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Osaka (DayZ)

Ridable/edible horses

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I couldn't find any other topic with this idea.

How about Rocket adds horses to the game?

They randomly spawn just like other animals, and you can either shoot them and loot for meat, or ride them as a vehicle that needs to drink and eat once in a while from a fresh water source or you give it water from your own bottles.

Also a horse would fatigue after a while and needs to regenerate by eating grass.

You fuel it with water.

Just an idea...

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I can see it now, Winchester over my shoulder, revolver at my side, idling down the emtpy highway on my trusty steed... all we'd need is a Stetson!

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Yes, having a horse would be epic. Just idle through the fields with the wind in your hair. And if anything decided to eat your brain, just gallop out of there.

It's realistic too, There are other farm animals just randomly spread around the map. Russian farmers have horses too. It's only logical.

But to make it hard to get, maybe barns and other farm building can have loot drops such as saddles in order to ride a horse. See it as vehicle parts. But I suppose riding a horse bareback would work, but you get a speed penalty or something. Or a saddle adds the ability to have another person riding along?

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Now you got me excited!

Worse case scenario:Ned gets a 12 gauge to the head and you feast on equine for a month!

Edited by Dr.Duff

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Maybe some horeshoes or something as well? possibly "repairing" a horse as a helicopter needs a rotor assembly etc etc a horse needs gear for riding

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horseshoes might increase the health points of a horse, but will also make it louder.

Customize your horse maybe? Ghillie suits for horses?

Or maybe you can find a cart which you can let your horse pull? Great for merchants, or just to carry around more crap?

Saddlebags would help.

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There is an optional called "bicycle" which is much easier to maintain and keep.

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There is an optional called "bicycle" which is much easier to maintain and keep.

Yes, but it's not about the vehicle, it's about the fun.

Try to ride a real bicycle onto a hill in soggy soil. I bet you a horse would do this a lot faster.

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Eat horses??? Are you french by any chance?

Nope Dutch. And while horse meat is fairly uncommon here, you can actually buy this in any supermarket or butcher around here.

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Good idea, but if they were anything above very rare, then there would have to be downsides, such as the horse getting spooked by gunfire, either galloping off if you're shot at while on the ground, or rearing up and bolting if you're riding them. This is the sort of thing that could be awesome. Also not 100% on this, but horseshoes were designed so the horses didn't hurt their feet for prolonged use on roads, so possibly not necessary if it's only out in the countryside, but if venturing into a town you would need a set.

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Only europeans eat horses....

Europeans eat a lot of weird things. frogs, snails, grasshoppers, etc.

But seriously. Sure I prefer a nice juicy steak over any other meat. But if you're starving to death, zombies are lurking for your ass and you have only warm cans of cola, or water from a pond, then your morals become very low.

You will eat anything available.

It's about survival, not about how cute the animal is.

Heck if I have nothing better I would hunt down a human and eat that. Food=food

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Europeans eat a lot of weird things. frogs, snails, grasshoppers, etc.

But seriously. Sure I prefer a nice juicy steak over any other meat. But if you're starving to death, zombies are lurking for your ass and you have only warm cans of cola, or water from a pond, then your morals become very low.

You will eat anything available.

It's about survival, not about how cute the animal is.

Heck if I have nothing better I would hunt down a human and eat that. Food=food

Umm, that makes you one of "them" dude!?

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Why can't I just ride a pig?

Also monkeys are desperately needed in this game, can you imagine having a monkey which pickpockets players AND is your personal butler?? Plus I hear their brains are delicious.

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Dunno about you, but grasshoppers? They're eaten by those strange alternative people yes. When I was in high school a couple of years ago, that was one out of twenty... And he was a goth. The rest of us was like O.o ...

And horses are delicious. Here in Belgium it's very common. I don't see why you wouldn't eat them. They're not much smarter than a cow, can be dangerous and unpredictable, and are extremely overrated. Let me guess, you like cuddling dolphins and bash on Japanese for eating common, non-endangered whale species too? =S

Edited by Ratiasu

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