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Got sniped and respawned unconcious and cant get up

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So I got killed and went to respawn and fell unconcious with red blood and the meter empties out and i cant get out. i dont know what to do. I literally cannot do anything.

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Join a fairly populated server with a long load time. While it says "Waiting for character to create.", click escape, and the click respawn. Hopefully that will fix your problem.

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If you know your location, you can ask a medic to help you. Send me a PM and we can sort it out!

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Just asking the obvious, but have you tried waiting the 3 minutes for the knockout timer?

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I watch the timer go to empty and I still sit there.

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I can understand punishing people for Alt-F4'ing, but when legit players suffer this (happened to me a few times now) it's fucking annoying. It should be taken out until a solution is found for the standalone.

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ive had this happen enuf times, that it has to be a intended feature/bug thats not owrking correctly..

even switching servers doesnt get rid of it, unless you go to a private hive.

not sure what causes it, but godam its annoying.

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I can confirm I've experienced this a couple of times after dying with .26, but after the timer expires I get up. I chalked it up to ALPHA.

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I'm just stuck in komorovo cant do shit and the escape thing wont work when i load in

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I'm just stuck in komorovo cant do shit and the escape thing wont work when i load in

Hey i'm sorry, i'd come try and help you in-game but i frankly need to sleep. :/

You could try to ask for someone to come kill you, or you could try to find a medic in this thread - http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/3910-need-medical-assistance-we-can-help/page__st__9380

Although i think everyone's asleep right now xD. Sorry.

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Hah, what luck. Found a legit chopper that someone was fixing up (he landed in cherno no less lol), then someone kills that guy sees me and shoots at me, hits me with his enfield and i'm still running at him with my axe, then Battleye kicks me for failure to update (been on the server at least an hour!) and now I'm lying on the floor due to this shitty mechanic - FML!

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I really hope it wasn't me that shot you while you were reloading an AS50, bro...

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I really hope it wasn't me that shot you while you were reloading an AS50, bro...

Was that at me? All I had was a hatchet.

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