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DayZ Need people to play with im 13!

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Hey if anybody wants to team with me and add me on skype pm me the details and we can start playing I am pretty good at DayZ so you don't have to worry about playing with a noob. I usually play all the maps that they have like Namalsk,Taviana and Breaking point so it would be fun to team up on those maps also! :) I am also looking for people around my age! And people from the US!

Edited by SithSaber15

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What's with all the young kids playing an MA15 game...?

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i am also 13............

i may be a bandit.........

but that doesnt mean i dont like to have fun w/ other players

ill pm you my info.................................................................................................................................

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What's with all the young kids playing an MA15 game...?

:| They should be swarming Black ops 2 not DayZ...

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