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AS50 vs AS50 TWS

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Let me start by saying yes, I know its a hacked in weapon.

So starting as a fresh spawn today I ran up the hill on a populated server and found myself a few dead bodies one of which had a AS50 TWS now normaly I'd hide the body and not take it but being a fresh spawn I said what the hell why not. Anyways now that I have used both the normal AS and the thermal sight AS I just wanted to say. While I agree it's "OP" due to the fact you can scan and find the smallest bit of white and know someone or something is there.

How ever having said that for someone like me.. A hero I find it very hard to distinguish who to fire upon .. You can not tell if the guy your seeing on the thermal sight is a bandit or a hero. So while it's op in one sense for say a bandit who is going to kill anyone he sees I don't think it's the right weapon for someone who is only shooting those shooting others or those in bandit skins.

Will be dropping this as soon as I find myself the regular AS50.

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You're using a hacked weapon, and you should feel bad for it.

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Heroes have backpacks. So do survivors.

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I like the idea of you keeping and using it, so you get accustomed to it, and when standalone comes you get utterly fucked by skilled survivors with Winchesters.

Edited by Korax

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Agh, agh. Another of them are now being used, and no. People shoot on sight if you're playing on a popular server, if you're playing on private hive, you might be lucky finding a few friends. Well that's my experience from the first day, (well shooting on sight ALL the time pretty much started late June, early July)

Edited by voddler

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Being in TMW i refuse to pick up hacked guns :)

spawned of the coast last night and found a dead guy with suppressed G36C,

I LOVE the G36C but hid the body as i have respect for the developers of DayZ and the game.

Happy Gaming <3

Edited by -Se7eN-
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Any thermal gun in this game is OP. They shouldn't be in it.

Using a gun that you know is hacked is wrong. Period.

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Are you for real?

Cuz he uses it once he's shit with all other guns?

Man U guys are so thick it's funny

I like the idea of you keeping and using it, so you get accustomed to it, and when standalone comes you get utterly fucked by skilled survivors with Winchesters.

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Are you for real?

Cuz he uses it once he's shit with all other guns?

Man U guys are so thick it's funny

What are you retarded? Did you actually read what I wrote or did you just glance at the words with the little autistic circus going off in your head.

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Will be dropping this as soon as I find myself the regular AS50.

do you know how rare it should be without all that hacking/duping? you will never change it with a legit one.. you will die long before..an entire life with a hacked weapon

when i read ''as soon as'' i imagined ''as soon as i find a hatchet, a gun, a enfield''. as freshly spawned you could have destroyed it by putting in the coyote ...you are not a hero

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No I didn't read it.....omfg lol

So what did u mean then?

People that use thermal snipers are gonna be shit when the standalone comes out?

Please enlighten me.

What are you retarded? Did you actually read what I wrote or did you just glance at the words with the little autistic circus going off in your head.

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That's him told!!

He is not a Hero!

Man I feel bad for him.... :-/

do you know how rare it should be without all that hacking/duping? you will never change it with a legit one.. you will die long before..an entire life with a hacked weapon

when i read ''as soon as'' i imagined ''as soon as i find a hatchet, a gun, a enfield''. as freshly spawned you could have destroyed it by putting in the coyote ...you are not a hero

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No I didn't read it.....omfg lol

So what did u mean then?

People that use thermal snipers are gonna be shit when the standalone comes out?

Please enlighten me.

If its really that hard go back and read my post again, but I have the feeling that even If I had a thousand scholars and all the time in the universe I couldn't enlighten you.

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There's only one reason to pick up a TWS and that's to place it in a full backpack to delete if from the game.

I can't stand all the QQ about hacking, but whenever they find a TWS, hacking is suddently perfectly okay.

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Any thermal gun in this game is OP. They shouldn't be in it.

Using a gun that you know is hacked is wrong. Period.

Every high tier equipment has it's right to be there. It just should be rare as hell.

And why not have a little fun with hacked in weapons? I died often enough to hackers to deserve some payback!

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So to seek revenge, you become just as bad as the hackers? Anyone found with one of these would be banned straight away if it were up to me

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Dam right mate.

Not like your gonna kill fresh spawns coming into the city's.

I think using a thermal as50 is just as bad as them idiots that camp electro on the hills sniping for the hell of it.

So I use it to kill them cuz there idiots that's about it.

Every high tier equipment has it's right to be there. It just should be rare as hell.

And why not have a little fun with hacked in weapons? I died often enough to hackers to deserve some payback!

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You better ban rocket then u noob.

So to seek revenge, you become just as bad as the hackers? Anyone found with one of these would be banned straight away if it were up to me

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Oh and I find it funny people hide them or try to get rid of them when they re spawn in tents Everytime a server restarts....get thinking..not.

Like I said fight fire with fire and them idiots that camp on the hills of electro and Cherno ruin the game more then a fucking thermal sniper.

I mean its pointless laying on a hill for hours

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So to seek revenge, you become just as bad as the hackers? Anyone found with one of these would be banned straight away if it were up to me

Why is as bad as hacking if I pick something up that somebody else cheated in? And what is so ban worthy on having i.e. a G36 SD? It's relatively similar to a m4 SD. The AS50 TWS is bad though. I would only use it against bitch ass sniper douches.

Not like your gonna kill fresh spawns coming into the city's.

I think using a thermal as50 is just as bad as them idiots that camp electro on the hills sniping for the hell of it. So I use it to kill them cuz there idiots that's about it.

That's it. Just don't be a dick.

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