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What's the point in trying?

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If you can play for a day straight, get the rarest items in the game with your friend including map and NV goggles and then some random asshole out of nowhere just kills you, and you can't even tell from where did he shoot from or anything about him (even who he is) then what's the point in playing this game? You can just get killed anywhere at any time with 1 shot you don't have any time to react or do ANYTHING.

You're cautiously walking inside of a building and BANG you're dead. There was nothing you can do. It is unfair punishing the player for something he had no control over. If it wouldn't be a 1hit death then maybe you could do something.

There are no killcams or anything either so you can't even tell where your enemy is. He an just camp there all day.

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It's a simulator. Do you think people would be much different in this situation in real life? Probably not

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Well, if you've clearly gotten all the super phat lewtz that the game has to offer, the point might be to learn how not to let someone get the drop on you and kill you in one hit. If that's not up your alley, I suppose you might not like this game.

EDIT: You know what would be cool? Using all that cool kit (which doesn't make you inherently bulletproof, PS) and learning how to use it. Look up US Army LRRP personnel and check out the stuff they did. Use some of that.

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this is not your typical rails-corridor-final-boss shooter

this is social experiment shaped as zombie mod

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What are you talking about? It isn't about skill or anything, the guy killed me before I could do anything about it. You can't "learn" to be more careful, because no matter how careful you are someone will kill you out of nowhere. It's like some sort of insanity test.

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everything you listed is the reason i love this game, guess you cant please everyone huh.

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If you can play for a day straight' date=' get the rarest items in the game with your friend including map and NV goggles and then some random asshole out of nowhere just kills you, and you can't even tell from where did he shoot from or anything about him (even who he is) then what's the point in playing this game? You can just get killed anywhere at any time with 1 shot you don't have any time to react or do ANYTHING.

You're cautiously walking inside of a building and BANG you're dead. There was nothing you can do. It is unfair punishing the player for something he had no control over. If it wouldn't be a 1hit death then maybe you could do something.

There are no killcams or anything either so you can't even tell where your enemy is. He an just camp there all day.


Whats the point of life? You go through life and get all this great stuff then you just die out of no where and there is nothing you can do about it.

If you're killed walking into a building, then it wasn't cautiously. He had control over how long he could case the area before his infil. He chose to move quickly and recklessly and for his impatience took a dirt nap.

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I've got time to kill, I'll bite. How did he kill you before you could do anything about it? It's a game about survival, the entire time you're playing you should have been doing something about it.

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What are you talking about? It isn't about skill or anything' date=' the guy killed me before I could do anything about it. You can't "learn" to be more careful, because no matter how careful you are someone will kill you out of nowhere. It's like some sort of insanity test.


Take you time when your running around and scope stuff out. He might of been hunting you for awhile tho...

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There are no killcams or anything either

Are you stupid?

It was an example. Obviously I don't want Killcams or anything like that in DayZ. Stop whining about it.

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There are no killcams or anything either

Are you stupid?

It was an example. Obviously I don't want Killcams or anything like that in DayZ. Stop whining about it.

We are getting spamed by causals who want the game eaiser for themselfs. That's why everryone is so uptight with any changes that make it less unforgiving.

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The game is brutal. Plan and simple and that's why its so great!

On the plus side you can always respawn and spend a few hours and get most of the same gear you lost back.

DayZ is an experience where the Journey is the reward.

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In Day Z the end is the same for everyone. It's the journey towards your inevitable fate that makes the game fun. There is no 'I win' to progress to. The point of the game is to keep the journey going as long as you can. The equipment one collects simply represent tools to make survival easier. The gear you find not an end unto itself.

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Yesterday I had 3 dudes in my sights at gunpoint with a silenced M4, they never saw me, they were running around trying to be tacticool and didn't spot me less than 100 meters away from them pointing my gun at them. If they were paying attention they would have seen me. I didn't shoot at them and let them keep on going, they probably died soon enough and most likely made a forum post about how they got one shot killed and didn't have time to do anything about it.

To summarize the point i'm trying to make, WHAAAA WHAAAAA!!!! Mommy the people on the internet killed me and that's not fair WHAAA!!!!

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^^ what he said. God I am such a helpful member of this community.....

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