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Need SVD Camo - - - ^ - - - (trade finished)

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Hi everyone,

I'm looking for a SVD Camo since weeks;

I will give 4 items of the list under :

LIST ---------------------------------------------------------------------



-Ghillie suit

-Ghillie suit

-Camo suit X2




-M4 or M16 with M203 grenade launcher (without grenade)

-AS 50 Standart - 3 x M107 cartridges or/and 2 x 12.7 otan (AS50 original ammo).

-(NEW) COYOTE backpack (the biggest with 24 slots)

-(NEW) MK 48 mod (weapon without ammo)

- AKS 74 KO6RA + 6 AK 30c

- Portola Sardines Can (my favourite)



The trade takes place in an empty server. Only you and me,

thanks for answering by Topic + PM


Edited by Drakan

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negative, nice try but it won't help you gaining more people to trade with you ; )

Edited by Drakan

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the same discussion about thermal ....


1 - I don't know how to use it , each time I tried, I just kept being shot at after only 1 minute and without shooting a single bullet

2 - I don't play in a big clan, so I am often alone, and in order to use such weapon , you need to be at least Two guys with the same thermal device (ifnot; read the poiunt n°1)

3 -Neither I , nor the guy I got it from spawned it, and anyway I already asked few server admins about this issue.

But if you need anything in my list, we can negociate, maybe you have some interesting stuff for me

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AS50 Thermal is a hacked weapon.

Telemeter also.

End of story.

Sorry, but if I´m not mistaken, telemeter is a another word for "Rangefinder" which is not a hacked item. In some languages "range finder" is called "Telémetro"(Spanish) o "Télémètre"(French), and that´s why some people translate it as "telemeter".

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double post, sorry

Edited by Mitor
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Sorry, but if I´m not mistaken, telemeter is a another word for "Rangefinder" which is not a hacked item. In some languages "range finder" is called "Telémetro"(Spanish) o "Télémètre"(French), and that´s why some people translate it as "telemeter".

Ohh. That I didn't know. Thanks for informing. I take back my words for the Telemeter, but AS50 AWS is still hacked.

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Ok, thank you for pinpointing it, I will remove it from the List, but I would have prefered a PM instead of the topic ..

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Okay but I have a big problem;

The mags disapeared from my tent; I can propose you a ghillie (&/or anything you need ) as a compensation

by means of principles I would take the Dragunov without the ammo.

Edited by Drakan

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I finally found a SVD camo, but you will have the Mk 48 , I won't use it

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I finally found a SVD camo, but you will have the Mk 48 , I won't use it

Sorry Drakan had someone message me like 10 minutes after i posted that, I still have some mags so if you are ever in need let me know. (assuming that was addressed to me)

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