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Standalone: Big cities need to become harder. (endgame)

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When I first played the game, just like any other person I was paranoid about just anything.

I relied on what little I knew about zombies from series and one thing hit me like a brick.

Big cities usually have insane amounts of zombies in them, avoid them at all costs.

So as a beginner I completely avoided big cities in the beginning, but the reality is that big cities are extremely easy to get inside of, to loot and get out of with mid-high end loot. (Unless there are maybe 5 snipers camping around.)

I was somewhat disappointed.

I propose the following:

We know for a fact that the standalone will have a lot more buildings enterable. (question 41)

We know that they are optimizing the game incredibly by merging zombie models that are made out of a 8 sections into one section which makes them a lot easier on the graphic cards. (question 66)

We know zombie spawn mechanics and AI will be overhauled. (question 67 and 58)

The loot spawning system will be entirely replaced. (question 45)

- Let's increase the amount of zombies in cities by a factor of 4.

- Let's spawn zombies inside buildings more often.

- Let's spread out the useful loot in cities a lot more so players can't find everything in just 2-3 buildings.

- Let's make the best loot available in the city only spawn in the center of the city.

- Let's clutter the roads more with stranded cars so that navigating the streets inside cities becomes harder.

This should apply to Cherno, Electro, Stary and Berezino.

Smaller towns will not have as many zombies and become the main place for starters to loot.


Instead of NW airfield being one of the few end-game locations and every other location, mainly the big cities becoming the place of interest for starting players..

Small towns become the place where beginners want to head out to, in order to get some basic weaponry, gear and what not so they can potentially work together to loot the big cities which are now on par with NW airfield in difficulty but more so because of zombies rather than players.

(This might promote cooperation between freshly spawned players and create beautiful friendships.) Right until they come across one military grade weapon and fight each other for it.

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What say you to the logistics of firing 120 shots to kill 80 zombies? just to get into town, and being able to find enough ammo to fight your way out?

its nice we finally got rid of the infinite ammo bug, but disappointing we don't have enough players to really focus on the practical scenario of requiring x bullets to kill y zombies to loot z ammo.

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Lets have better zombies that can lunge upon catching up to you giving them the chance to either hit you once, (With a chance of stumbling, plus another chance of falling after stumble.) or grab on to you making you have to "out tap" the zombies as to get him or her off of you before the horde catches up and joins in the fun. =]

Can't stand seeing the zombies catch up to you, stop, swing at thin air. Very disappointing.

Also can't wait to see how the standalone version turns out, since what you have posted gives me great hope!



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Once they add harder zombies an more of them, it should help lower the bandits as player may want to work with one n' other. Also make it so the main weapons we find in game are pistols, maybe an enhanced crossbow, and have the better guns spawn at a lower rate. This would cause players to be able to wait for the other player to shoot first before deciding to kill since it shouldn't be one shot. (Could be of course.) Killing players would be harder, and the ones with better weapons would be a nice target.

I can see that many players script, or dupe weapons, and that's the main reason why there are so many, "good guns". So maybe just have it so server owners can customize the game more with spawn rates, and maybe what items spawn where. You could choose to do it in a general format, or a specific one. Owners would be stupid to make the game ridiculous, as players wouldn't come. I trust that Rocket and the team will succeed in the finishing the standalone to their best of abilities, and it will continue to get better.

Hope to see some of these ideas implemented that are going around the forums!


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What say you to the logistics of firing 120 shots to kill 80 zombies? just to get into town, and being able to find enough ammo to fight your way out?

its nice we finally got rid of the infinite ammo bug, but disappointing we don't have enough players to really focus on the practical scenario of requiring x bullets to kill y zombies to loot z ammo.

I don't believe I said anything along those lines, maybe read again?

It seems natural to me that you would try to avoid zombies to your best ability, knowing fully well that if you screw up you get maybe 40 of them chasing your jummy behinds.

Using a melee weapon to kill zombies and maybe a pistol to take care of those few you can't avoid inside houses, that's what it boils down to.

Besides, there are more things to loot than just bullets, something you seem to think is the only item of importance inside big cities.

Inside cities you might find mid-range gear from military that was inside the city at one point.

Food, drinks, advanced medical supplies such as antibiotics and bloodpacks. That and some parts for underground base construction and vehicle maintenance.

We are talking about stand-alone you know, not the mod in which bullets are the only thing you really need to look for.

Once they add harder zombies an more of them, it should help lower the bandits as player may want to work with one n' other. Also make it so the main weapons we find in game are pistols, maybe an enhanced crossbow, and have the better guns spawn at a lower rate. This would cause players to be able to wait for the other player to shoot first before deciding to kill since it shouldn't be one shot. (Could be of course.) Killing players would be harder, and the ones with better weapons would be a nice target.

I can see that many players script, or dupe weapons, and that's the main reason why there are so many, "good guns". So maybe just have it so server owners can customize the game more with spawn rates, and maybe what items spawn where. You could choose to do it in a general format, or a specific one. Owners would be stupid to make the game ridiculous, as players wouldn't come. I trust that Rocket and the team will succeed in the finishing the standalone to their best of abilities, and it will continue to get better.

Hope to see some of these ideas implemented that are going around the forums!


