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    On the Coast

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    Baton Rouge, LA
  • Interests
    Biking, gaming, chemistry, and awkward moments.

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    Feel free to ask about the "life story" at any time.

    Day-Z life story - A friend told me about the game in early July, 2012. I bought the game on July 10ish and have been hooked ever since. I was never much of a gamer until I started Starcraft BW three years ago. I massively burned out in SC2 around the time I started DayZ, so I'm glad that games can keep my attention long enough to kill stress!

    US-LA Private Hive.

    That does not sound like the Lockie from October. I watched as a random sniper shot down the admin chopper. I went after the sniper, but in the confusion of the crash killed Jabba, instead. About 10 hours later I ran into Lockie in Elektro. He stalked me until I found a gun, killed me, then said "that was for Jabba" over direct. Who knows, maybe Lockie and the other admins have turned over a new leaf? I haven't played DayZ in a while, but with this positive review I think I'll play some on LA and see how the landscape changed.
  2. I played on LA Private Hive (http://arma2.swec.se/server/data/285168). It's usually full or near-full. Not my favorite server, but there's a TON of PvP in the cities, so it was a great location for the video.
  3. Here's the link to my video: Purpose: This guide is for newer players who spawn in and around Elektro and want a basic level of gear while minimizing PvP interactions. The goal is to get a hatchet, 3 bandages, 2 food/drink, and morphine to prepare for the journey north (I go to Stary, then NWAF, but you could go anywhere you want). Higher level equipment (shotguns, Lee Enfields, handguns, and other survival gear) is easily found in the smaller towns outside the coast. Loot Route: I focus on looting the southern industrial section, an area largely ignored by Elektro bandits. The high yield industrial spawns and orange houses almost always have a hatchet and basic survival supplies. How is this different from other Elektro looting guides? Almost every Elektro guide takes you through the center of town (firestations, church, pub, grocery, school). One guide, by LiveBytheGun, starts in the industrial section, but he finds a Lee Enfield with 40 bullets in the first room of the first building he enters. This is uncommon. Sure, Sacriel's guide is a great path for looting the center of town, but it's also the most likely place to find bandits and griefers. I recorded this video several times in an effort to find Elektro booming with activity AND not getting lucky with higher end equipment. So, if I follow this guide, can I loot Elektro without dying? Short answer: No. The idea is to MINIMIZE PvP interactions. Let's face it, Elektro receives too much player traffic to ever be considered "safe". The best you can hope for is "safer". I've only been killed once in about 40 runs on full servers, private and public hive, so I'm confident in saying that this route is a lot safer than the center of town IF you just want basic supplies before leaving. I want to play CoD: Elektro, does this mean the guide isn't for me? Anyone can follow the guide. If you want to use it to gain basic supplies before shooting everyone in the center of town then be my guest. Disclaimer: At the beginning of the video, I run into a friendly on the east side of Elektro. Upon reaching the city, he ran to the center of town while I went south. At the end of the video I have a hatchet, food, drink, bandages, and morphine. While getting the morphine I saw the friendly on the top of the school equipped with an M1911 and Lee Enfield. Yes, his equipment was a lot better than mine. HOWEVER The friendly was almost killed twice by survivors. I encountered one who took a swing at me with a hatchet, which was fairly easy to avoid. As always, DayZ rewards higher risk with better loot. This guide minimizes several risks, so you may not be armed to the teeth when you leave town. The idea is to show how to loot the city in an unconventional manner and make it out with enough supplies to take you north while avoiding a majority of players who run around town boosting their murder counts.

    US-LA Private Hive.

    Here's my looting Elektro guide for heavy-pvp servers. The gameplay is from LA Private. Unusual number of friendlies in this video.

    US-LA Private Hive.

    Well, if you don't like it then you don't have to play on it. I've been playing on the LA private hive for about three weeks now. It has it's charms and I've meet some really cool people (michael and Mason, to name a few). I was killed by the admin squad once for basically being by the road when they drove by. It was a 2 car convoy, one being a black SUV. Another time (last night) they had a chopper and shot at me. I returned fire, eventually getting killed by one of their squadmates parachuting to the ground. They informed me earlier that I'm on their "shoot on sight" list, which I imagine is getting pretty long. I'll admit, some of their behavior IS suspect. Their chopper crashed this afternoon (I watched it go down) and they had another one up and running about an hour later. Gunter, annA, and Jabba also troll the hell out of side chat and gang up on people in true high school fashion. But you know what? I'm still enjoying myself. I could really care less if the admins are abusing their powers. I don't think they are, but I've seen enough that the assertion wouldn't be too unreasonable. They do a good job keeping the scripters at bay, and I've had a number of epic moments caught on fraps, so I can't complain about server quality. There is a LOT of PvP in the cities, but nothing to write home about. So I'll keep playing, and hopefully you will too :) Edit: I'll also add that the moderators probably also pay for the server. I'm willing to bet they made the vehicle modifications as well. If they are abusing their power then they have a hefty argument in the entitlement department since everyone else plays for free. It's like when we were little and played games at our friend's house - we always got the shabby, beaten up grey N64 controller with a half-broken joystick and they played with the broken in, familiar, awesome-looking clear-plastic purple controller. Edit 2: I played on a couple more private hives and found one that I like a lot more. I like it mostly because it's a veteran server and I've died countless times on LA Private because my nameplate gave me away. Anyway, the mods of the new server are positive, foster a sense of community, and keep the trolling to an absolute minimum. I looked at the admin squad from LA as a "Skynet" of sorts that are best ignored. They don't wear clan tags, but from numerous encounters these are (some) of their ranks: Gunter/Broseidon, annA, Lockie, Jabba, Crackity, and TeK. I had a good time on the server, but now I'm ready for something more mature.

    US 2147 - STR8UP Clan

    Had a nice, 3 hour journey through 2147 today. I'm definitely going to call this place home for a while! Killed lots of zombies, found my favorite weapon, and even rid the land of three bandits. In response to Chris, no server is perfect. This one is a lot better than the 40 or so I've played on in the last month. I played about 10 hours this weekend with over 7 of them happening in the wilderness. Besides an encounter with a helicopter, which ended with the gunner embarassing himself and a hull full of bullet holes, life was peachy...for a zombie apocalypse...

    US 2147 - STR8UP Clan

    Started playing on your server a couple days ago. The fights are fair and the interactions are fun, so I think I'll stick around a while. I took some shots at a helicopter outside Stary with an M107, chanced upon an FN-FAL, and met a friendly axe-man on Dobryy who totally had the drop on me, but instead commented on my gun and found an empty tent. Too bad a hacker killed everyone a couple minutes later, I was really pulling for that axe-man to find a big gun, too. Here's to hoping the good times keep rolling!