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What is the point in DayZ?

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OK so here is the story... I join a server at the nw airfield... I thermal scan and find a bandit in the trees near the south west barracks. As i range a shot up i hear a bus start up 200 meters in front of me. I then range a shot up for that with no clue what is happening as a uaz comes out from the trees. They both take off as i fire some as50 5 rounds at them. Failing to damage either vehicles i run off after them leaving my guard down and full on sprinting. I see the bus over the hill and fire again, I again don't damage it. I run near the last seen position as i head towards a marker on the map which says 'camp'. On my way I hear tons of some sort of LMG firing and shortly after, a death. I run in that direction constantly scanning and hear the UAZ yet again. It pops over the hill, he must have thought the guy he killed was the one who shot at the NW airfield. He drives straight towards me and i fire at least 20 l85 rounds into the drivers seat and he drives straight past, i switch to my as50 frantically trying to get it out to shoot the tyres. I did it; I shot the tyres and the car just kept going in circles, I shot the bandit driver. I ran over took some meat and checked for a spare tyre. Next thing I know I hear footsteps... Sure enough, it was a bandit un armed. I drop to the floor with blood still full. The chances are he wont loot my gear, he will just spawn in an ammo box and drive off. Now that's what I don't get. He can teleport to vehicles and all, so easily. They can even spawn there own in (i heard). So when a TMW Charlie squad bodyguard kills you on his own fair and square, why do you feel it necessary to kill me for no reason? If I knew how to hack and did (which i disagree with strongly.) And I were to be in that hackers footsteps I would teleport back and say, wow good job and have fun; lemee repair the wheel for you. Take care now bye. What was the point in him killing me like that for no reason, after i just earned myself my first car, not just stealing one from a camp or finding one at a hacker spawn. I do have a camp where I can regear so it's no problem. It's just at the time I had so much adrenaline from that and I was so happy and proud of myself, now its all disappeared and its back to what's the point in this game?

Thanks for listening to my horrible tale :(

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If anyone will be ever so kind as to give me a lift up to novy sober I would be ever so grateful and be willing to play with you for possibly the rest of the day.

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I would be ever so grateful and be willing to play with you for possibly the rest of the day.

you Sir are to kind, you would play with someone for giving you a lift, nice :rolleyes: back to your story, well done by you, shame he took the advantage he had and killed you and you didnt get your deserved vehicle! But keep your head up and you will get your vehicle and if you loose it, may it be to a player, not a hacker...

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you Sir are to kind, you would play with someone for giving you a lift, nice :rolleyes: back to your story, well done by you, shame he took the advantage he had and killed you and you didnt get your deserved vehicle! But keep your head up and you will get your vehicle and if you loose it, may it be to a player, not a hacker...

Thankyou, I get a little lonely as my squads inactive so I will play with anyone who wants haha. I already have vehichles but they've been stolen, all teleported to one area or friends. This was different as I got it MYSELF without any help.

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Me and a couple of my crew had a hacker find us last night, moving from Berezino to the NWA we were met by a bus being driven by some guy who isn't in our crew so we follow and call to him in game, he speaks to us and after a few minutes we realise its our bus with a load of gear on, we decide to take it back so I block the road with the bus and three of us put him under fire from two CCO SD's and an AS50, he doesn't die, the bus disappears so we decide F it and carry on, next thing he is back with the V3S telling us "that wasn't nice" so we say "well its our Bus and your cheating" he says he has put the bus back and we said "OK, sorry for shooting but you understand why now" to which he disappears and doesn't bother us again, very very weird as I'm used to dying to hackers not being left alone.

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There used to be a point: Thrive and survive. But when everyone is thriving and surviving, what's the point? I remember when the average survival time dropped from 3-4 hours to 30 minutes within a week.. good times.

Basically, DayZ has no point anymore.

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Me and a couple of my crew had a hacker find us last night, moving from Berezino to the NWA we were met by a bus being driven by some guy who isn't in our crew so we follow and call to him in game, he speaks to us and after a few minutes we realise its our bus with a load of gear on, we decide to take it back so I block the road with the bus and three of us put him under fire from two CCO SD's and an AS50, he doesn't die, the bus disappears so we decide F it and carry on, next thing he is back with the V3S telling us "that wasn't nice" so we say "well its our Bus and your cheating" he says he has put the bus back and we said "OK, sorry for shooting but you understand why now" to which he disappears and doesn't bother us again, very very weird as I'm used to dying to hackers not being left alone.

Well I wish I was as lucky as you, you must have had a great tine even though he was hacking. If you guys are wanting to play with someone then once im geared up I'm good. As I said before I use the loadout, coyote ghillie m9sd l85 and as50. I got plenty left at a camp I could just do with a lift there. Is it possible you guys could pick me up? :s

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There used to be a point: Thrive and survive. But when everyone is thriving and surviving, what's the point? I remember when the average survival time dropped from 3-4 hours to 30 minutes within a week.. good times.

Basically, DayZ has no point anymore.

I agree, even though I put the title as what is the point in dayz? I still believe there is, I just believe it is impossible to follow that point until something is done, I would have quit ages ago if I wasn't so in love with this game in all aspects.

