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New Items: Cigarettes/Cigars?

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Smoking IRL stops hunger pangs,

Lowers blood pressure (makes you feel less cold when it's cold out)

Calms you down (if you're a smoker)

Eases pain (I mean injury, but probably emotional too)

So along with the friendly banter, and currency options. There are measurable physical effects.

Anyone who doesn't smoke has no right to complain at this topic.

It's a hypothetical situation in a fictional environment. And without experience you have no reference for any of these facts being wrong, only your opinion.

How does that work? If you can't even see a chemlight at 100m how could you possibly see the head of a cigarette?

Maybe if you're in the same room as the sniper and you ask him for a light. Or your Rizla rips the skin off your lip "OW YA BASTARD!!"

Dude, c'mon. Let's say you're hiding behind a bush and smoking (at daylight). You'd have a definite amount of visible smoke that could give out your location. Not to mention thermal scopes (although it could be used to FOOL players using thermals).

Edited by asin

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Yep, too hard to implement and an useless feature in general. And to add: Smoking doesn't make you look tougher or awesome, like you pointed. More likely shows how weak and unfit you are.

Well excuse me sir, but just because you don't look awesome smoking doesn't mean it's true for everyone. I for one look spectacularly fabulous while smoking, I wouldn't say I look tough though, even if I do after 13 years of smoking, that illusion of toughness would quickly vanish after a couple of stairs.

Now to the useless part, you can chew the tobacco in the cigarettes and put them on an open wound, it will stop the bleeding quite fastly. So when you are out of bandages and bleeding like siv in the middle of nowhere, I can imagine you getting off your high horse and om nom noming those delicious cancer sticks like there is no tomorrow. If you accidently swallow some, don't worry BECAUSE IT WILL KILL SOME F*CKING INTESTINAL PARASITES ON THE WAY OUT, so who's useless now? Although I must confess intestinal parasites shouldn't really concern you in the zombie apocalypse.

You can always smoke them as well, they are amazing, really. You won't survive long enough to get cancer anyhow so no problem there.

There are no smoking ad's anywhere in Chernarus, so you can't really blame the big tobacco for your in-game addiction.

You can always not smoke them as well, which kinda is a bummer but it's your choice after all.

PS: I was not paid to write this and I do not represent any major tobacco company.

And smoking is bad for your health, but so is stress, so keep that in mind.

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Smoking IRL stops hunger pangs,

Lowers blood pressure (makes you feel less cold when it's cold out)

Calms you down (if you're a smoker)

Eases pain (I mean injury, but probably emotional too)

And after a few months, like any other addictive drug, you start to develop tolerances which means you need a bigger dose.

I just don't see cigarettes having any pros (like in RL), all i see are cons. So they are basically useless item.

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And after a few months, like any other addictive drug, you start to develop tolerances which means you need a bigger dose.

Soooooo, how many months has your character in DayZ been on the go? Hmmm?

I just don't see cigarettes having any pros (like in RL), all i see are cons. So they are basically useless item.

I hate to quote my own posts, but you obviously can't read (even though you quoted it yourself!)

Smoking IRL stops hunger pangs,

Lowers blood pressure (makes you feel less cold when it's cold out)

Calms you down (if you're a smoker)

Eases pain (I mean injury, but probably emotional too)

So along with the friendly banter, and currency options. There are measurable physical effects.

Anyone who doesn't smoke has no right to complain at this topic.

It's a hypothetical situation in a fictional environment. And without experience you have no reference for any of these facts being wrong, only your opinion.

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I need my cigar so I can go all Hannibal Smith ON YO ASS

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Alright, let them implement cigarettes with some positive effects some of you feel in RL (I believe them to be psychosomatic but that makes them not untrue)

But then, they should have the obvious negative effects for normal smoking (not casual like once a day) that are:

- after 15 minutes (compared to hunger and thirst, it should be much shorter) a smoker starts to shake a little, gets somehow nervous (highly increased mouse sensitivity, badder aim due to moving sights) <--- you need to smoke again to calm your bodys need of nicotine (this behaviour can be watched by any normal smoker (maybe not the aiming part))

- after a while (like one week) your chars stamina starts to reduce itself and your char starts to caugh a lot while under physical strain

- zombies aggro on smokers alot easier because they smell like an ash tray... or they aggro not at all because nobody wants to eat that ;)

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LoL @ your made up knowledge.

Don't base your facts on what "experts" have told the world, every single negative factor of tobacco is hyped by propaganda.

Don't think they do it out of the kindness of their hearts either, do you have any idea how much money anti-smoking campaigners make per year?!

