t0pz 173 Posted October 6, 2012 i'm currently playing around with the map editor to see if i could add custom buildings and objects, such as new buildings in the middle of nowhere or additional wrecks and street objects, and most of all: dead bodies hanging from nooses (< love that :)however, i can't seem to find actual buildings in the in-game map editor, just small bunkers, fortifications and other smaller items. I also have little knowledge on how i would be able to import the new objects onto a private server.Does anyone have any ideas? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
burritoman259 593 Posted October 6, 2012 i'm currently setting up a private hive right now i kinda want to find out how to do this... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wookiesxs 9 Posted October 6, 2012 Create a 2D map in editor and add all the stuff you want then merge it with the server map? Most of the items you seek is under Empty category, if you want civilian houses or something like that you must download a "expansion" that does that. Although that may require people who wants to play on the server to download that aswell. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Calinthor 5 Posted October 6, 2012 The easiest way is through the map editor, but you don't have to merge it if you've unpacked the mission file from the pbo. just make a copy of in the arma mpmission folder. Start Arma and select new <<New - Editor>> and to bring up the map map editor. Load the mission, you'll have to load it from the mp folder you made and copied it to. Add the items you want onto the map and save the file also "Export as multiplayer mission". Copy the new mission.sqm to your mission folder you unpacked.. re-pack and you're pretty much done. You could add them manually in script, if you know the exact location and heading you want them. http://picacid.com/arma2/loot_en.html has a list of codes for the buildings and loot in DayZ.Folder multiplayer missions are saved to: "C:\Users\yourlogon\Documents\ArmA 2 Other Profiles\yourprofilename\MPMissions\" for windows 7And like SxS said, most things are in "EMPTY" but not all things. and if you make the map with @dayz loaded it should filter out things not allowed. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tommygun9504 8 Posted October 6, 2012 Hiya,I know there's at least one topic in the Bohemia Interactive Forums about placing buildings within the ArmA 2 Editor, but I think it's fairly complicated. If you have the time to work it out, then by all means go for it! I also agree with SxS when he says merge it with the DayZ map.Alternatively, assuming you can access your database, one could write the buildings into it as an object, which allows you to use the standard DayZ mission file unmodified - all buildings come from the Hive. Here's a trick. To get the worldspace/coordinates you want to use in the database, put a tent there and check the location of your tent in the database, copy and paste data and go from there =P 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
t0pz 173 Posted October 6, 2012 Alternatively, assuming you can access your database, one could write the buildings into it as an object, which allows you to use the standard DayZ mission file unmodified - all buildings come from the Hive. Here's a trick. To get the worldspace/coordinates you want to use in the database, put a tent there and check the location of your tent in the database, copy and paste data and go from there =PNow that is a great idea. I'd much rather just enter the object and position in the database than fiddle around with maps and mission files. Thank you Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 6 Posted October 6, 2012 I've been editing the Bliss Hive to add buildings/objects into the map which is working pretty well but it is time consuming getting the item in the right position. if you use the map editor do the other players have to download this new version of the map? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
humbleuk 76 Posted October 6, 2012 yes they download a new mission file when they connect, but that's it.You can add any building via the 3d editor or 2d editor, some buildings like firehouses/hospitals cannot be placed unless you for example put a "tent" down and then go into the mission.sqm and change class "tent" to "barracks" simply replacing the tent with a barrack instead.On my ne airfield i have extra hangers, firehouse, crashed plane with loot and a barracks... i also have set up other miltary camps on cherno like stary with more zombies and so on. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
