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Whats wrong with sidechat?

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I've got mixed feelings on it. I enjoy the entertainment on long northern runs, but the amount of inane chatter and complaints filling the lower left quadrant of my screen can get annoying. Between epeen measuring contests and tear sessions there is a lot of garbage posted there, but all in all I don't mind keeping it in.

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Yeah but if you turn it low then it effects direct comm which is nice to have on.

Turning VON off does not affect direct communication in any way. Having side chat on is great, it's easy to ignore if something annoys you and nice to talk with other people. Realism and immersion yeah, but this is a fucking game.

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We have side chat enabled in the two servers that we own. Both of course are private hives which allow for more freedom then the official hives.

We find that the side chat promotes two things.


along with friendly players

A lot of the time we find that people tend to lure other players with the claim of teaming up and fair play. We find that players have a tendency to troll other players using the chat, but for the most part we find that it brings other players closer and promotes team work... something that people frown upon in this game.

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but for the most part we find that it brings other players closer and promotes team work... something that people frown upon in this game.

I'm not sure which game you're playing, but I've teamed up with random people more often than not. And I haven't been on a side chat enabled server since it was removed.

I find if people would just have the balls to approach someone and communicate they would be surprised how many folks respond positively.

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I actually prefer it with the side chat. Annoying music or little kid high pitched singing can easily be muted :)

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Global texting is great IMO and does lead to a better community, but the people who spam it with every thought that pops into their head are annoying and voice chat is really annoying. Most people understand that you should not use voice chat in the global channel but others are just too stupid for life and continue to use it after numerous complaints.

Disable voice side chat and problem solved, but it is funny to see people get kicked then banned for not understanding the server rules. A friend of a friend was playing with us the other day and was doing annoying side chat voices (sadly the guy is 24 so no hope for him to turn it around and become a functioning adult) and I told him repeatedly he was going to get banned and none of us would care or follow him to a new server, sure enough he gets banned then starts whining in Skype that no one will go to a new server with him.

Edit: the one thing I will warn people about is giving up your position so easily in side chat, I watch what is said and if you are in my area you might just get killed for telling someone you are in the barracks at the prison (I ended up getting two grenade kills that night, and then convinced their spotter not to kill me by playing it off as some coincidence that I was at the barracks).

Edited by Zombie Jesus

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