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RpG (DayZ)

Panthera Private Server (3DP: OFF)! Mercenary Settings (Everything off)

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Clanbbf.com Private Hive - Mercenary Settings

IP Address:

Fallujah (we take a vote on map rotation)


Mercenary difficulty, everything is turned off

Password Protected

Side chat enabled

Admins monitoring and playing regularly

Fallujah has been plagued with hackz lately, so come take refuge in a password protected server! We are a respectful community, and we work with each other to survive. However, in an apocalyptic world banditry can be very profitable, and we do what we must. We do not strictly shoot on sight or grief people, nor does anyone else on our server. If you'd like to see what we are all about, then feel free to email me (RpG.clanbbf@gmail.com) for TS info. You can hop on and get to know us while you play.

If you want access to the server then please do the following:

Pleas email me at RpG.clanbbf@gmail.com to get the password until our forum application comes back up!


Register on our website:http://www.clanbbf.com

Then, fill out this application: http://www.clanbbf.com/forms.php?id=20

Once you fill it out, we will review it and get you the password ASAP. Also, if you aren't part of a clan feel free to join us and make friends/enemies with our current clan members. We enjoy settings up trades that are mutually beneficial to both parties, and maybe we can help you get some good stuff (through diplomacy or violence!)

If you haven't checked out the guide to change your FOV, do so here (it really helps with first person only): http://dayzmod.com/f...rom-dayzpvpcom/

Edited by RpG

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Im just curious where is the server located as we play on UK/EUR mainly.

So i would be interested in knowing


P.s the form isnt accesible unless your a member

Edited by Chimaera

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The server is UK based, although most of us are from the US and Australia. Also, the form does require you register on our site and I will mention that, but you don't have to become a full member.

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Awesome, I emailed both of you the info. I'll be on and off throughout the day, but I hope to see you in game!

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Server is picking up, slowly but surely. Hacker free and full of great players- bandits and survivors alike. If you are looking for a Day Z experience that revolves around realism and having survivors/bandits interact with you in a way that it is meant to be- this is the place...

We have people forming groups of arms dealers, making deals with other survivors... This is not a kill on sight server... This is not a "lets camp cherno and sniper flashlight wielders" server... this is a server where you can make a name for yourself... become that notorious bandit that is feared... become that hero survivor that is the savior of so many wayward survivors... Become that clan that comes in and sets up shop in a major city.. .build your fortress and stake claim... leave your mark any way you want.... This is a community/server that heightens the risk/reward system.... A server where you have to think about your decisions more than "Oh theres a survivor, im going to shoot him for the lulz"... Sure you can do that... but will word spread of your banditry?... will survivors band together to end your reign of terror?... Will other bandits join your cause, making you the ring leader of a infamous raider clan?... Will you be the boss of some cartel that makes weapons and vehicles deals?... or will you just be that lone survivor that watches all the chaos from the sidelines... waiting for the right moment to go in and pick up the leftovers and carry on your way unnoticed by the masses?....

We want to bring about that real feel of danger... along with that real feel of heroism... Not just the "hey im friendly in cherno"... We want to bring back that emotional division in decisions you have to make... is it worth shooting that guy for the beans? or will you stay hidden and allow him to pass and go about his merry way?....

What kind of name do you want to make for yourself?.... join us and start....

This is a community based server where everyone's name will mean something with each decision you make or alliance you break...

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More members are flowing in. Keep them coming! I hear talk of a Lingor Island racing circuit starting up... High end gear in the pot for participants and pink slips for vehicles... This could be interesting and deadly!... I hope there are no bandits waiting in the banana yuccas, ready to pounce on some poor racer ;)

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I play on this server regularly and I have to say with it being on merc difficulty the only thing I miss is the ability to make way points on the map. If you are worried about not being able to get gear or a ride then don't worry there are several vehicles that have not been claimed so they are fair game. If you are not sure if you will like it just sign up (only takes a couple minutes) and try out the server. If you find that it isn't for you no problem you don't have to stay.

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Joined this server for my first Dayz experience. Ive been on here for roughly a week now and it really is great. Im a survivor through and through and the server lets me do it. Once more people come in, obviously itll get tougher, but looking forward to more people joining in.

