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Great DayZ Video. Two fully geared guys commiting suicide to start over again.

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well there is no end game to this game...it does get boring as hell once u get geared...havent played it for almost 2-3 months now...it just dosnt have anythign to offer once u get up there in gear....not like what warz offers so far....time capsules! I MEAN COMMON best thing ever....

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I used to do this all the time, except I give my stuff to news guys, who would praise me as a god. I miss those DayZ, where a M14 AIM was magical.

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Once I have fully geared up I give all my stuff away takes the fun out of the game still love it though!

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gear wasnt hacked. I know the guys. they've been playing for a while.

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or they don't care because their gear is all hacked?

hurr durr better gear must be hacked a bloo bloo bloo

That's how most of you kids sound now. Stop saying everything is hacked.

Anyone who plays long enough gets to the realization that having good gear is boring. It's not a challenge, and nothing you find is worth taking.

Props to them for restarting.

Edited by JackOfBlades72

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hurr durr better gear must be hacked a bloo bloo bloo

That's how most of you kids sound now. Stop saying everything is hacked.

Anyone who plays long enough gets to the realization that having good gear is boring. It's not a challenge, and nothing you find is worth taking.

Props to them for restarting.

Hurr durr I don't know how to read punctuation.

That's how you kids sound when you don't pay attention in school and learn the proper rules of grammar. I asked it as a question, as a possibiltiy. I didn't state it as fact or hearsay.

And I'm 34, so unless you're in your 80's, don't call me kid, because I'm probably older than you.

Edited by fatherjohn

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