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Bear Traps & Inventory slots..

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I was wondering what people would think of improvised traps..

Last night and the night before I have been breaking peoples legs and making an easy kill by placing a civ clothing over the top of a bear trap in some long grass, the thieves see the parcel cant resist the possible ghuillie suit or camo and when they goto pick it up SNAP, and I run in for the kill.

PS. keep off the grass ;)

But it got me thinking, what if a bear trap had an inventory, like a camp fire does, but what if the trap activates what ever is inside when its stood on, I thought up a few possible sitiations some silly others kinda fun to imaging what you might do with them.

  • Bear Trap + Whiskey Bottle
    Broken leg, plus the bottle gets flung at the player doing that dissy effect, bear traps snap legs they could easily throw a whiskey bottle into the air, ok they couldn't aim but SHH its a game.
  • Bear Trap + Mag
    Any bullets, shove in say an M107 or G17 mag, when the trap snaps shut the game fires off a mag full of ricochet in random directions, possibly dealing additional damage to the player, possibly missing, BUT making one hell of lot of noise.
  • Bear Trap + Epi-Pen
    How about an Epi-Pen , would freak the player out make them shake like crazy for a few seconds as they get a massive rush , preventing the player from shooting straight for a few seconds.
  • Bear Trap + Smoke Grenade
    Early warning system ?? pops smoke when some one walks over it, and breaks their leg of course, could be used to alert players to a possible threat.
  • Bear Trap + Flare / chem
    Pops the Flare or Chem Light, lighting up the area, could be used as another early warning system for when players might be near by.
  • Bear Trap + Satchel Charge...................... o.0
  • Bear Trap + [new item foghorn thingi]
    One of those things that make the loud noise some people take to sports, tripping it would let out a very loud noise audible from 700 meters or what ever the longest player range is, as well as pulling in any zombies 150 meters around and breaking their leg so they cant escape.
  • Bear Trap + Boar Cent
    when placed, any boars within range would be drawn into the trap through the cent left, silently killing the boar, this could work for boars, and rabbits. would need a new item could be a cent gland or summit from a killed boar. or rabbit.
  • Bear Trap + TankTraps
    Would fire off and setup a tank trap, not sure what the purpose of this would be, possibly it would jam a player against a wall and kill them, or possibly it would trap them inside something.
  • Bear Trap + M203 Flare
    Would Launch the flare directly up, lighting up the area for all the see. and break their leg of course lol we can never forget the broken legs :)
  • Bear Trap + GPS
    Could send a GPS signal to the owner alerting them via a map ping or something that one of their traps got tripped..
  • Bear Trap + Netting (new item)
    Would fire a net over the player slowing their movement speed to a crawl for a few seconds until they escape it , if they have a hunting knife their escape time would be faster.

Those are just a few, oh god what if they had more than one slot, lol BT + M203 Flare + Satchel :)

I say above , and breaks their legs alot, but some of the combinations would not need to break their legs, like the grenades, or possibly the flares as you would want them standing so you can shoot them. but I guess it can easily be debated.

Bear Traps are cool I use them alot to protect my stuff when I am not around, but given they deal no damage their kinda useless as anything more than a harassment to the player, unless they dont have morphine, would be nice if they has some bite ;)

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There is a glitch with the bear trap place it set it, then disarm and place it back in your pack,try running in that area and boom one broken leg!. Satchel chargers are good but they should introduce the ied bombs from armour they are cool.

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There is a glitch with the bear trap place it set it, then disarm and place it back in your pack,try running in that area and boom one broken leg!. Satchel chargers are good but they should introduce the ied bombs from armour they are cool.

I know, :) try it with a clothing parcel on top I really should make a video for youtube of it.

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NWAF , was pushing the loot had a big dump of crap then it hit me, hide a trap under it all, so I set three traps, vaulted into the middle of them dumped 28 items vaulted out, then hid.

CLANK. "ouch, medic ...... BANG!"


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