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Humanity wont reset

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Last week I played around 50h of dayz killing a lot of snipers, bandits with my team. Around 10-15 kills daily. We were playing on a 50 man server which is always full and low on hackers. Ammount of hacked in weapons is insane tho. I got to -230k humanity althou every 2nd kill was a bandit. I got killed at the end of the week which should have reset humanity. Now everytime I put on any clothing my heart is racing and keeps that way. That is annoying because I will stay bandit forever. Any way to reset this? I still have a lot of ghillies stached in tents where we put the stuff we looted. I would like to put on a ghillie or camo without hearbeat noticeable to other players :(

Oh and I always want to wear some kind of clothing because the annoying bug where you go bandit to normal skin then bandit again then after a while normal....and so on. This sh*t makes my backpack disappear all the time....

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I hate it when my bag disappears from the skin changing.. It wasn't doing that on some private hives though or Lingor..

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It will never reset. It is your fault since you decided to be a deathmatching noob.

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humanity is persistent thru death. Hello bandit! Do lots of good deeds to revert it or get use to it.

Can't I just create another character or something?

@Dev you appearently havent played the game long enought to know whats going on around the electro/cherno hills.....

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Can't I just create another character or something?

@Dev you appearently havent played the game long enought to know whats going on around the electro/cherno hills.....

No it is bound to your acct. Whether you like it or not it persists. You can however play private hives and start over. If you really want to rid yourself of the skin find someone and swap medical care between ya. Otherwise your a bandit and as a Hero I am bound to shoot your face. (bang)

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Damn, bandit forever :o and I'm sure I'm the nicest guy in our group :D

I guess I have to go back to camp and get my m14 back then

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Can't I just create another character or something?

@Dev you appearently havent played the game long enought to know whats going on around the electro/cherno hills.....

No, apparently you haven't made it out of Cherno of Duty yet...

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Well I was in cherno of duty too long all those noobs with g36c, as50tws, makarov SD, radio spawning in the cranes, sniper building & Visota made me sick after a while. Going to play on prive hive for a while then.

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Can't I just create another character or something?

@Dev you appearently havent played the game long enought to know whats going on around the electro/cherno hills.....

Been playing since may kid, when people actually worked for no reason other than to survive with another person. Kids like you think you are good and that you have some "skill" but in reality you are some dipshit who just wants to brag about his humanity level he got for killing fresh spawns.

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Problem: Too many people around Cherno and Elektro

Solution: Stay away from Cherno and Elektro

Was that difficult?

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