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[Pain] Recruiting Active/Mature Players

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No need to call me a retard, and don't say you didn't because I know how you types of people work.

Seeing as you've had other Australians reply but get the same treatment I've deicded you're one of those prejudice fellows who just loves to hate the country who's economy is skyrocketing while your's dies slowly in a deep dark pit of job loss and sickness.

You make me sick....

umm...... i think you have a problem? that came from way left field....u ok "mate"!? grow up a lil and maybe you will find a group!

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First Name: Casey

In-game name: Entrail Feaster

Age: 23

Country: United States

What time you are mostly on: Weekdays after 4PM EST and all day weekends

Why you are searching for a group/clan: I'm tired of playing solo or only with my brother

Skype: entrail.feaster

Experience: Around 5 or 6 months

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Name : Ron

In Game : RonSoda1970

Age: 41

Country : Canada

Timezone : EST

Times On : I work Shifts Days/Afternoons so it will very. 5-10pm days, 10am-1pm afternoons Weekends im flexible.

Why i m looking to group/clan : I solo mostly, looking for a change

Skype : RonSoda

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First Name: Jamie.

In-game name: // supRa.

Age: 20.

Country: United Kingdom.

What time you are mostly on: 7pm-1am.

Why you are searching for a group/clan: Tired of rolling solo, would like to get back into group play as i did before :).

Skype: Yuudai151.

Experience: 4-5Months.

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First Name: Skyler

In-game name: Zalinto

Age: 18

Country: United States

What time you are mostly on: Weekdays between 6 PM and 2 AM EST, weekends on-and-off all day depending on what I have going on.

Why you are searching for a group/clan: Mostly looking for a good group of guys to take my tactical playing of DayZ to the next level.

Skype: skylerfaades

Experience: Been on DayZ since probably 2-3 weeks post-release.

Thanks, looking forward to a reply.

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First Name: Simon

In-game name: [bH] pEar (BH is my old clan, which got disbanded unfortunately, will change my nick to "pEar" only)

Age: 19

Country: Norway

What time you are mostly on: Well, I usually have work from 9-17.00 (Although I sometime have lateshifts), so in the evenings if not night time (Depending if I have work or not the day after). So I'd say everything from 18.00-04.00.

Why you are searching for a group/clan: Well, I've been trying to get a suitable clan for me the past 2 weeks or so. At first I attempted to join a Norwegian group, although it didn't really work out due to the fact that there aren't many Norwegians around (Weird). As I mentioned above, the clan BH (Or Blood Hunters), got disbanded lately because members got tired of DayZ and got other things to do. I am how-ever still staying here since I adore the mod, still. Obviously the hacker issue is something I am extremly annoyed about, but since you are playing on a private HIVE, then that problem won't be that much of a concern. I am a team-player, so being in a team is simply natural for me. I was the leader of the BH clan, but I can obviously picture myself being in a position where I take orders / do tasks given to me. All in all, I just want to be in a group as I find it a lot more interesting!

Skype: sknf931

Experience: Been playing the game for the past 4-5 months (Not sure exactly on how long), but I've got a good 300+ hours IG on DayZ. If I were to rate myself, I'd say a good 9/10.

Looking forward talking to you,



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First Name: Mike

In-game name:dayzedandconfused


Country: USA

What time you are mostly on: ALL DAY, no job atm

Why you are searching for a group/clan:to find active players and journey into the world of Dayz

Skype: mdmiked

Experience:very familiar with game,parts, map, hot spots, pvp areas,vehicles, weapons, know servers of vehicles hidden.

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First Name: Jordan

In-game name: Haze

Age: 24

Country: US

What time you are mostly on: Random, usually mornings and nights

Why you are searching for a group/clan: I have pretty much been a solo survivor for more than most of my time on dayz, and most people know that's a bit rough.

Skype: Hazexl80 (but I'm only on if someone asks me to get on)

Experience: Had the game for a while, only started really playing a little over a month.

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First Name: Vince

In-game name: Nomnomnom

Age: 28

Country: US

What time you are mostly on: Afternoon/Evenings, Weekends.

Why you are searching for a group/clan: Was in a clan before but other members no longer play. Looking to play as a team again - more effective for many reasons.

Skype: vincentaroux

Experience: Playing since June, in a clan for 2 months where we fixed up many vehicles, set up camps, raided cities, etc. I can fly the huey and provide door gunner positioning. I know how to drive and don't crash. I know where to find everything and am efficient at finding what I need (eg. car parts). I can provide overwatch or close combat support. I am you're man =D. PS. I don't want to play camp simulator.

Edited by Nomnomnom

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mostly on on the weekends but i can be on just about any time

ive been in two clans since the release of day z. i dont want a caln full of bull shit. i want a team clan that isn't trying to be a military coo. belive it or not my last clans where pretending they were military pple where you had to say bullshit before you did everything and you were shunned for sing modern language. as long as you're chill about stuff im all gudz.

if you decide to accept me just message me or somthin

ive got a mic and all that shiz and ive been playing since the realease.

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First Name: Shane

In-game name:Overlord



What time you are mostly on:i can be on at any time but if i get into a clan ill be on prety much all the time as i can have fun with others :D

Why you are searching for a group/clan:bored playing solo as my friends are waiting for the standalone and watching youtube videos of clans makes me wana juoin one even more!


Experience:i have been playing a good few months prob about 2 months after the mod release, dont know exactly how long but long enough to know pretty much all i need to know about the game :)

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First Name: Sam

In-game name: Sam

Age: 15

Country: England (is that a problem?)

What time you are mostly on: Next week is half term, so I'll be on pretty much any time after 8:00am GMT. School days I'm usually on after 4:00pm GMT.

Why you are searching for a group/clan: Playing with others is a lot more fun, but my friends don't play very often.

Skype: samjfwaterfall

Experience: Yes, I'm experienced :P I'm not quite sure what you want us to tell in this part, but I can drive, fly, shoot and snipe :)

I see that you got a tonne of replies to this thread, so I'm not really expecting to be accepted, but if I am then thank you very much! :)

Edited by SJFW

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