Eating nothing but old canned food and meat all the time, without any fresh fruit and veg would give you scurvy before smoking would affect your stamina. Give your logic a shake.

EDIT: To clarify -

I'm not trying to say smoking isn't unhealthy, far from it, but you aren't personally familiar with the physical conditioning of the hundreds of millions of smokers in the world, neither could anyone be.

Only bad news makes the news and tobacco companies are rich pickings for ambulance chasers.

Many non-smokers couldn't run 10K. Many smokers do regularly.

Many non-smokers have died from cancer. Many smokers have not.

Making sweeping generalisations that anyone who smokes is less fit than anyone who doesn't is simply flawed logic.

The very same can be said for alcohol, chocolate and caffeine.

Edited by Chabowski

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LoL @ your made up knowledge.

Don't base your facts on what "experts" have told the world, every single negative factor of tobacco is hyped by propaganda.

Don't think they do it out of the kindness of their hearts either, do you have any idea how much money anti-smoking campaigners make per year?!

Eating nothing but old canned food and meat all the time, without any fresh fruit and veg would give you scurvy before smoking would affect your stamina. Give your logic a shake.

EDIT: To clarify -

I'm not trying to say smoking isn't unhealthy, far from it, but you aren't personally familiar with the physical conditioning of the hundreds of millions of smokers in the world, neither could anyone be.

Only bad news makes the news and tobacco companies are rich pickings for ambulance chasers.

Many non-smokers couldn't run 10K. Many smokers do regularly.

Many non-smokers have died from cancer. Many smokers have not.

Making sweeping generalisations that anyone who smokes is less fit than anyone who doesn't is simply flawed logic.

The very same can be said for alcohol, chocolate and caffeine.

You started with the made up facts so don't lol @ me. And I'm not paid by anti smoking agencies, as well as I don't think that you are paid by Philip Morris (who will be the much better employer because he has way more money).

The negative attributes that I mentioned are based more on personal observations than on any facts (but I know there are some facts which prove me right but I won't getm into that). Many students smoke, many did back in school. To the end of the lesson they all became very nervous and when the bell rang they hurried to get out on the yard to smoke. And when you saw them take their first inhalation you could see how the pressure on them eased. But yeah, I can't see all the smokers of the world, that's true. There is empirical evidence but there is always the exception.

Anyway: when you say everything about smoking is individual and every fact about smoking is made up, there can't be any general positive or negative attributes to it. When whe agree to that and cigarettes in DayZ are only cosmetic, fine by me.

Btw: beans are pretty healthy. I think you can mainly rely on them in your everyday nutrition.

And only to make things clear: coffee should have similiar DayZ effects as cigarettes (shaking after drinking it, warmth, but except the coughing and stamina thing... maybe you should have to pee more, that would be a good negative effect for coffee). And alcohol in high dosages should be even worse than smoking. But chocolate... only if you eat too much of it.

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maybe cigarettes should be cosmetic, most people could use that for currency, and maybe if you used it for long time you could cough like after 3 hours, dunno. But since theres no authority to protect the value of the currency we will have a hard time accepting a currency and a real value to it. So prolly we will just trade stuff. Cigarettes for currency, but until that we will need a better loot system.

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Things that can be measured tend to be easier to read than people. I couldn't possibly presume to tell you why students are fidgety bastards, they just are.

By the sounds of things, some of them want to go for a smoke, and some of them just want to go and watch ;)

Pulses and beans ARE healthy, but they don't have much Vitamin C, and anything pasteurised, preserved and canned loses the goodness. Especially after it's sat for a while.

Read post #43

Balanced effects and optional use is all I propose, if it's simply made cosmetic, it's entirely pointless.

We need more temporary status changing items in game, the loot and everything else in the mod is geared solely for PvP, and that's really not a good thing!

We need to get the "sandbox survival" and "body vs. situation" gameplay back on track. Giving more options and freedom is a must.

If you've ever played Fallout 2 (and to a lesser extent Fallout 3 / New Vegas) you'll remember addiction to many substances and their effects playing a big part, while always being entirely avoidable.

I want these kinds of options to be available in DayZ like they are in the real world.


Edited by Chabowski
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i'm sorry but what's with all this health bs. it's the zombie apocalypse,it's desperate times and you get what you can! isn't there alcohol in the game!? you can trade the cigs for a chocolate bar! besides, it's just a game!!

Edited by lemmiwinks

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Does anyone know on Lingor island far west of calamar theres a marijuana plantation with 50 plants. I'd like to be able to smoke that.

  • removes pain
  • sounds are a little distorted
  • suddern bursts of laughing

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Walking through Cherno with no weapons, smoking a cigar, showing the bandits that I DON'T GIVE A FxCK!!!

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