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Shader model 2 is not supported anymore

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Whenever I try to launch my DayZ game with steam using Play WithSix I get a message:- Shader model 2 is not supported anymore - It happens whenever I try to launch any ArmA game. Im on a pretty old computer but with enough ram to play. I dont get the message on my laptop, but it doesnt have enough ram or a mouse or a numpad. I think its an old graphics card on my desktop computer. Whatever it is can someone please tell me where I can get a new graphics card OR a mouse, a numpad for a laptop and some RAM for a dfecent price. :)

Edited by RedPenguinGaming

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I had that problem before, my .net was corrupted. (yah, go figure) once I got that fixed I was getting direct3d errors, that was not launching the 'beta' arma2ao.exe after the beta install. There is a microsoft program to completely remove .net. Then redownload and reinstall it. hope this helps, let me know.

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but to answer your question. I do most of my hardware shopping online at either newegg or tigerdirect. Newegg first place to look. Great prices and outstanding customer service. Tigerdirect has good prices and great service also. Have a problem with something you order and its DoA and you cant get working parts for a month or better, then you realize its not always about saving 5 bucks...

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