Yes, many ideas floating around here are good and if we can all devote some time to get these ideas more active than rocket will surely read them and at the very least gain some inspiration from them.

I also agree with you on the whole duping situation, when all those hax and bugs get out of the game and loot gets balanced properly we might get a really hard game on our hands.

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I love you, MasterZ. Have all of my beans. This is the kind of mindset we need to really make this game great.

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Sounds good. I'm downloading Arma II combined operations and playing this evening for the first time. I'll pay $30 for the game...and even more for the standalone once it is polished and done. This is the zombie game I've been looking for.

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I love you, MasterZ. Have all of my beans. This is the kind of mindset we need to really make this game great.

Uhm, not to sure what to say to that. Maybe we should get a coffee sometime?

Wait, I don't even like coffee that much.

Glad you like the idea. We really need to make the zombies harder and more dangerous.

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I don't believe I said anything along those lines, maybe read again?

It seems natural to me that you would try to avoid zombies to your best ability, knowing fully well that if you screw up you get maybe 40 of them chasing your jummy behinds.

Using a melee weapon to kill zombies and maybe a pistol to take care of those few you can't avoid inside houses, that's what it boils down to.

Besides, there are more things to loot than just bullets, something you seem to think is the only item of importance inside big cities.

Inside cities you might find mid-range gear from military that was inside the city at one point.

Food, drinks, advanced medical supplies such as antibiotics and bloodpacks. That and some parts for underground base construction and vehicle maintenance.

We are talking about stand-alone you know, not the mod in which bullets are the only thing you really need to look for.

It isn't the point that I need to read what you said, but the fact you need to understand your own words and suggestions. You said you want 4x as many zombies, that is a cause... what is the effect?

I used to love dying because it was a fresh start and a new chance to survive within cherno or electro, wouldn't dare go to those towns wearing NVG or a ghillie. Even with tin cans and empty whiskey bottles trying to get around those cities with just an axe is quite challenging. you want to add 4x as many zombies, awesome, great. I'm all for it. However... it isn't a feasible thing to **ONLY** melee your way in, most people currently just LOS and trap zombies inside buildings which when fixed will make city runs less of a joke. Faster zombies indoors, Faster attack animations, I really doubt melee is the way to go... Have you played standalone? Your making a position on something you can't even verify or have played and mocking me without any knowledge of it yourself.

more things than just bullets? why would i bother going to a big town when I can get all those items you listed elsewhere? Especially... as a new player. You mention finding a military grade weapon, yea thats great but what about the bullets for it? Whats the point of carrying around a gun you can't find ammo for? Or as i mentioned intially... have a negative balance for consumption. So when I question the value of going to a town for loot with 4x as many zombies i think its a valid question.

Picking a weapon should be a hard thought out choice on whether or not you will be able to effectively use a weapon and be able to replenish the munitions for it. This doesn't dismiss the fact that you actually NEED to have the ability to not be ammo deprived for lesser weapons. I went to the airfield with a winchester and 45 rounds, killed 200+ zombies by emptying all my ammo and switching to different weapons on the ground I found there: AKM, M14, Ak-Kobra. I managed to leave with 10 rounds for the kobra in my clip. THAT is how the game should be played. So when you mention adding 4x as many zombies in a city I have a hard time seeing that. Perhaps when you *CAN* enter every single building it may be something that is a possibility. I think we all remember the dangers of using a "dinnerbell".

talking about stand-alone? awesomesauce, should talk about that in the dayzgame forums oh wait... don't exist. Also, is there a list of new items coming out? such as melee weapons? or just bits and pieces of various posts and comments from rocket? Other than bullets what else are you looking for? Items that don't exist and haven't been confirmed?

My first post was merely a question. I thought the point of the forums was for comments and suggestions to help progress the state of the mod. which is funny because isn't that what your post is about? Stand alone isn't out so none of us have any idea what the game will be like so don't tell me to just melee everything it'll be cool bro.

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Sounds good. I'm downloading Arma II combined operations and playing this evening for the first time. I'll pay $30 for the game...and even more for the standalone once it is polished and done. This is the zombie game I've been looking for.

The standalone was said to only be around the same price as Minecraft was new. That would mean the standalone version of DayZ should be $20 maybe, maybe $30. I still really feel it'll be $20, but we can only wait n' see I guess. I just read that either Rocket or the team had mentioned the whole price thing I'd said, being the same as Minecraft's was.


Uhm, not to sure what to say to that. Maybe we should get a coffee sometime?

Wait, I don't even like coffee that much.

Glad you like the idea. We really need to make the zombies harder and more dangerous.

Gotta start drinking tea with honey my friend. A good one to start with is the regular kind of Tazo, called "Awake". It's good for you, and tastes great too. Another that I'd say is in the same category in the taste department of the Awake tea would be "Camomile". Bother healthy, and with a lot of milk or cream in it before bed and I'm out soon after. I'm not a huge tea drinker myself but just started about a month ago since my roomate started buying it with honey. Now I drink at least two cups a day. :lol:

Edited by CerebralZombie
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Well done MasterZ someone who has done their homework. I wish others would look before suggesting as most of the stuff can be answered by reading whats already available.

Great ideas, Honey with Tea being my fav'

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Yes this is what we need, cherno should be one of the "endgame" locations where only well geared survivors can go.

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