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The Ban TS3 thread!

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Does ACRE stop people from just using TS normally though ?

"Metagaming is going to happen no matter what. It's rather ignorant to try to force your desire to have none of it on everybody. That's why no side/global is a bad choice, and it should be disabled on a server by server basis. "

Isn't it rather ignorant to just say removing global chat is a bad choice because that's not how I want to play?

What if (i'm not presuming to know just supposing) Rocket wanted the game this way. you guys come along and say "no way ill do what i want ill just phone my mates so fu" who's being ignorant here?

Have you considered that maybe the game might be better if you immerse yourself in it and stop meta gaming? You've joined a game which is breaking out of conventional gaming paradigms (and enjoy it because of that) , then your saying "screw that ill play it how i want".

I'm not saying this is the right decision or even possible, i'm just saying its food for thought. maybe we all owe it to Dayz to go with it and see where it takes us , and help that process , rather than digging our heels in and clinging to all our old gaming habits?


Me and my mate were on mumble playing this and we heard a group of three guys chatting in direct chat , and it was fucking incredible, we could overhear their plans, hear which direction they were in , we stalked them , snuck up on them and in the end killed all three. It was one of the greatest gaming experiences I've ever had. But afterwards we were discussing it and saying how unfair it was we were on mumble and had a huge advantage over them. i'm pretty sure the whole game would be improved if everyone used direct chat. It would add ALOT to the game. Getting snippets of conversation in towns, suddenly realizing your near a group of guys having to try and whisper so they don't hear your team. Spying on people and over hearing where their hidden base is. All kinds of stuff.

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OP's mad ;)

I'm a Korean War vet. Are you? I'm done here.

Actually' date=' your profile lists you as being born in '88. The Korean war was in the 50s.........................

I think OP is a troll.


Ill tell you what is in serious disrepair. This countries education system. Or you're probably just an uneducated fuck thats probably it.

The Korean War is actulley alive and kicking. Its still on going only put on hold by a ceasefire in 1953. Go figure. Thats why it is still so hostile over here and people are still dieing with various flare ups over the years. Including the artilley bombing of a small island and the sinking of a south korean naval vessel, WHILE I WAS THERE mind you. All who serve in in the defence of the korean penninsula are under korean war veteran status.

But of course your faget ass wouldent know that if you hadent done a year short tour there would you? So no, i think YOU got "owned" son.

OP's mad ;)

I'm a Korean War vet. Are you? I'm done here.

Actually' date=' your profile lists you as being born in '88. The Korean war was in the 50s.........................

I think OP is a troll.


Holy crap did you just get owned son, LAWL!

Dont worry you get some too. Lol dumb fuck

You also get, OWNED! ;)

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also there should be a fireball spell


Fire+Zombie=Flaming Zombie of Death

We need an ice spell. Freeze the zombies. Then run into then. Granted, running into things can break your legs, so you have to careful.

Or maybe we need a life spell, so you can cast it on the zombies and bring them back to life!

Also, OP, are you retarded?

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No. TS isn't used ala global chat. Our team uses it for a replacement for direct comms. Plus, less demand on Arma2 engine than trying to use an imbedded chat system.

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Impossible to administrate and keep safe - too many ways to obfuscate the program or just using other programs.

And meta gaming is accepted.

TLDR: No, because no.

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People Metagame all the time, do you guys even know the rules to proper roleplay?

Mixing Out Of Character (OOC) with In Character (IC) is Metagame (MG). Everyone MGs in the mod, so why does it matter if someone is on a VOIP program (TS3, Mumble, Vent., etc.)?

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"The problem that still exists is that TS3 is cheating. Plain and simple. Players who are grouped up with friends theyv known for years on a private ts3 server are at an advantage."

So is having a gun.

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So much hate.

In an ideal world, I would be OK with this. In game chat working properly would be a first step.

I think it would be nice if it was feasible to prevent people grouping outside the game, simply because it would help the immersion.

Having a group of coordinated people hunting for me in silence in game, while they have a lot of chatter with a VOIP out of the game...

I think the idea should be reversed: Speaking through a VOIP should automatically be transmitted in game too through the locl channel. Not banning VOIP.

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I love the crap people come out with in their outrage lol.

"People Metagame all the time, do you guys even know the rules to proper roleplay?"

Metagaming isn't proper role play. Even if we were talking about role-playing specifically here which we arn't.

"so what you are saying is that: because i have friends, and you apparently don't, I am not allowed to play with them?.... cry some more!"

No that's not what I personally am saying. But you clearly don't want to actually think about it.

"Is this kid on drugs? I bet he got rolled by a group of people working as a team. funny how all the loners cry when left out."


You are exactly the people that would be up in arms if someone suggested adding Perma Death to this game if it wasn't in it. But as it happens its that extreme part of the game that makes it so enjoyable that has actually drawn you to the game.

Why not consider the thought that some other features that on the surface may seem unpalatable might actually improve your game experience?

People play single player games on their own because those games offer something multiplayer games cannot as effectively. Story and narrative. Maybe you can consider the possibility that this game might provide something other multiplayer games dont ?

By just steamrollering in with your same bunch of mates and doing the same shit you do in other games perhaps your not getting all that you could be from Dayz.

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I love the crap people come out with in their outrage lol.

"People Metagame all the time' date=' do you guys even know the rules to proper roleplay?"

Metagaming isn't proper role play. Even if we were talking about role-playing specifically here which we arn't.

