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Why do most clans require 18+ players

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Hey all, i find it frustrating how most clans require you to be 18+. I know most clans want to keep maturity in there clans but that doesnt mean there arent any mature teens. I feel some clans just dont give us chances to show were not those 'call of duty scream down the mic' kids. Sorry for this rant but Happy DayZing.

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Actually some clans now accept people younger than 18.

Its just that most 18+ people dont want to play with younger people.

Kind of like how you wouldn't want to play this with a 7 year old

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Mm, I'd agree. I'm 15 and I'm not one of these Children. I can understand that older people wouldn't want to play with me on first sight, but I'm sure once they'd played with me for a few hours they'd accept me. Just a shame they can't give some of us a chance...

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I cant speak for other clans, but I'm a part of a big gaming community and we do require 18+, not only for maturity (yes, there are some very mature teens, and there are also some very unmature people over 18) but it's also for legal reason. That is also the reason many sites asks if you are over 13, since if you are under that age you are not allowed to post personal information about yourself (or something like that). With a +18 age limit the guild does not have to worry about legal implications dealing with minors.

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Just say you're 18.

They're just trying to weed out kids.

It's not like they have any way to verify your age.

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So start a clan of your own for under 18s. There are alot of reasons why clans have these rules. I don't really like playing with under 18s myself, with the main reason being that they can't hold an adult conversation about adult things because they just haven't experienced them yet.

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I have an idea skippy! Start your own clan with nothing but -18 to enlist! Then hit these clans with pin point percision and prove yourself. YEAH!

Argh beat by Zombie Charlie Sheen!

Edited by Pendragon

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They want mature players, but myself being 15 I've been able to play with 18+ clans since they knew I was more mature then the rest of the 15 year olds.

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No one wants to be accused of being an internet pedophile, I imagine. Parents and cops and judges all tend to frown upon older men hanging out with teens and preteens on the internet.

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Go outside and play before it's to late

i wish i could still do that, but i cant with my permanent injury.
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No one wants to be accused of being an internet pedophile, I imagine. Parents and cops and judges all tend to frown upon older men hanging out with teens and preteens on the internet.

i guess that makes sense, it would be quite odd.

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Well the biggest factor why my group is all adults, is who wants to listen to a whiny little child voice over teamspeak? Even the most mature teens get on my nerves very quickly. I don't like children and I especially don't like other peoples children.

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Well the biggest factor why my group is all adults, is who wants to listen to a whiny little child voice over teamspeak? Even the most mature teens get on my nerves very quickly. I don't like children and I especially don't like other peoples children.

Then maybe you shouldn't play video games on the internets?

A mature 16 year old is going to be less annoying than an immature 19 year old.

You don't magically become an a mature adult at 18.

P.S. 19 is still a teenager. Hence nineTEEN.

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I run a clan myself and used to accept people of all ages, but the limit is now 16.

I've had extremely mature 13 year olds who are really good at DayZ in the clan, then really annoying 18 year olds. It just so happens that all of them say they are mature, when only a very small amount are.

I used to complain about these clans when I was younger, but I understand it now.

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When I was younger I thought I was mature for my age, too. I wasn't, I just didn't know it yet. I didn't have the perspective that I do now at 30... and I don't like playing with younger people either, for a lot of reasons.

They DO all say they are mature for their age, but they have no idea what it means. It's easy to act mature when you're having a good time, or you're trying to impress people (to get them to let you in their group). In most instances, that maturity goes away the second there is a disagreement about something, they get upset, or they get bored. Maturity isn't how you act in a social situation that is going well, it's how you respond to difficult situations in an interpersonal setting. Don't get me wrong, many adults are terrible at this as well... and I don't want to play with them, either. But I can say from experience that the odds are not in your favor, so it's easier to play the odds than to go through a dozen children without social skills to find one that's okay. It's just the way it is, guys.

No one wants to be accused of being an internet pedophile, I imagine. Parents and cops and judges all tend to frown upon older men hanging out with teens and preteens on the internet.

And then there is this. All the guys I play games with online are adults. They're my age, or very close. I think the youngest guy I play with is 22. They all have jobs. Out of school. Half are married, some have kids, some don't... but I have something in common with them. They are responsible for themselves, their own protectors in a way.

I don't want to deal with your fucking mother because I have a dirty fucking mouth, and am some 30 year old guy on the internet. It could range from something as simple as "I don't want you playing that game with them anymore", and taking your computer... and we're now short a player... or on the extreme side, "I think this guy is a pervert.", and all the legal bullshit that comes with it.

TL;DR, you're kids, and whether you know it or not, or whether you like it or not, you have baggage that comes with it. It's nothing personal.

Edited by codave

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Once you hit a certain age mommy and daddy cant control you. I myself want older clam members due to there availability as well as reliability.

Also great thing about the internet is you can lie your ass off and no one will know..

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Well, i am 16 but i can easily be taken as an adult cause of my low voice. As long as you "sound" as an adult there should be no problem fooling them

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Most younger kids are annoying over the mic, at least from my experiences.. Not all of them but most.

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The community I'm in is comprised of mostly late/mid 20's we have some 19 year olds but that's about it. We don't have any age rules, however the things we talk about aren't really suited for youngsters.

We make some pretty sick jokes and if they're taken out of context or not understood people can get very upset. I want to be a parent some day and you can be sure I wouldn't want my kids hanging out with people like me in their early-mid teens. Most of the stuff we talk about you couldn't relate to, and the few jokes you would understand will probably offend you. It's best to stay in your own peer groups.

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I think they shouldnt just kick people for not being 18. give them a trial at least. There are 15 yo way more mature than 18+ yo people

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Eh, sad to say, most players under 18 I've seen just act like damn brats. Not saying everyone's terrible, but the track record just isn't that good.

Last time I played with an underage kid in our crew, he ended up getting mad because we gave a bloodpack and a gun to a friend of mine who needed it, instead of him to keep in his tent. Soon as we turned our backs, tried blasting us with his shotgun, thankfully my buddy who got the gear capped him before he could do too much hard. Had to block him our skype with all the screeching and threats he was making, just another 'mature' kid that lost his head.

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