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"You have been kicked from the server"

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That's all i see every time i try to log in to a server. My friend(who is on the server) says that it is some random .pbo file that changes every time...ranges anywhere from rock2.pbo to weapons.pbo.

I have verified all of arma.

I have re installed all of arma.

I have re installed battle eye.

I have re installed DayZ.

I have re updated arma.

I am out of ideas...

If anyone knows a fix plz let me know...

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just keep rejoining, I have the same problem, wich I think is becuase me pc is kinda slow...

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My boy had the same issue with his PC, just had a look at it yesterday... i fixed it, by deleting the registry keys, running steam as administrator (important, it seems to have issues rewritting registry if yah dont) Doing the whole verify arma and OA through steam(it downloaded 4 files for OA and 1 for arma) firing em both individually up, all the way to the menu. Then shutting down steam and fired er up though dayz commander and it was sweet.

I would try it first without deleting registry keys, and if that dosnt work, do that.

Edited by KingOchaos

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My boy had the same issue with his PC, just had a look at it yesterday... i fixed it, by deleting the registry keys, running steam as administrator (important, it seems to have issues rewritting registry if yah dont) Doing the whole verify arma and OA through steam(it downloaded 4 files for OA and 1 for arma) firing em both individually up, all the way to the menu. Then shutting down steam and fired er up though dayz commander and it was sweet.

I would try it first without deleting registry keys, and if that dosnt work, do that.

how do you delete registry key?

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how do you delete registry key?

If you don't know how to then don't mess with the registry or you may end up with more problems, try fully uninstalling Arma and then running Ccleaner, selecting the registry section and letting it clean all registry errors, run it till you see no more errors and then re-install Arma and Dayz

Edited by Oldy1Kenobi

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If you don't know how to then don't mess with the registry or you may end up with more problems, try fully uninstalling Arma and then running Ccleaner, selecting the registry section and letting it clean all registry errors, run it till you see no more errors and then re-install Arma and Dayz

Kenobi is not wrong here, you can seriously mess yah system up playing with the registry editor... However, i stumbled upon this page http://www.veterans-...topic.php?20735 step five is explaining exactly what you need to do to delete you're ARMA OA registry.

Then you need to make sure, you are running steam as an administrator, verify both games via steam... Run both games all the way through to the menu.. then you should be sweet to fire up via commander.

Edited by KingOchaos

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