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Yes, our server is still looking for people to fill certain roles. We have quite a few survivors who fly solo or band together with other survivors... There are a few mercenary types who have formed a clan along with our server's home clan BBF. This makes currently two clans on the server and we are looking for more! We could really use some bandit-oriented players/clans to make make our survivors a little more fearful when traveling about.

Our members and community is ever growing with players who enjoy playing Day Z the hard way... No handicaps and no safe zones... No gimmicks and no easy buttons.... You want tons of vehicles so that earning one doesn't even feel like a accomplishment? Look elsewhere... Want safe zones so you can farm in peace? Look elsewhere... Want everyone to be carebears and come to your rescue for nothing? look elsewhere...

Our server rewards those who enjoy a difficult survival challenge... We are not all heartless bandits and killers who shoot on sight... but we do not try to force people to play any certain way here. You want to be a bandit? be one... Just remember our policy here on this server... Every action has a consequence... Good or bad... You build a reputation here.. This is not some server you log into once and never come back to... This is home to many players now, and many of them have already made names for themselves as either trustworthy saviors or bloodthirsty killers... Mercs for hire, etc...

So I invite all players who enjoy a realistic approach to Day Z through amping up the difficulty and throwing you into a harsh world with unforgiving settings to sign up with our community and join in the fun... Come make a name for yourself.

And all our current players: Keep the feedback coming!

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It's a great feeling knowing that any gear you find is legit, and there's definitely a good community base building. We could certainly use some more bandits to shake things up.

I know a lot of people dislike forced first, and that's probably the biggest issue people have, but I use zoom out and free look, and have little difficulty keeping an eye on my surroundings.

It's a trade off. You can have a bunch of people who use third person to hide in bushes to snipe at you, or look around corners to be safe all the time, and constantly request aid, because they can't play the game right, or you can build and play with a group of hardcore like-minded individuals, and have a game that's dynamic and fun.

For instance, my group was searching for tents in Ralon/Calamar, it was pitch black so we had a flare out. We've got a good relationship with BBF currently, one of them drove through in a GAZ, and we thought nothing of it. There was another player on that we knew had beef with us, as I had previously stolen his GAZ. So when suddenly, my buddy on the hotel spotted someone creeping through the city we went into combat mode. No one had claimed friendly, and the guy was just outside the building I was in, so I told my guy to take the shot. BLAM! It was another BBF who unbeknownst to us was trying to talk to us over direct to see what the ROE were. So the other BBF got up on a hillside and took some shots at my sniper. We eventually figured out that it was all a misunderstanding, but in very nearly turned into a full on gunfight.

That's the kind of server we're building.

Edited by Jargamund

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Kinda surprised my truck hasn't been stolen yet. I think it's been in the same spot for a week.

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Need more night players. Everyone starts going to bed by the time I get home from work

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I applied Hopefully I get in :)

Sounds like a great server

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Emailed you the info.

Thanks so much :) the rest of my friends are going to apply later

Also when do you think you will change it back to the chernarus map?

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Good question. If we have enough people that want to change maps then we can make it happen. We were leaving it on one map for a while in order to build up a good number of regulars, but if it's a change you'd like to see then feel free to post a topic on our forums at clanbbf.com!

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Where you talk about the link you say to try, it just give me an error 404. No page.

Did you register on our website first? clanbbf.com

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We currently have over 20 registrations for the server and 9 new recruits to the BBF clan. New clans have formed as well, so many options are open to new comers!

1.) Fly solo amongst the many survivors and make your own way.

2.) Join BBF and become a probationary member and recruit and work to earn your tags and be amongst a helpful group.

3.) Join SKS

4.) Or become a solo bandit and hunt them all!

we also encourage all those who have friends/clans to join up together and bring your clan and friends with you! While we have over 30 registered people on our server, all our time zones are different from one another which means there are still down times with low population. Lets keep the applications coming and we will have a good, populated server in no time! Hacker free and full of good community members who enjoy a challenging Day Z experience!

Remember; the steps to registration are simple.

If you want access to the server then please do the following:

Register on our website:http://www.clanbbf.com

Then, fill out this application: http://www.clanbbf.com/forms.php?id=20

Edited by 9103

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