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"Fallujah will be different." Wrong!

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So a few week ago the Fallujah map came out. I was excited as my chernarus char had full gear, was in a bad spot and my clan had pretty much stopped playing so whatever chernarus server i played on, i was likely to lose everything in 10mins to some children. Screw that, my days of leaving GPS and NVGs in supermarkets for people are over. So a fresh start was needed, preferably with a heli not glitched in a hotel forever. Anyways i log on to Fallujah, run for about an hour through buildings and buildings, find one outhouse with some flares, yay. Then die of starvation. (this map rocks, too authentic!) So next life.. "whassat i hear shooting!", i proceed to said noise and find zombies chowing down on an unlucky fellow in the road, I let them disperse and go in for loots, yeah, hmmm, yeah, this guy has FULL toolbelt DMR M9SD NVG RF, just like i left on chernarus. I loot it all stare down the road about 20mins then log. Next level please

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i was likely to lose everything in 10mins to some children.

Ladies and gentlemen, I here today have an indirect statement from a supposedly older player that these 'children' aren't completely shit at the game and can obviously, taken out of this indirect statement, outplay older players! Bravo.

Edited by Inception.

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Next level please

Kill your character and try to get this stuff yourself from the airport!

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