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I need help :(

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So I recently started doing well for myself and actually having a great time playing this. I had every tool gathered, an AMK with 6 mags, a decent pistol and a bag full of food, water, and medical supplies.

I figured it would be a rush to check out the NW Airfield. Bad Idea.

I got there and found a Checz backpack. I was SO happy. I picked it up, and boom. My bag and all its contents disappear. I looked at the ground for a good 30 minutes. Nothing. So I figured screw it, I got a new backpack, I have all the tools, and a decent gun.

As I'm running out I get clipped by a zombie and break a leg. No big deal, I have a ton of morphine. Wrong. I realized that all my food, water, and medicine was in my old backpack. Now I'm starving, dying of thirst, and have a broken leg. Can someone help me out? I like my set up and for once I really don't want to start over. It would be fine if It was due to me actually being an idiot and messing up, I wouldnt mind starting over. But the fact that I was actually finally doing well, then get completely ruined by a glitch is upsetting.

Edited by catch_22

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Wrong section. Also, I doubt you had every tool, a Czech Backpack isn't that great, and an AKM's not too great, either.

It's not that big of a deal if you die.

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Not sure exactly, but do you know how to change bags?

If you just pick up a bag, you have a extremely high chance of your old bag or items disappearing.

So when you find a new bag, open it up and empty your bags contents into it, then pick up the bag. Hope this helps.

P.S. I know it seems like you were doing really good, but you had mediocre gear at best. Just keep at it, youll get there.

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Wrong section. Also, I doubt you had every tool, a Czech Backpack isn't that great, and an AKM's not too great, either.

It's not that big of a deal if you die.

He has all of the tools in the game.

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TMW in survivor HQ can and will assist. post or join our teamspeak to ask for assist.

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About the gear: When you play alone, getting good gear is very time consuming compared to playing in a group. So berating OP for being happy about it is imo quite rude. I hope you get stiched up, and happy scavenging. (Play private myself, can't get to you)

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