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US-LA Private Hive.

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I've played on here for a few weeks now and really named it my favorite. Had a ton of fun etc. Killed one of the "group" members of the owner "Gunter" right, so I kill this chick named "Maniac" shes got a DMR, m9SD, Coyote Pack, GPS, NVG, RangeFinder, M4CCOSD. I'm like hell yea. Dont think anything of it. Legit gear. So I continue on. 3 days later "Today" I'm rolling around with a buddy. We see the chick "Maniac" running in the road. Armed to the teeth. We run her over. Dead. To my amazement she has the EXACT gear as the last time I killed her 3 days ago to the T. So I let my buddy obtain it all since I already have it. And my suspicion is raised. But what ever. What am I going to do shes an Admin here. We continue on in our truck far up the road. At least three towns away in the three valleys to fill up jerry cans for fuel. In the distance we hear an offroad roll up and shut off. We are in high alert. When their little posse rolls up and kills us. Okay, what ever I tell them "Good stuff guys" its a game. Eventually you die. I'm a reasonable guy and its cool. We spawn again about an hour later running up from Elektro there goes two black SUV's which are bullet proof rolling in convoy. Gunter the server owner and his posse roll around in bullet proof SUV's. Spawning in what ever gear they want getting geared up directly after death and if you kill one of their posse, they find your position with admin capabilities and kill you. Its ridiculous, its lame, and it takes the fun out of the game. I do not understand how much fun one could have spawning in shit and rolling around in bullet proof cars killing everyone. Takes the fun out of the game. If your willing to put up with their elitist mentality all this server is, is scripters controlling the scripting to themselves and banning any other "hackers" which in reality is them.




Weak ass bitches.

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Well, if you don't like it then you don't have to play on it.

I've been playing on the LA private hive for about three weeks now. It has it's charms and I've meet some really cool people (michael and Mason, to name a few).

I was killed by the admin squad once for basically being by the road when they drove by. It was a 2 car convoy, one being a black SUV. Another time (last night) they had a chopper and shot at me. I returned fire, eventually getting killed by one of their squadmates parachuting to the ground. They informed me earlier that I'm on their "shoot on sight" list, which I imagine is getting pretty long.

I'll admit, some of their behavior IS suspect. Their chopper crashed this afternoon (I watched it go down) and they had another one up and running about an hour later. Gunter, annA, and Jabba also troll the hell out of side chat and gang up on people in true high school fashion.

But you know what? I'm still enjoying myself. I could really care less if the admins are abusing their powers. I don't think they are, but I've seen enough that the assertion wouldn't be too unreasonable. They do a good job keeping the scripters at bay, and I've had a number of epic moments caught on fraps, so I can't complain about server quality. There is a LOT of PvP in the cities, but nothing to write home about. So I'll keep playing, and hopefully you will too :)

Edit: I'll also add that the moderators probably also pay for the server. I'm willing to bet they made the vehicle modifications as well. If they are abusing their power then they have a hefty argument in the entitlement department since everyone else plays for free. It's like when we were little and played games at our friend's house - we always got the shabby, beaten up grey N64 controller with a half-broken joystick and they played with the broken in, familiar, awesome-looking clear-plastic purple controller.

Edit 2: I played on a couple more private hives and found one that I like a lot more. I like it mostly because it's a veteran server and I've died countless times on LA Private because my nameplate gave me away. Anyway, the mods of the new server are positive, foster a sense of community, and keep the trolling to an absolute minimum. I looked at the admin squad from LA as a "Skynet" of sorts that are best ignored. They don't wear clan tags, but from numerous encounters these are (some) of their ranks: Gunter/Broseidon, annA, Lockie, Jabba, Crackity, and TeK. I had a good time on the server, but now I'm ready for something more mature.


