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  1. Having gone through the .RPT-file I can tell you that the helicopter doesn't even exist there. What to do? Make a ticket? Tbh, I think we'll just wait for the standalone.
  2. Me and a friend were scouting Elektro, basicly just hanging around in the pub next to the supermarked awaiting other players, when the strangest thing happened to me. Camping in the bedroom upstairs in the pub, I suddenly starting running towards my mate who was positioned in the room to the right when coming up the stairs. It seemed like someone had taken control over my character and frantically tried changing from my AS50 to my secondary. Note that at this time I wasn't even touching the keyboard. Realizing what was about to happen, we both aborted. When I logged on a few minutes later, on another server, I was suddenly outside the church in Electro. This stuff freaks me out! Is this even remotely possible? Appearently it happened to another clanmate of mine yesterday!
  3. The helicopter spawned when we first purchased the server back in august. Our server is fairly popular, averaging over 20 people during the day, and lately has also peaked 40.
  4. That won't work for a public hive-server though.
  5. I'm not really sure if it is possible to see the location of the helicopter spawn in the logs? Anyway, when I have checked the arma2oaserver.rpt-file or whatever is is called, I seem to recall that the helicopter isn't mentioned in the file whatsoever. It is like it's not supposed to spawn.
  6. Hi! After a few weeks without helicopter on our server (and several other vehicles), we decided to do a complete serverwipe (Thanks to multigamer.no for the quick response and help on the matter). Now, after having wiped the server clean, gotten our new instanceID etc, it seems that the helicopter still doesn't spawn. We've checked all the other vehicle spawns, and all the vehicles are at their spawns, but not the helicopter (none of the spawnpoints!). Has anyone else experienced this? And what the hell is it that makes vehicles disappear and never reappear again? We've been without several vehicles for 2-3 weeks now, including but not limited to the GAZ, UAZ and the Ural. My worst fear is that it is some strange bug included in the, but tbh I don't have the time nor skills to figure those things out. Thanks in advance for any replies! - dANIELZN
  7. Anyone care to explain what this is? Is this hacking ,and if so, what sort? #70 "this enableSimulation false;this allowDammage false;this disableAI 'FSM';this disableAI 'ANIM';this disableAI 'MOVE';"


    40mm grenade launcher = hack, if it is done like...a million times.
  9. Hi again, and sorry for disturbing! I have added the setpos.txt-file to my server, but it doesn't seem to log anything. Do I have to make another file entitled "setpos.log" aswell?
  10. Hi again. Where do I find this setpost.txt etc? I don't seem to find it in my server files. Is it something I have to manually add? If so, what do I write in the txt-file?
  11. Hi! I am currently one of the admins of a unspecific Norwegian server. I have two questions for you today, which I hope someone can answer. Kudos/beans will be given! Firstly; In what log can I see teleportation? Secondly: Do I have to add bans manually to the bans.txt-file, or do they get automaticly written there when banning permanently through BERcon or the ArmA2 Rcon? My second question is because I strongly fear that all bans I've done have been "removed" by BattlEye or the server at server restart. Thusly, I have had visits from a few formerly permanently banned hackers during the latest days. Thanks in advance for any replies!