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First time playing..damn shame

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First time playing, within about 30 minutes I see an AFK bandit, which I couldn't kill, sadly...I took all of his ammo though..bitch.


I then, about 3 minutes after meeting him, meet a friendly player and two of his friends. The last thing I hear about a minute after meeting him is, "oh another hacker", and then I die.

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You shouldn't have stole his ammo..

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I know how you feel, just be very cautious around new players, and make sure to explain yourself

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that's probably a duped body, not a player alive, he seems to be breathing and moving his arms slightly, but if you cannot kill it and can access his gear, he's considered dead

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You shouldn't have stole his ammo..


Edit: On my new life, gotten my first hatchet...Only at 3317 blood though, ran into some zombies, didn't have a bandage...

Edited by Prevail

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I found an AFK sniper yesterday (my 2nd day of play) and took all his gear, I wasn't looking for him but just stumbled onto him. I guess I was in the wrong place at the right time. Anyway, being a total noob that I am the gear didn't last long and I've learned not to use up ammo on zombies.

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