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If your a kind soul, PLEASE help us

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Ok, so long freaking story short... my friends and I found a car and have been going driving around the map for like 3 hours... and this is the first time in like 2 months of playing that we have EVER found a vehicle... but then we were at the lighthouse and this guy 'Mattias' showed up and after a long firefight where we thought he retreated, we started to drive away and then he unloads on us with a hacked gun, and then after i spawn and my friends get back online, which took about 5 minutes, the car was GONE (and the car was pretty beat up)... but we did find that little freaking.... shldkjhfsdlkfhd.... and we shot the hell out of him, but still... where the HELL did our car go!? we worked SO hard to get it...

That ends my short story but now i will get to the point of this post.. We worked so hard to find a car, get it fueled up and we only had it for like 3 hours until the hacker killed us... we really really just want another car, as long as it can hold up to 4 people we dont care what it is, it could be a broken down old.. whatever!.. as long as it can be fixed and holds 4 people. I hope someone out there is kind enough to lend a hand...

If you want to help please message me and i will check my messages throughout the day, but we do have a home server we like to play on and would be most grateful if you could bring us a car on the specified server,again just message me for details or if you would like to help.

this is by far the worst thing that has happened to me on dayz

and if i cant find that car im just gonna stop playing dayz altogether,

anyway thank you for your time.

[EDIT]: If you dont want to help find a vehicle (we may reward you), then please please please just be nice enough to give us tips on how to acquire one, i feel like we are making things harder then they have to be

Edited by RAFiredog
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Most people just hord the cars in a corner of a map. Maby take a look in the debug zone.

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Sad to hear.

However, a piece of advice. You know that rule, never get attached to your gear? That rule applies x10 for vehicles. They never last long. They are too easy to steal and too easy to blow up. You're gonna have to deal with the fact that you're not going to be able to enjoy them for very long.

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I've only ever driven a vehicle on an empty server.

No matter what you're driving, they all sound like "Shootme.shootme.shootme.shootme.shootme.shootme.shootme.shootme.shootme" :P

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Sorry dude, you should just quit now. Cars get lost, grow a pair. Also, what makes you think he was using a hacked gun, or a hacker at all? This post just makes no sense, and sounds like another "Wahhh if I don't get my gear back I quit!" thread. Grow up.

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If your bored and you want to help then the server is SE 53 ip is ( :2302), and i dont think that we are looking to team up with anyone right now, we are a pretty tactical team... but on this server we have seen some guys driving a truck around cherno and elecktro, so we are trying to find that, and the car we had. is gone, like it vanished.. so we are continuing to look for it.. but if you dont want to help then whatev's, its not that big of a deal, we can research good tactics for finding vehicles, but right now we need help finding this car, or the truck but thats only a two seater i think... but hey if you see mattias.. kill him, he is a bandit

I seriously feel like there is a trick that we dont know to get a vehicle.. i see so many people with one but i can NEVER seem to find any, ever... i just wish more spawned

Edited by RAFiredog
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Sorry, I wish I could come in there but my ping is a bit high. I will be sure to report this to Bandit Campfire just in case though.

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Hi, don't forget you need to keep in mind people can only help you if they know what server you play on - unless you're willing to play on another server where they have a spare car for you to use. In which case, why not join one of the servers that runs with extra vehicles - I know one where I'm always running into them but I'm not really interested in vehicles so I don't bother with them.

Edit, I see you did add the server details, well done. I think sticking with one server seems to be quite popular but I've never done it. I'm just glad to find any server that has a low enough ping for me to access it! But as I say, there are servers in the list that have in their title "extra vehicles" and I saw one with "100 vehicles".

There isn't a trick. But if you play only one server then remember the admin knows exactly where all vehicles are and when the restarts will be. That means sadly, some of them take the vehicles.

Good luck, friend! :thumbsup:

Edited by Sula

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If your bored and you want to help then the server is SE 53 ip is ( :2302), and i dont think that we are looking to team up with anyone right now, we are a pretty tactical team...

Are you serious? you have to be kidding... Finding a vehicle is not easy, yet not as hard as youre making it seem. If your team is "tactical" then you will find a vehicle without trying to have someone 'give' you one, especially on a specific server.

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How many people are logging into this server now to kill this guy and his team?

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