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Well, I managed to ambush a squad that I followed on my pushbike for ~20 min in the far north of the map and after the admin asked how I got so geared (M107 and L85 that I found at a crash site), he banned me for being a script kiddie. Guess the squad of 4 I took out were butt hurt about getting killed. That's what happens when you make a racket going through the countryside.

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Yeah ive seen their corpses before with the same gear, and them getting called out for getting gps, m9sds and other gear soon after death. I had fun on the server tho, i don't mind that too much. only I got banned off of it unreasonably

The admins were raiding elektro and were fully equiped, they killed my buddy at me there, so we proceded to retaliate. I found a bizon and some other gear on a dead guy at the beach near them. They were taking fire, a lot of fire, at least 2 dmr an enfield and ak in the middle of chenro and elektro and suddenly the server restarted. A few minutes after i tried to get to where i thought they hid a heli and their uriel. I had a grenade so i decided to use it on them. It didnt do much damage and soon after I got killed they banned me

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I got banned from this server, I was near the church in cherno when the heli crashed. Then when the server restarted this guy was in the heli fully repaired and i got in. Then he crashed we both died and I got banned for being a "script kiddie" my name is Leeroy Jenkins.... people like me on the server until I killed "Nicky" because She scared me... It is still my favorite server but I wish I could still play on it.

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Hey Leeroy I saw you on today. You seemed to be having a bad time a Balota airfield.

My only qualms about this server is they don't respect the Chernarus free press. This was how the admin team greeted me on my first day.

Edited by Cherno Journo

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Here's my looting Elektro guide for heavy-pvp servers. The gameplay is from LA Private. Unusual number of friendlies in this video.

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I don't care if they spawn weapons for themselves. It just means more for me when I take their lives.

And Gunter is pretty fair as far as private hive admins go. I have played on LA private hive several times. One of the better private hives, in my opinion.

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Is there a way to contact the admins of this server? I think I have been falsely banned but I couldn't find anything about the server on google. Please an email adress or a pm of the admin would be great, I really liked the server and I don't think I did anything wrong. I was actually trying to help.

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I'll vouch that. This server has heaps of admin abuse. I was banned for being in a AH6X little bird I found off Elektro. I was looting crash sites and had an ALICE pack, Bizon, and had recently found a ghillie at the crash site.

They accused me of hacking, but if I had been, would I really be running around with one of the worst PvP weapons in the game, flying legitimately in a helicopter I found? They're not at all reasonable, they're very biased and they won't listen to you if you want to appeal your ban.

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Hey everyone I just wanted to throw my 2 cents in on this discussion. I've been playing DayZ for about a month now and I play almost exclusively on the US-LA server because I get very good connection to it due to proximity and I've had good pvp experiences both friendly and with bandits/aggressors. Sorry for the lengthy post below, but I really wanted to share my experiences after all that's been mentioned in this thread

First off, I've had nothing but good experiences with the admins. Most of the time they are flying around in choppers or driving in a URAL and they often give people rides up north just to lend a helping hand. I've heard people complain that they shoot fresh spawns but I've never seen it. The only confrontation I've had was once when I was being held up by bandits who started shooting at Lockie (admin) who was flying over Elektro in a plane. After shooting at the plane, the bandits let me go after exchanging some supplies with me, after which Lockie did a low pass and saw me. He assumed I was the one shooting so he landed and sniped me (very legit kill, no hacks or admin abuse...just got out and shot me). The next day I was on and had just spawned and Lockie and another admin picked myself and 3 other fresh spawns up in a URAL and took us up to Stary to gear up at the military tents. All in all we had a good ride up there, taking out a bandit along the way that fired on us and looting a heli crash site. Lockie could have easily held a grudge and executed me for supposedly shooting at his plane but all was forgiven. They also helped me once when my character glitched after being hit by a zombie on a ladder. I was passed out permanently but wouldn't die, and nobody could see my body, so there was no way for me to die and respawn. I mentioned it in side chat and admins flew over in a chopper and shot in the location that I described my body to be and it killed me so I could respawn. Now THAT's good customer service!

