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Graphic issue Please help an old guy...

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Ok so I have been having a slight graphic issue. When I run Dayz or CO their is flickering in the clouds and the colors seem a bit off. When I open my map their is a slight flickering of some of the surface. Not showing any thing disapear... Just a slight blinking. I am not a copmputer person at all, kinda old and I just enjoy playing these games. I just purchased a Vertex 4 ssd 120gig and did a fresh install exactly the way I had done with my older HDD. I have never had these issues and the only change has been the SSD and bumping the OS to 64 bit.

Version: Steam

Arma 2 Arma arrowhead

Launching with Dayz commander

PC: Gygabyte ex58 ud3r, 6 gig raptor ram, 2X nvidia GTX 275's Western Digital HDD and Vertex 4 SSD, i7 920, Windows 7 home premium 64 bit.

Im sorry if their is something I am leaving out, and I wouldnt know how to post a picture even if their was something

to show. This is something that would not be evident in a still.

I have been playing Dayz for a few weeks, and Arma for a long time with out these issues. It has only been since I stepped up to

64 bit, and added the Vertex SSD. Please help with thi issue.

Edited by Arkael Dren

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I had a gfx issue where every so often the screen would go dark like as if it were night time or the screen would go white like I had been flashbanged. I have sorted it by switching the gfx memory to default in graphic settings. Hope this helps

(you may not need to switch to default but maybe another setting like high. You can do this while ingame to better resolve the problem too)

FYI I am using 2 x ATI 5770 (1GB each)

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Thx I have set the Nvidia settings to every different combo I could find, as well as change the settings in the Arma UI. Nothing has changed it. If I run Arma 2, it does not affect it. If I run Arrowhead in window mode, it seems ok, but Dayz z does not run in windowed. Also if I run CO in normal full screen, it shows these graphic issues. So it only shows up in Dayz and CO. Im going to reinstall everything on my HHD, that has a seperate 64bit windows OS. See if it does the same thing.

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