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Medics that need supplies look here

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]CIA[ Medics are here to help. ]CIA[ has accumulated a lot of medical supplies and are setting up a medical resupply center on our server US 843. This will be manned and supplied by ]CIA[ members. The idea is as follows. We will stock the center, the supplies are 100% free we only as that if you can spare any supplies that you have in surplus you donate them to this cause. THIS IS NOT MANDATORY. The point will be guarded and we ask that you join our Team Speak server ( before approaching the site. All medics must be unarmed or have your side arm drawn. Failure to comply will result in your death. The point will be in operation every day with varying hours check with us on our TS join channels Arma2>Requesting Medical. The location will be 029 across 133 down (029,133) Medical treatment will also be available at this location same approach rules apply

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Great idea, I would like to contribute. I have my "ambulance" stocked and ready to go. The problem with medical supplies is in WHERE you set up a supply center. May I suggest that you move inland? Getting supplies on the coast is easy. I had a point set up in Berezino and no one went, then I realized that why would they when they can just stop at the hospital? The real chore is getting these supplies inland, near Stary ect. Let me know if you want a hand getting supplies in there. The server with my "ambulance" will be shut down in two weeks though.

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we will be setting up a second one more central for peak server times that location is yet to be decided this base is mainly for day time resupplys

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We are currently online and ready. Contact us on our TS or on our website. Security, logistics, and medics are available.

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These guys were great. I couldn't make it to the medical centre, because of sickness induced bloodloss. They came out to me and rescued my ass with swiftness and efficiency. I think I might visit the centre soon to see what it looks like and get a couple of antibiotics for my group. My crew is always getting the sickness as we use a PBX to do night ops on our fav server. And were always out of heatpacks.

Anway, ]CIA[ medics are good guys!

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Thanks man, we are glad we could help. If you are ever again in need of assistance please feel free to join our TS

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Fellas, I am in dire straights. I have the sickness from a zombie bite, and while I have some items, I need to have antibiotics administered.

I am a hero with zero murders and +1 in the trading thread, I will not shoot you.

I am in Gorka, and would prefer not to risk long distance travel with the perpetual bloodloss.

Please PM me if you would like to help.

Edit: I was rescued by the boys from ]CIA[! These dudes were some professionals:

I got on their TS server ( and moved myself into the request assistance room. No joke, less than a minute goes by and some very busy sounding guys asks "Where are you at". He is all business, informs me they (the medic's bodyguard and medic) have anything I need, and that they're on their way (6km away) in a truck they've just fueled up. I offer 3 full jerry cams that I just looted, but the offer is declined. Within minutes they're in the barn I'm hiding in, giving me a blood transfusion and supplying me with antibiotics for my sickness. Out of courtesy, I offered to drop my gun, but they declined, and instead I chose to aim it at the ground and not move while they were on the scene.

This was my first rescue-by-stranger in DayZ, and it was awesome! ]CIA[ guys were great.

Another happy customer
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Wow, had another great interaction with the boys from ]CIA[ just now.

Hopped on the channel and RayRay and I discussed a trade of antibiotics for bear traps. I wanted to give them something because I know how rare these things can be. My friends and I end up with the sickness alot from using our boat at night, so being able to heal up onsite with antibiotics is key.

On our way to meeting up (they got in their custom skinned off-road truck), I found a Heli Crash site and marked it for them in case they needed to grab anything from it. RayRay met me, hooked me up with the aforementioned items, I threw in a little extra and then he offered me a lift 5km away in the truck (my first time being in one)! Another great encounter, I highly recommend these dudes!

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