"so what you are saying is that: because i have friends, and you apparently don't, I am not allowed to play with them?.... cry some more!"

No that's not what I personally am saying. But you clearly don't want to actually think about it.

"Is this kid on drugs? I bet he got rolled by a group of people working as a team. funny how all the loners cry when left out."


You are exactly the people that would be up in arms if someone suggested adding Perma Death to this game if it wasn't in it. But as it happens its that extreme part of the game that makes it so enjoyable that has actually drawn you to the game.

Why not consider the thought that some other features that on the surface may seem unpalatable might actually improve your game experience?

People play single player game son their own because those games offer something multiplayer games cannot as effectively. Story and narrative. Maybe you can consider the possibility that this game might provide something other multiplayer games dont ?

By just steamrollering in with your same bunch of mates and doing the same shit you do in other games perhaps your not getting all that you could be from Dayz.


Good post dude. Its sad the things some people say when they are scared of an addition or change to the norm.

My original post said ON SERVERS THAT WANT TO DO IT FORBMORE REALISTIC IMMERSION! IF AND ONLY IF, they want to. Some of you need to grow the fuck up.

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As I've said in one of the OPs other posts, I don't disagree with the idea of banning out-of-game real-time communications, but only if/when Rocket gets the systems setup in-game.

However, even then, preventing people from using out-of-game comms is simply not possible.

You'd need to have spyware on peoples clients, and even then people would find ways to fool it, just like they always do.

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Your probably right Amentes, im still really interested in the effect it would have on the game. As I said before one of my best ever gaming experiences came from Dayz and direct chat. Its a shame people dismiss the possibilities out of hand.

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If any of you have read my previous suggestions and mechanics you will see i am strongly anti meta gaming. I hate that people have printed maps' date=' but whatever, i hate that people Can just use a blood transfusion bag without in game training or studying. But most of all i hate meta communication. The global chat disable was a GREAT step in the right direction. I have seen wonders come from that. And now people who want to play right are able. The problem that still exists is that TS3 is cheating. Plain and simple. Players who are grouped up with friends theyv known for years on a private ts3 server are at an advantage. You need a radio or phone to communicate over long distances. If your character dosent have one. You have to relate to flashlight morse code and smoke signals.

The solution is disable any ts3 possibility. Now i know your thing lmao thats not possible. Id think the only way would be hack every users personal computer and block ts3 traffic. And servers will never even see or be effected by ts3 traffic. I am a communicator by trade in the military. I dont kno everything though since i specialize in infrastructure. I dont delve to deep into software or what they call the application and transport layers.

So really the point of this thread is to get the discussion out there for fun and 2 to see if any one out there more versed in networking as it applies to dayz knows of a way for servers (( only IF and IF they want)) could deny access to players using TS3? Maybe on hardcore servers only or something. An absolute force to use in game comm only.

Maybe it a server can check the client for ports or sockets that are connected to TS ip addresses?? Fellow realist and hardcore network gurus help me out.


Here is a problem i see. EVEN IF you can block TS3 on a computer with someone on DAYZ. What is to stop someone using a second computer with TS? most gamers these days have multiple computers in their household. You can't block TS from the entire IP because what if other gamers in the household are playing other games? And of course on a second computer they wouldnt be running dayz, only TS.

Sadly if you want a non meta experience you will HAVE to play with people you can trust and want to all abide by the same rules like you would with paintball or airsoft.

If this helps you maybe those using TS were PMC guys or military dudes, or well prepared survivors that had RADIOS on them as the zed apocalypse went down?

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[attachment=918]I like to play a game. This mod is an awesome game. When I play games I use TS not just to talk about the game at hand, but also lets me talk to friends about how they are doing and catch up while I am playing the game. Since DayZ is something I play for 2 to 4 hours at a stretch, it is fun with others in TS while I do it. Plus we can all share a laugh about whatever we just did, or freak out together because we heard shots fired near us.

Zombie RPG/sim, no matter what it is called, it is a great game, and I enjoy talking to friends while I play.

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I don't have a problem per se with using TS, I do it when I play Dayz myself. Im not saying it ruins the game for me or that I feel like its cheating. What i'm saying is that the game might be better for YOU if you played it just using direct chat and let go of preconceptions and habits of your current multi-player gaming.

And if everyone did it (or had to do it in some way) the game might be even better again.

Yeah I like to chat shit with my mates, kills the time running between deerstands etc. But it does remove alot the immersion and tension from the gaming experience.

And Rocket has said time and time again that its all about evoking responses in people, and that's why people love Dayz , the amazing gaming experiences it creates.

There's tonnes of games that are great to play with you mates and that side of social gaming is well established. Team play, hilarious shit, BF3 is one I play myself and its a great laugh. Maybe there is room for another kind of experience that might just be better if you stepped out of the comfort blanket of playing with the same people and doing the same shit just in a new game.

And there is no reason you cant hook up with you mates and chat on direct chat anyway. There is just another level of tactics required to get operations to work using that.

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OP is apparently a veteran of the Korean War, even though the full-scale war has been over for about 59 years.

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OP is apparently a veteran of the Korean War' date=' even though the full-scale war has been over for about 59 years.


In what does this matter to the discussion at hand?

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Absolutely ridiculous. It will never happen.

I have three computers and three mobile devices at my desk right now. How will you stop me playing on my Windows gaming machine, and using my ipad or mac for teamspeak?..

You dream.

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