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Announcement - The NAW Clan Private Hive, Hacker-Free Server - 128 Slot - Free Week!

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Announcing our first FREE WEEK! Play for free all week and lock in your subscription next week!

Fellow survivors,

Recently many YouTubers and other various popular DayZ players have since left the game due to the extreme hacker infestation. A few of us got together and realized that we needed to implement a hacker-free server on DayZ. Currently, the main problem lies in public servers, which have strict regulation imposed by the DayZ Devs. However, we have overcame these barriers and have created a server that allows people to play the way it was meant to be played. No corrupted loot pool, no teleporting, no hacking, and nearly 24/7 Admin support. Our server also has a 128 player cap, which further diversifies the environment, and we are curious to see our server filled. You may have seen other server owners trying to implement these large caps but because they are hosted on public equipment, they cannot sustain the load. We have a server that has been built from the ground up that WE own and will easily be able to handle this many survivors in Chernarus.

So today, we are pleased to announce our clan, and our server, The Nations at War.

Our server will provide you with the best experience through the following features:

  • The latest cheating countermeasures
  • Nearly 24/7 Admin Support
  • 128 Player Cap
  • Database monitoring, and the ability to disallow "hacked gear"
  • A diverse set of vehicles
  • Our OWN server, NOT rented from any of the terrible hosting companies
  • A Fibre Optic connection, which ensures low ping and great upload and download speeds
  • GUID whitelisting and password protection

We at NAW believe that all of these combined will bring survivors, heroes, and bandits alike, the best possible and most clean DayZ experience yet. Now all of this comes at a cost to us. We the founding members, are investing nearly 100% of our time into the server and administration of the server. We also must cover our fees for our internet connection provided to our dedicated server and our website and teamspeak. We essentially are making it our JOB to help you all the community. So, with consideration to all of this we are setting the monthly subscription to our server to be $7, which we believe is a fair price. We consider it as a donation, because it goes to improving the server and making YOUR experience better.

As part of donating and subscribing to our server, this will potentially benefit YOU! Our clan plans on hosting events in the game, in which you can earn games on steam and other prizes.

Through our server, we hope to give back to the community in as many ways as we can.

As a clan we are just starting out. We currently have 3 admins, and all of them will monitor our website and our server, but we are in need of admins! Contact us for more information.

If you are interested or want to know more please visit our website http://thenawclan.enjin.com. Registration is all set up and streamlined. Once you apply you will be accepted! We hope to be a diverse clan that will accept anyone who has a true passion for the game.

If you have any further questions feel free to contact us at our email [email protected] and you may also contact our skype at naw.clan .

We can't wait to see you in Cherno!

- [NAW]Sgt.Jonny


Edited by thenawclan

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We have to pay to join the server?

Edited by what9k

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We have to pay to join the server?

Yes. We require a donation to ensure you will not hack.

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I suggest that you offer a month free to join in and play there. Gather supplies. And really develop a need to pay 7 bucks. At the moment, we have no return on investment as we do not know what to expect. I think it would greatly benefit you, if you gave players a month free, if its good, people will stay and donate afterwards.

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I suggest that you offer a month free to join in and play there. Gather supplies. And really develop a need to pay 7 bucks. At the moment, we have no return on investment as we do not know what to expect. I think it would greatly benefit you, if you gave players a month free, if its good, people will stay and donate afterwards.

This is how successful free to play markets thrive. Give people a taste. They will come back. gouge them in the beginning and they will expect to be entertained at the level they feel $7 provides.

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As noted above, you should implement the Free To Play marketing: Give a taste, then ask for money.

Give them a week or a month free access and then ask for the money. ^^

There is like no guerentee that the investment will be worth our money ^^

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This is how successful free to play markets thrive. Give people a taste. They will come back. gouge them in the beginning and they will expect to be entertained at the level they feel $7 provides.

As noted above, you should implement the Free To Play marketing: Give a taste, then ask for money.

Give them a week or a month free access and then ask for the money. ^^

There is like no guerentee that the investment will be worth our money ^^

I suggest that you offer a month free to join in and play there. Gather supplies. And really develop a need to pay 7 bucks. At the moment, we have no return on investment as we do not know what to expect. I think it would greatly benefit you, if you gave players a month free, if its good, people will stay and donate afterwards.

We have listened to everyone's advice and have opened up the server for a free week! Join and play now for a hacker-free experience!

Look for "The Nations At War" in DayZ Commander!

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Those are the correct codes of the images ;)

Edit: Not sure if they will show up as images though, since I think that the forums only accept IMGUR.

So here are the imgur image codes ;)


Edited by Obvious

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