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Hershel Green

Message from the North

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Hi you guys. How is life in the big cities in the south? I've moved too the north quiet a while ago when things started too go crazy over there. Now or then @night I sneak in to gather some medical stuff and then I bail out for a couple of weeks.

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It's quiet friendly down there. People don't shoot everyone on sight and love to communicate and cooperate. Come visit us at Cherno main square. We may help you with food and exchange some weapons/ammo and then give you a ride back to north in UAZ while singing in choir "praise Jesus".

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Winter is coming

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It's quiet friendly down there. People don't shoot everyone on sight and love to communicate and cooperate. Come visit us at Cherno main square. We may help you with food and exchange some weapons/ammo and then give you a ride back to north in UAZ while singing in choir "praise Jesus".

And people have butterscotch crumpets while playing football on the open fields, we all give out free medical supplies without a care in the world. Electro is a lovely place where there are no snipers and definitely no shootouts in the school area. Cherno is even more lovely with hundreds of infected cuddle bugs that play tag while people play a good old fashion game of cops and robbers with high powered military grade weaponry.

But seriously, don't go south unless you are bored and prepared to die.

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When going to Elektro during Daylight, I find it best to go via sniper hill, and keep watch on the town and the hill to make sure there are no Snipers, you can also tell how many Zeds are in the town and how many players and their locations from the positions of Zeds.

This isn't as easy in Cherno, I go via the Apartments in the north, near the hospital. You should be able to then do a loop through the apartments, hospital, Fire Station, Supermarket, Church, along the coast and onwards to the Military Tents, through the car park/construction site and back out north to the forest or east to the Hill & Elektro.

Just my way of doing things to stay safe, especially on a 10-20 player server, you should be ok :)

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And people have butterscotch crumpets while playing football on the open fields...

What a great idea - the mod or standalone needs soccer balls!

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It's too noisy in the south. I opened my burgerbar in Petrovka. Enjoy the nice silence of the north. You can keep your noisy city. We serve steak in the woods.

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It's too noisy in the south. I opened my burgerbar in Petrovka. Enjoy the nice silence of the north. You can keep your noisy city. We serve steak in the woods.

But who doesn't like the Cherno Pasta & Sardines Bar?

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