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Colten (DayZ)

Why do you like being a bandit?

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Because i was shot, therefore all Dayz players are kill on sight for me :)

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I tried to be the "good" guy at first, but it never worked out. I shoot everyone I see. I shoot noobs in the legs and watch them crawl and beg for mercy. These activities bring me much happiness.

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There are of course no boundaries. You can troll all you want (unless you script). :D Who's gonna stop you? It's a sandbox game! Of course, you deserve no respect and rightfully should be called a dick if you do it, though.

You're a bandit if you do it to take other people's stuff. However, I have much more respect for bandits who does straight up highway robberies and hold-ups, instead of cowardly hiding behind a sniper weapon more than a kilometre away. Not only because it entails a bigger risk, but also because it can give the poor victim a seldom fealt experience. :) Though not all bandits like to be that though, simply because they're affraid to start over at the beach. Most of them are pussies, square and simple.

If all you do is kill for pleasure, or without actually needing his stuff, then you're just a griefer - the lowest of the low. Backstabbing isn't that cool either, but then again, if somebody's that overly trusting, I guess they kind of deserve it, although you get no points from me for it.

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Now, I have a question. I have been utilizing a few tactics over the past few days (i.e. baiting), and people refer to me as a scumbag. Is there a point in banditry when it becomes "too much"? Are there boundaries in banditry?

The game itself became to ''easy'' for me so I looked out to something new; being a bandit.

Asking free rides in a chopper from a clan with 2-6 members and then pop them all with my mk48mod0 when they are landing or sniping the pilot out at around 30m height is awesome.

Getting in firefights mid air with people shooting at you from the ground, a chopper shooting at you 150m away and coordinating with your pilot and other gunner to take them all out - knowing that if you get killed you have to start from scratch again gives me a adrenaline rush and is one of the best feeling I had in a game ever.

I currently understand people if they tell me ''it is too much'' because all I do is bandit at the moment - but on the other hand.. We are having so much fun as a 2-5 member clan playing all together organising our banditry on skype it's worth the flame :)

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I like being a Bandit in order to teach those who don't understand that 9 times out of 10 the people you meet and don't know will kill you. I am one of those 9 of 10. Happy hunting.

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well....its a combination of not having to loot. EVER, striking fear into the weak soul of the enemy, and for youtube

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Y'know...I wanna help people, I really do. I just don't trust anyone. I can't trust some random person I just met when I know at any moment he could turn around and kill me. It's too much.

Also, am I the only one who when they're at a disadvantage will say they're friendly over the mic, and then kill the guy when he trusts you not to shoot him?

Yeah I'm a hypocrite shut up.

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Because I have no game partner, no in-game friends. I don't trust anyone. Just wait till they check some loot or something and spray the shit out of them with an AKM.

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What is a bandit, anyway? I'm not a bandit. I'm all good! Except that... Well, sometimes, you know, when you see something that you, like, really want, then... So I'm basically good, you know. But it's just that... Well, better him than me, and... And that Coyote Backpack is sure pretty nifty! I don't neeeeed to kill him, you know. It's far more rewarding to get validated bossing him around. Except some people just don't know their own good, and, well... Then they force me to kill them. You see, I'm not a bandit - they forced me! I'm the good guy over here! It's true!

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Flashlights simple you can't just have one once you start you just can't stop need more Flashlights i want YOURS

i will trade a hatchet in the back for your flashlight :D

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I like hearing someone's death screams when I'm finishing them off.

Especially when I say I'm friendly, then shoot them in the back with my Enfield.

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I just patrol around a certain area, waiting for someone to come by. It's easier than going out and getting supplies myself.

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Honestly, it's become a necessity. Nearly all of my encounters with other player's turn out hostile, and I find a Lone Wolf playstyle to be the easiest, anyways.

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