Now, I *have* seen them ban people without letting them state their case (a friend of mine picked up a hacked weapon and got banned for having used it). They listen to you if you address them in game, but my one main complaint is that there's no website or forum for the server (save a URL to donate money to keep the server running). Also, if you mess with them, they give you little slack. But if you're going to troll admins on a server or abuse side chat voice communication, then what do you expect? A friend of mine got banned yesterday but he was constantly trolling the admins and giving them shit, so...tough luck I guess. As for them constantly being geared up...so what? It's their server. I haven't seen them use hacks or use their weapons unjustly (though, execution of the Cherno Journo did seem excessive LOL).

Finally, I'd like to point out how aggressive they are about fixing what hackers destroy about the game. There is almost always 1 or more admins on and hackers get banned very quickly. They also do their best to help you out if you've been the victim of an obvious hacker. My crew got wiped out by a hacker at NWAF the other day and after they banned him they picked us up in a chopper at the coast and gave us all a ride back up to NWAF so we could re-gear up and pick up where we left off. That's above and beyond IMHO.

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Lockie could have easily held a grudge and executed me for supposedly shooting at his plane but all was forgiven.

That does not sound like the Lockie from October. I watched as a random sniper shot down the admin chopper. I went after the sniper, but in the confusion of the crash killed Jabba, instead. About 10 hours later I ran into Lockie in Elektro. He stalked me until I found a gun, killed me, then said "that was for Jabba" over direct.

Who knows, maybe Lockie and the other admins have turned over a new leaf? I haven't played DayZ in a while, but with this positive review I think I'll play some on LA and see how the landscape changed.

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I haven't seen them use hacks or use their weapons unjustly (though, execution of the Cherno Journo did seem excessive LOL).

:( That was a sad day... There were weapons in the ural no one knew who got in so we just uh... "Off'd Him" haha.. Poor Cherno Journo =/ (Oh and it was lagging REALLY bad that day that was around when the server had first come up)

Edited by 5HiFT

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All fun and games 5HIFT and it did give me an awesome death, I'm guessing because of the lag.

You note that I did have a gun pointed right at you and didn't pull the trigger, sure it was only a Makrov but a Headshot would have killed you. As for not knowing who I did yell out multiple time not to fire to the point that Nicky types in direct to "shut up." Lets call it was it was - a straight up executio - a very funny but very cruel one.

Edited by Cherno Journo

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All fun and games 5HIFT and it did give me an awesome death, I'm guessing because of the lag.

You note that I did have a gun pointed right at you and didn't pull the trigger, sure it was only a Makrov but a Headshot would have killed you. As for not knowing who I did yell out multiple time not to fire to the point that Nicky types in direct to "shut up." Lets call it was it was - a straight up executio - a very funny but very cruel one.

Journo, I have to say that video was absolutely hilarious and it's what got me to sub your channel, so something positive came out of it. In their defense, without knowing who the Cherno Journo is you did sound like one of many trolls out there that just yell "don't shoot!" while messing with you or trying to steal your gear. I'll tend towards shooting someone if they just jump in my vehicle without my acknowledging them. I've seen people steal gear from the back and bail. Props on how you dealt with it, it was a very funny DayZ moment! Keep bringing us informative insights and interviews from Chernogorsk and abroad!

Edit: I'm sure the US-LA admins would gain some support if they made amends with the Cherno Journo and agreed to an interview! I want to see a chopper evac to the interview location with full admin staff on guard! Best part is when you interview them about the execution you won't have to re-create it in Arma 2 editor LOL!

Edited by Bullet_Catcher
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I'm sure the US-LA admins would gain some support if they made amends with the Cherno Journo and agreed to an interview! I want to see a chopper evac to the interview location with full admin staff on guard! Best part is when you interview them about the execution you won't have to re-create it in Arma 2 editor LOL!

I am sure this could be arranged.

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