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In an act of retardation I banned the server owner.

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I was trying to admin ban someone from the server and on the BERcon and I was a hurry and I used the banned the wrong person (Owner and now I do not know how to unban him could some please tell me how?


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Thanks for laughing. But could you please tell me how to unban. I have used all the commands on the bohemia website and they don't work D:

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Oh man... you can't unban him, he will have to apply for a new instance ID or get a whole new server :P


You can just remove him in the bans.txt located in battleeye.. or use an admin tool to unban.. do you guys have one?

there are a few around.. dart is a simple one. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/68933-dart-a-lightweight-dayz-rcon-tool-v05-11092012/

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I went to the ban.txt and it was just full of numbers? I use a vilayer service and the ban.txt was located in the acp. And is BERcon not an admin tool?

Note I'm a complete noob /: sorry.

Edited by @Williamcullum1

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Oh man... you can't unban him, he will have to apply for a new instance ID or get a whole new server :P


You can just remove him in the bans.txt located in battleeye.. or use an admin tool to unban.. do you guys have one?

there are a few around.. dart is a simple one. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/68933-dart-a-lightweight-dayz-rcon-tool-v05-11092012/

I'm going to get this but when I read the post It didn't really explain how to use? Is unbanning excplicit orr what do I do?

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Read through the commands, if you managed to ban him, you can ofcourse definetly remove the ban aswell. :-) Take a look at the BERcon commands, and you will find alot of usefull things there, like banlists and how to remove bans by numbers (#).

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then real server admin should have access to the server ban list, get the player id number and search true the list, remove it when found, resave file, restart server.

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Let me be more precise.

Here you will find the solution to your problem:


I have been on that and used loadban and nothing came up then I used bans and a list of about 300 letter and number codes came up and I have only banned two players so I do not know where to find the players "#"... I'm sorry, I'm a complete noob and don't really get it but if you could help me on how to find that. I just don't really know anything (probably not fit to be a co-owner of server ahah)

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then real server admin should have access to the server ban list, get the player id number and search true the list, remove it when found, resave file, restart server.

I found the ban.txt file on vilayer however it just came up with number and I didn't know what to do. How do I log in as admin in game :/ excuse my lack of knowledge.

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If he owns the server, he can do it. Log into the control panel or ftp or whatever you guys use to access the exact files. Go to your files > cfgdayz > battleye. You'll have a file there called bans.txt. Open this up into edit mode. (If it's an ftp, open it in notepad.) If you haven't banned anyone since then, his will be the last number there. if you banned the guy that you were TRYING to ban after you banned your server owner, he will be the next one up. That long string of numbers is known as a GUID. You just delete the line where the ban is to remove it. Please note that you may have banned via IP address, and that's the number that looks like this: You'll have to remove both bans. (IP bans are usually listed separately after the GUID bans.) Save your edits or save your notepad and reupload it to the ftp file. Restart your server, and you're good to go.

If you're using DART (which is the only rcon tool I have familiarity with), you can right click on his GUID and IP address and unban him there. Again, if you banned him last, his will be the last GUID and IP listed there. If you're still not sure, one of you PM me, he can log into my server, and I can give you his GUID and IP.

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I have been on that and used loadban and nothing came up then I used bans and a list of about 300 letter and number codes came up and I have only banned two players so I do not know where to find the players "#"... I'm sorry, I'm a complete noob and don't really get it but if you could help me on how to find that. I just don't really know anything (probably not fit to be a co-owner of server ahah)

It's ok, we all start somewhere..

the reason you have 300 letters and number codes is because that is the default banlist from battleeye... it will update as battleeye updates bans and as you add bans etc.

follow what xxblink said and you should be good to go.

If that doesnt work, I suggest you contact your hosting provider as they may have gave you access to a copy or the wrong bans.txt file.


Edited by mgsloth

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