life.

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Was playing lingor...running in the middle of nowhere in the southwest (just spawned 10 mins earlier) and get shot by some nerd. Was just running along, didn't even see the kid, and bam. I did have a m24 in the backpack, mp5 sd on me, and a ghillie suit in my inventory, but he wouldn't have been able to tell. Idiots. I will shoot everyone except new spawns now.

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This discussion often goes like this:

"Cry, cry, somebody in this PvP based game shot me, for - like - no reason!"

Then they jump to the most easy conclusion:

"Because I'm so butt hurt, next time, I'll - just like an angry child (or a sheep) - shoot on sight myself!"

...thereby only increasing the problem, and not really helping to get rid of it in any way what so ever.

Here's my suggestion:

Take it like a man. If you want to change this game and play this game to the fullest, you've gotta dare to interact with other players before you shoot them - or learn how to do it without getting shot.

I often have interesting converstions with other players... before I shoot them. The interactions can go like this:

Kebman sees another survivor. He assesses the situation and whether it's safe to make contact, in which case... Kebman finds cover, and if possible hides before he opens his yap. Then he opens his yap and informs the individual about the situation.

"Hey dude. Don't turn this way. I've got you in my sights. I'm not gonna shoot you if you play nice. Now drop your gun and get on the ground so I know I can trust you."

Or in the cases in which I'm entrenched and do not have full situational awareness, I might simply warn people to not approach, like this:

"Stay away from the tower, or I'll shoot!" Often I'll repeat, this, but for unkown reasons some people still come up, and end up dead... But whatever, at least I tried.

In other cases, I might simply see someone bleedig, and offer to help, like this:

"Hey you, if you want, I can bandage you - but you gotta stay still. And do not point your gun at me, or I'll shoot!"

Also, if I clearly see someone's unarmed, but still coming at me (they can steal), I'll inform them to keep their distance, like this:

"Keep your distance, dude! Keep your distance, or I'll shoot ya, man."

I think interactions like those are way more interesting than KOS. But hey, if you want to KOS, then go right ahead. It's not like there are any hard and fast rules in this game. :) Probably I'll be in cover and still shoot you first if you misbehave. The few occurences where I'm just minding my own business and suddenly and without warning get a bullet to my head, is entirely my own fault (read: Your fault, if it happened to you) for not having tactical awareness.

I only trust people at the end of my barrel.

Edited by kebman

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I disagree with Delta Smoke. Initially, the alpha was not about Pvping at all, as I understand what Rocket said. It was only once the Europeans and, particularly Russians, joined the game that the massacre began. Then there were a couple of articles about the game in games magazines and websites and then all hell broke loose. Every kid on the planet wanted to come kill for the sake of killing. But it's been like this since I joined. Just got to grit your teeth and play on private servers or low pop servers. :thumbsup:

In my ideal dayz there'd be "licences" or places on a server for x number of bandits, x medics, x survivors and so on - to keep the balance. It's perfectly possible using the arma 2 software, like joining Blufor or another team.

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I think it's really futile to try to decide what this game is about. You can, however, suggest ideas about how to get more enjoyment out of the game, or suggest how to deal with the many challenges it throws at you - like people who KOS (learning how to gain better tactical awereness is one important point here).

If you could get rid of all the zeds in an area, e.g. that they wouldn't just respawn, then maybe I could aggree that this game was about more than PvP-ing. But given the current game mechanic, you simply can't "win" that game. The zeds always respawn, and knowing that, you also know that there's probably not much point in shooting them unless they present an immediate threat. Also, knowing that you probably only need a hatchet to defend yourself against zeds, if zeds were the only challenge in this game, there would be no reason to get better weapons.

However, survival (I'm guessing that's what you're getting at, Sula) is still a huge factor with or without the PvP aspect. In fact, with a ton of griefing KOS-ers, survival takes another level. Not only do you have to gather resources and look out for zeds, but you also have to gather resources and look out for other players. And suddenly because of PvP, getting the right gun to protect yourself with becomes even more important. So I'll happily argue that PvP makes this game much more interesting. In any case, most players soon learn how to deal with the zeds anyway, and then you need another factor to make the game worth while, and I think that is the gift of the Europeans - and especially the Russians. Thank you, guys! <3

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my view if they are well geared they are fair game. I killed a guy in electro who had a lmg, looked geared and was def hostile (killed another player). later an axe wielding beginner ran up asking in chat if anyone could blood bag him. i told him i would only rule is he had to climb up the hospital and face away from me. he climbed up and was bleeding ran up bandaged him and applied a bloodbag. then i informed him about the guy i killed and let him grab everything and be on his way.

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