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Hacker taking control over my character?

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Me and a friend were scouting Elektro, basicly just hanging around in the pub next to the supermarked awaiting other players, when the strangest thing happened to me.

Camping in the bedroom upstairs in the pub, I suddenly starting running towards my mate who was positioned in the room to the right when coming up the stairs. It seemed like someone had taken control over my character and frantically tried changing from my AS50 to my secondary.

Note that at this time I wasn't even touching the keyboard. Realizing what was about to happen, we both aborted.

When I logged on a few minutes later, on another server, I was suddenly outside the church in Electro.

This stuff freaks me out!

Is this even remotely possible?

Appearently it happened to another clanmate of mine yesterday!

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Happened to me today, 1 hour ago. It was someone called Bandit600. He took control over me, and my character ended up running over a friend, who luckily didnt die. I disconnected, and the hacker still had control over me. When my mates got him, it said "... killed Bandit 600 (friendly fire), but the body showed that it was my character. When I logged back, I appeared at the spot where the bandit was killed, but with all my gear, so there was a body of duped gear just in front of me, with no flies sound around it.

Anyone with same situation or that can confirm this is a known script? I´ve seen some posts about it, but idk if its well known.


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Happend to me just a little while ago. When i tried to talk someone elses name who wasn't on the server appeared instead of mine.

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It was someone called Bandit600.

I saw this name last night just entering the server as I logged off, we had just suffered a hacker attack and i had just finished looting all the dead players bodies I could find after the hacker teleported to everyone one at a time, as I log off its just me and bandit600 in the server lol

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I saw this name last night just entering the server as I logged off, we had just suffered a hacker attack and i had just finished looting all the dead players bodies I could find after the hacker teleported to everyone one at a time, as I log off its just me and bandit600 in the server lol

As soon as my mates killed him, he disconnected, so he was server hopping for sure doing this same stuff in one after another.

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A bandit took over a survivor I teamed up with and I almost didn't believe him. Good thing I did though ;p decided to run and come back in a few minutes and I guess all was well

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[Link Removed by SmashT_AU, do not post links to cheat websites]It is possible unfortunately, it's happened to me as well.

Edited by smasht_AU

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This happened to me twice recently. I was using one of the zombie heads for shits and giggles, and I figured it was bug related to that. MY character would stop moving, and start firing off all my ammo, and drop my guns.

It was fucking weird. o_O

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<span style="color: #ff0000">[Link Removed by SmashT_AU, do not post links to cheat websites]

You might want to go and do some cleaning up in the Bandit & Survivor forums then. These links are fucking EVERYWHERE in there.

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