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Problems I encounter (Help)

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I bought DayZ a week ago and I've played it a few times but its really frustrating because I can't progress in-game due to 1 problem I have.. Zombies :(

Firstly when I spawn I have no clue where I am going so I go through forests which has been most of my gameplay so haven't experienced much yet but every minute I get zombies chasing me even if I'm crawling. (Someone said the recent update improved their line of sight)

So what do you recommend I do? I want to explore and actually find a weapon to protect myself but like I said I ALWAYS get them chasing me and when I stop to pick something up I get bitten then die because I can't stop to bandage myself..

I am really trying not to give up and let this ruin my experience. How have you overcome this problem?

Please share your experiences and opinions

Edited by Coughs

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You can easily lose zombies by crouch walking through the edge of certain trees. They will lose their line of site.

If your having issues knowing where you are just remember that the clouds always move from west to east and that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. If you see a road or power line follow it. You'll end up somewhere useful. You will generally spawn on the south coast. 2 of the major cities are on this coast. Good luck.

P.S - Once you find an axe your life will become much easier...

Edited by Fraggle

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First of all, enjoy this time!

I had fun with the game after I figured out where to find loot easily and how to get rid of zombies, and i am still having fun with this deathmatch / trust thingie the game has become.

But I will never forget the night where i started playing and ran through the woods in the rain, without any orientation, whithout a weapon and scared as shit.

My advice is just find it out by yourself, this is one of the best parts of the game. Yes it is frustrating at times but it will prepare you for all the frustration that will follow ;)

edit: But let me give you one more advice, try the "farms" first, the buildings are easy for beginners (2 entrances) and bit outside the cities so not so many zombies and players there. If you look at the dayzdb map they are green. But as I said, i would recommend trying it out by yourself.

Edited by okami
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My advice is bud, find the coast and run along it, you will eventually come across a major town. Once you do, if you have a tail of zeds in ur ass is to enter a large building, zeds can't run inside buildings so you can easily pick up useful loot and get by them. Don't be frustrated though, this isn't a game you can just expect to hop in and play like a normal fps, you have to build up from nothing. Once you find your map, compass, first weapons etc you will be so happy!!! It's a very rewarding game, I've never been so happy to see a can of beans when I was hungry. That's what makes this special, every little thing you do makes it more rewarding the more you play, and you get fearful of dying because of the progress you have made. Not like other fps where your handed everything on a plate and if you die it don't matter.

Just really pay attention to the sight and sound icons on the right when being stealthy, the line of sight engine on this game is brilliant, use cover to your advantage and be patient!!

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Grab yourself a hatchet and if you attract zombies, get yourself to a building & swing at them. They can only walk inside buildings, and they can't get inside hospitals at all.

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Thanks for all the replies I really do appreciate it! :)

I will try do what you guys suggested now and see how far I get but I doubt I can get to an axe before zombies start chasing me lol.

Anyone who doesn't mind helping me out in-game please PM me your Skype/Steam.

Edited by Coughs

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One other bit of advise: Deer stands are your friend.

They are probably the safest place to get a weapon. They are usually located along tree lines and zombies don't like trees. If you approach carefully from the forest side you can almost always loot them without agroing any zombies.

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Another useful point- zambies will move away from the building they spawn at - watch an area for a while and they will spread out, then it's time for looting

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Just came off as I broke my bones, bled to death near a place with a lighthouse and loads of planks of wood. I did find my first weapon (hatchet) but unfortunately couldn't find a bandage and morphine in time :(

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Unfortunately, you wont find morphine outside of hospitals/ military tents, how did you break your legs etc.

Did you reload the hatchet? (really)

It actually has a range as it is a re-textured gun

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Unfortunately, you wont find morphine outside of hospitals/ military tents, how did you break your legs etc.

Did you reload the hatchet? (really)

It actually has a range as it is a re-textured gun

Zombies somehow broke my legs and yes I did reload the hatchet. Can someone please help me in-game if they have time tomorrow?

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Lots of good advice here. It took me a couple days to get the hang of managing zombie trains. Away from buildings run in a straight line through bushes. After you get a few bushes between you and the zeds go into a crouch and watch over your shoulder. You'll lose a few every time, but some are very tenacious. Pine trees are the best. Stand in the middle of one and they will walk right past you. If you can get your "sight" meter to 2 bars and no sounnd, almost all zeds will miss you. If you can quickly go prone under a tree or a cluster of bushes they will also miss you. Break their line of sight at any opportunity. Just spend a couiple hours practicing these tactics and life will get MUCH easier.

Your first objective should always be an axe. Listed range is 1 meter but it really looks more like 2. After it's in your inventory, right click on it and "remove from toolbelt". That will put it in your primary weapon slot. IMMEDIATELY "reload" it. Practice with it. Axes are found in Farm and industrial spawns. After a while you will turn the tables and start hunting THEM. Zeds carry food, drink and bandages. You can live off them for quite a while. Someone mentioned Deer Stands. Deer stands have morphine. Soldier zeds carry morphine. ALways try and get at least a couple morphines before you commit to a long game.

Your second objective should be a backpack. Stores, houses and apartment buildings are the place to find these. Once you get the hang of using the axe, searching buildings actually gets fun. I try to avoid putting anything in my starter pack. It makes swapping packs a lot faster. Once you have a bigger pack, THEN you can think about carrying a rifle of some sort. Once you have a rifle in your pack, it's easy to switch between axe and rifle. I usually just carry an axe and a 1911. The pistol is for people. Most of your hostile encounters will be with snipers so just KEEP MOVING. Most snipers I've encountered have a big gun but no idea how to use it. Most of the rest will be at pistol range.

Remember, even the loudest pistol is qieter than any rifle (except for SD) and the axe is SILENT. Use an axe and all you only have to worry about is whats at the door, not whats down the street.

Silence is GOLDEN.

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