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Cookies Gun Store ( No we don't sell cookies! )

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Hey, guys I'm selling alot of guns/ammo/bags i'll make a small list of what I have right now if you want any of it please post a reply I will either post back to you or Pm you.

Terms Of Service.

I will have Overwatch covering me, if a trade goes wrong such as you fire upon me or him he will be cleared to engage and kill.

You can have Overwatch its not a problem :)

If you are not satisfied with the trade you can always change your mind, if the trade goes wrong aslong as you don't shoot at me you can leave its not a problem.


Thank you now that we have that out of the way here is the list of the items that are being sold, if you want something that is not on the list, post below and ill reply to tell you if I have any, I'm also selling Old Bikes and ATVS.

Current Location: Starry Sobor


8x: M9 SD

10x G17

2x M1911

2x Revolvers

5x Makarovs

Sub Machine Guns:

4x MP5 SD ( can be normal too )

3x PP Bizon ( can be SD too )

Assault Rifles:

8x M4A3CCO


6x M4A1

5x M4A1 CCO

6x M4A1 HOLO

5x FNFAL ( Can be night vision scope )

12x AKM

5x AK47

3x AK Kobra

2x L85 AWS

Light Machine Guns:

1x M249 Saw


7x Remmington 870 flashlight

3x M1014

12x Winchester

Sniper Rifles:

6x AS50

4x DMR

9x M107

13x CZ550


7x Lee enfields

5x M14 Aim







4x GPS

3x Rangefinder

I have most other tools to if need be.


6x Antibiotics

I have all other medical supplies.


5x Coyote

8x Alice

I can get the rest to if need be.


18x Ghillies

13x Camo Clothing

26x Civil Clothing

3x Soldier Clothing

I will deliver to you, or we can meet up somewhere whatever suits you best :)

Thank you if you read all of this.



Trade went great!

Edited by C0okieH
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Im looking for 3 m9sd mags and 5 fal mags. I know for sure i have a ghillie suit to trade and a lot of stanag SD mags

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Im looking for 3 m9sd mags and 5 fal mags. I know for sure i have a ghillie suit to trade and a lot of stanag SD mags

I'll give you 4 m9sd mags and 6 fn fal mags for a ghillie.

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Sounds good to me. I am currently in berezino. You can pm me so we can arrange a meeting time.

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I'm after a L85, M107 and two ghillies..

Can offer a M4A1 Holo with atleast 6 HE 40mm rounds plus two satchel charges I also have a few other bits to barter with if your not happy with just those..

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I'm after a L85, M107 and two ghillies..

Can offer a M4A1 Holo with atleast 6 HE 40mm rounds plus two satchel charges I also have a few other bits to barter with if your not happy with just those..

I'll do the L85 and two ghillies for M4A1 Holo with the HE nades and satchel charges, as for m107 thats a different story pm me when you see this please and we can discuss.

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If you have an atv to trade on a low pop server i would like to trade. Maybe a dmr for a trade with someone else. I've got 2 tents, m9sd, m4a1ccosd, l85aws for trade.

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I'm looking to trade a DMR with 6 mags. I can offer a AS50 with 3 nato rounds and 3 M107 rounds. PM me if intressted.

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I'm looking to trade a DMR with 6 mags. I can offer a AS50 with 3 nato rounds and 3 M107 rounds. PM me if intressted.

what are you lookin' for em?

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Hey man I'm after the FN Fal with night vision scope. What do you want for it?

Edited by DeCeItFuLPhOeNiX

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Also if you don't sell cookies.... how about muffins?

Maybe pinkie will bake them.

Hey man I'm after the FN Fal with night vision scope. What do you want for it?

Offer please.

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i am willing to trade a FN FAL and 7-8clips for it along with an AS50 with two clips of M107 for an m249 and 3 clips and an m4a1 holo with 5? And if possible i would also like to trade an m9sd for a g17 and a ghillie?

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Trading away a L85 and 2 AS50's, what would you give me for those?

Want: SVD camo, DMR, M4A1CCO SD, m16 holo (also M9 SD's with ammo)

Not all of these of course, just some of the weapons I'm looking for :)

Edited by filas02

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