burritoman259 593 Posted October 7, 2012 hey messhall you don't mind putting a link up for download do you? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 2 Posted October 7, 2012 (edited) for exmaple go server browser search clanzones deathmatch pvp - go check!everything can be done trough mission files.EDIT:For noobs and clearence ill write here the correct workflow (tested one) and explain things out.Basic understanding of 3d space is needed, ability to rewrite mission files and understand the underlying code is necesery.This is the workflow for stock objects and stuff in Arma2 and DayZ.Tools needed:-3de_conv.exe you can find it on armaholic- pbo viewer and packer- arma 2 / dayz 1.2.6 (for playing testing) and 1.2.3 (for map editing and other stuff -any older will work too (singleplayer option still enabled))- notepad ++Basic workflow:Setting upopen dayz 1.2.3, when you load game press alt+e to go to the editor. Choose Chernarus.Wait to load, save your clean project (save often!!!).When your in the editor, go CENTER (to add center - all defoults), add Group (should as defoult), add UNIT (playble unit, choose any survivor from the dropdown list), make it playable!! I place the Unit to where i want to work. LEts say Elektro.Now we have setup basic things, save and lets go adding stuff. If go to 3d world - you will seethat we are where we placed the UNIT - Survivor. Moving camera ASD, youll see... Learn to be confortable in editor.Adding stuffGo to Vehicles (EVERYTHING you want to place here is a VEHICLE). Click near your survivor on the 3d view in the editor and add a Structure and get one from the list you want (can be anything, some things are not working some things are broken, you have to go trough the list yourself). By default arma editor places the unit/vehicle/any object to the ground level, right click drag it round RC+CTR rotate, RC+ALT modifies hight of the object.Voila you have added you first object to the scene. Add couple more stuff around your survivor and your done. save often!You can mess in your editor as much as you want (but keep object low dont put 10000000 it will get your mission file bigger)!At the end of the proces save your mission file (single player - multi doesnt matter in this step).Quit arma.GO to you USER folder in windows, find arma 2 other profile in documents folder, there you shoud see you project folder and mission files inside. open folder with the 3dconv.exe and drag you mission file to that exe. it will create a fil which you must use in the next step.MERGING FILESGo to your server MPMISSION and copy dayz1_chernarus.pbo, extract it in your working folder. Keep your files / folder clean!!Copy that folder to the Arma2 other profiles you can actualy load dayz mission files.Open Arma2, go singleplayer > editor, load chernarus, load your mission (you created not dayz one), delete UNIT GROUP AND CENTERm save. exit to main menu. Open again SINGLE PLAYER - EDITOR, load chernarus and LOAD DAYZ1_cHERnarus (the original dayz map).Click MERGE and load your mission. CLick save and save it under diff name like dayz_cherno_edit.Quit arma.DeployingGo to you arma other profiles, and open your newly created / merged file in notepad++. Find markers, delete the ones you added, reset the item count at 5, edit class names so they fit. items=5; class Item0 etc. Save it.The open your orignal dayz mission files (the ones you extracted in your working folder not arma other profiles). replace the original mission file with your merged and edited one. Open pboViewer and repack the folder back to PBO. Upload to the server and test your game. All objects you added should be there.If you get stuck at loading - you made a typo in mission file. Weapon error? you added wepaons with missing textures or broken ones.TIPS!Learn how the editor works. go around and fiddle first!There are no custom objects in this workflow. If you want to do custom objects, learn how to model first, texture, uv map learn what format arma supports.... etc. We never work on maps layout in one file. I use few files and then merge them altogether in 2d editor.Like on PVP elektro, 1 miss file for the wall (or you can script it), 1 mission file for scenery, 1 for special stuf.. so if we work on the layout, we work on 1 part at each point in time. not on the whole thing (breaking things down to smaller parts makes the thing easier to handle and design)Be delicate with scripting in arma. missing ; can make your mission file broken and unplayble. Keep dayz mission file CLEAN!!AND :!Playtest playtest playtes! Have fun.Sry for typos.... Edited October 7, 2012 by kralj 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dafreak 0 Posted January 1, 2013 Hello everyone,RGG arrived @DayZ just a few weeks ago so rough said pretty "late"......but not @Arma and we have done stuff around it...I bothered a few times with the @RTE Realtime Editor which seems to be working on placing and gettin more exact coordinates better than the basic 3d editor.Not sure if this helps but the tool itself is pretty nice and not so complicated than the standard tools 2d/3d!!especially on the sqm/sqf stuff!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites