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ALT-F4 or just plain DC'ing....cheating?

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That was a lot of words for a simple no.

You seemed like you didn't know what Might makes Right meant, and posed it as a question, so I felt obliged to answer. If you need it put in another way, here: Bandit skins were intended to be in the game... until they weren't. Matches were intended to let you make a fire without wood... until they weren't. Winchester was intended to be quieter... until it wasn't. What's "intended" changes as fast as Rocket changes his mind. And what Rocket intends the game to be, and what people think he intends it to be is rarely the same. Personally I figure someone in his position knows what they're doing when it comes to dealing with people DCing, as he's already got systems in place to stop it during combat. Honestly, I just came here to point out hypocrisy in a group that pretends to be 'hardcore' yet cries just as hard when they can't get their kills.

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I totally follow your whole line of thinking and terminology. What I fail to understand is why you think someone is a hypocrite when they complain about the bandit system being flawed, and then later about people disconnecting during combat. How the fuck do you find those two opinions hypocritical?

You just seem like someone trying to justify their actions by insulting those who call them out. You can hide behind your "just came here to make a dumbass comment" routine, but you wouldn't be posting in this thread if you didn't have an opinion.

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Misha[DRS] had no problem taking shots at my friends earlier tonight at the Starry Sobor tents, but the moment I shot him in the back with my DMR, he seemed more than happy to find himself a corner to disconnect from. Coward.

I'm annoyed at how laggy this game is: from the moment I shot him in the back to the time when the game registered the hit and made him fall down, he had time to circle around the tent to hide and ALT-F4.

That's fucking lame.

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is it cheating? yes. Now is it fun using it to piss off bandits? yes

should bandits be the only ones allow to piss other players off? No

I say keep it as long as the D/C player hasn't fired a shot within x time limit.

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