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the main point is playing in groups and go with pvp. if you play solo, there is nothing more than pitch a tent somewhere and hunt a cow. if you have a vehicle you can change the supermarket you go and that's all. i always search for other camps and try to stalk them or refill my gear (ammo, meds) from their tents. then maybe you need to shoot someone if you become less careful and go to a big town. personally you don't need to help others on the coast because the majority are scumbags or experienced players. today i tryied a new hive and during the night in elektro in a 15' i was ready for the north...we need endgame content..i don't know, conquering a town you won't have infected spawn there? you can have power and lights..more loot in the renewed buildings?

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I personally dont think private servers are the way to go.

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You say you earned that UAZ?

Try fixing one, not murdering for one.

THEN have hackers grief it.


Your 15mins doesn't hold a candle to HOURS of running/driving it takes looking for parts.

Edited to say "UAZ", because Oldy1's panties are too tight.

Edited by BioHaze

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You say you earned that bus?

Try fixing one, not murdering for one.

THEN have hackers grief it.


Your 15mins doesn't hold a candle to HOURS of running/driving it takes looking for parts.

I said it WAS our bus, he took it from our camp so we decided to take it back you f'in idiot learn to read.

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I wasn't even f'in talking to you IDIOT.

That was directed at the OP.

The world doesn't revolve around you princess.

Slap yourself for me. Thanks.


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You think I didn't deserve the bus? I never got the bus and in actual fact it was harder work the get the uaz. I dont want rude people on my post either so please leave

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I wasn't even f'in talking to you IDIOT.

That was directed at the OP.

The world doesn't revolve around you princess.

Slap yourself for me. Thanks.


Just shows you don't read, the OP didn't take a bus I did so I presumed you meant me, like I said "learn to read"

get a grip of yourself and give your head a wobble, your the kind of illiterate idiot that gives Americans a bad name.


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My advice, man, is to get good at pressing alt-f4 and reacting extremely quick. Don't do it to avoid getting killed by legit means, but if you know a hacker is upon you, then get the fuck out of there.

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I refuse to ALT F4 in all circumstances. And it's impossible too when they spawn on your head and you instadie

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Just shows you don't read, the OP didn't take a bus I did so I presumed you meant me, like I said "learn to read"

get a grip of yourself and give your head a wobble, your the kind of illiterate idiot that gives Americans a bad name.


Sorry I meant UAZ, you uppity douche nozzle cork smoker. Doesn't change the fact that I was talking to the OP.

I'm so far from illiterate, you would think a New Yorker invented your language.

Now go eat some blood pudding, wanker.

Edited by BioHaze

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I refuse to ALT F4 in all circumstances. And it's impossible too when they spawn on your head and you instadie

Well okay. If you really don't care about your gear or anything you've worked for then stay and get killed. With my personal experience, most hackers teleport about 50m away from me and then open fire or run towards me. That's when I exit the game. After all, I have every right to if I'm being threatened by a hacker.
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@Biohaze Oh so you can't even get your sentence correct, don't start with the keyboard warrior BS you sad little man, you probably couldn't fight your way out of a paper bag hence the abuse you give out to people in a forum on the internet. come back when you grow a pair

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You started in with the name calling little Lord Fauntleroy, I ran with it.

By the time I was finished reading your BS I had "Bus" on the brain, and therefore typed it instead of UAZ.

I know in your perfect world, nothing like this has ever taken place.

Also, I've bullied NO ONE on this forum, oh all seeing eye that is Oldy1.

The only time I barked is when provoked like being called say, an "illiterate", or "idiot".

Now whats the expression the all the British kids are using these days?

Oh yeah, "piss off".

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You started in with the name calling little Lord Fauntleroy, I ran with it.

By the time I was finished reading your BS I had "Bus" on the brain, and therefore typed it instead of UAZ.

I know in your perfect world, nothing like this has ever taken place.

Also, I've bullied NO ONE on this forum, oh all seeing eye that is Oldy1.

The only time I barked is when provoked like being called say, an "illiterate", or "idiot".

Now whats the expression the all the British kids are using these days?

Oh yeah, "piss off".

I ain't a kid by a long chalk and I seem to remember you trying to belittle someones (perceived) achievements so you started the ball rolling. anyway this is someone elses thread and we have both de-railed it a little so I apologise to the OP and I'm finished here.

Edited by Oldy1Kenobi

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Well okay. If you really don't care about your gear or anything you've worked for then stay and get killed. With my personal experience, most hackers teleport about 50m away from me and then open fire or run towards me. That's when I exit the game. After all, I have every right to if I'm being threatened by a hacker.

But they might not always be hackers, I still want to keep it fair

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....Now whats the expression the all the British kids are using these days?

Oh yeah, "piss off".

Dry wit, lost on a Brit.

Funny thing that.

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Bitz, 11 year old boys don't think that way. They think, "lolz me is gonna killz and git revenj" (but not spelled quite that well). They've no experience to tell them what the "right" thing to do would be. :thumbsup:

Biohaze, it not possible to use actual dry wit and for it to be lost on a, as you call us, "Brit". (Meaning all people from Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and England, of course.)

Why don't we all play nicely. Or I might hug you all, and you wouldn't like that. *Does icky lipstick covered "Aunty face"* :huh:

Edited by Sula
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